

Over a thousand years, demons and humans have failed to coexist peacefully, plagued by discrimination and slavery. The year is 1850 A.S.H in Bellum Terra, where the Demon King has declared war on humanity. Can a reincarnated guy change this world and promote equality among demons, humans, and other races?" or is it

Kiryu_tomozaki · War
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15 Chs

The Military Academy Part:3

Now we have weapons training. During the session, the instructor educated us on how to transfer our mana to weapons for enhanced performance. By doing so, we can make our weapons more effective in combat. For instance, if you have a dull sword, you can transfer a small amount of mana to it, and your sword will become sharper, making it easier to penetrate through an opponent's armor.

"The instructor explained that mana can not only be transferred to weapons, but also used to enhance our physical strength. We can boost our abilities, such as strength, speed, and agility, by transferring mana or using spells. Additionally, we can create Magic Barriers to defend ourselves from swords or musket balls."

The instructor emphasized the importance of mastering this technique, as it could make a significant difference in our performance during battles. We were also informed that mana transfer requires a certain level of concentration and control, and without proper training, it could lead to disastrous consequences.

"During our weapons training, the instructor surprised us by proposing a duel to put our newly acquired skills to the test. Excitement rippled through the class as we eagerly accepted the challenge, eager to prove our abilities.

"Okay, find your duel partner," the instructor announced, prompting us to pair up for the challenge. I turned to my friend Alaric and asked him if he wanted to be my partner. He agreed, and we prepared ourselves for the upcoming duel. As we stood on the training grounds, we felt the adrenaline rush through our veins as we awaited the instructor's signal to begin

"Ready, begin," the instructor announced, and the duel began.

Alaric was quick to make the first move, launching a fierce attack. But I was able to anticipate his move and managed to deflect it with my sword. Alaric seemed surprised, but I could tell that he had been paying close attention during the training sessions.

I took advantage of his momentary confusion and struck back, aiming for his left shoulder. But Alaric was quick to dodge, and he counterattacked with a swift thrust. I parried the blow with ease, and we continued our back-and-forth dance. As we dueled, I could feel the intensity of the fight rising. Alaric was putting up a good fight, and I knew I had to step up my game. I decided to transfer all my mana to my body to enhance my speed and agility. It felt like a surge of energy flowing through me, and I suddenly felt much faster and more agile.

I began to notice that Alaric was struggling to keep up with me. With each passing moment, I could see him becoming more and more fatigued, his movements becoming slower and less precise. I could tell that he was running low on mana and that he was nearing his limits.

Using this to my advantage, I launched a series of quick attacks that caught Alaric off guard. He was barely able to deflect them, and I could see the exhaustion taking its toll on him. I pressed on, my movements becoming more fluid and effortless with each passing moment. Alaric fought back valiantly, but it was clear that he was no match for me in my current state.

Alaric did his best to keep up with my onslaught, but eventually, I saw an opening and took advantage of it, disarming him with a swift strike.

"That's enough!" the instructor said to stop the fight.

"That was a good fight," I said, offering him a hand.

"You're really skilled," Alaric replied, a hint of admiration in his voice.

After the other pairs finished their duels, the instructor addressed the group. "Okay, now it's my turn to see if any of you can beat me," he announced. "I will use only a wooden stick and enhance it with mana. I will choose who I will fight."

The group murmured in excitement and anticipation as the instructor made his challenge. Everyone knew that he was one of the most skilled fighters in the academy, and the prospect of facing him in combat was both thrilling and daunting.

After the instructor had defeated all of the students that he had selected using only a wooden stick, he turned to the remaining members of the class. "Private Wilhelm, step forward," he said, pointing directly at me.

"Me?" I asked, surprised but also excited for the opportunity to fight the instructor.

"Yes, you," the instructor replied.

I dropped my sword and picked up a wooden stick to match with Sergeant Felix Graf.

After picking up the wooden stick to match with Sergeant Felix Graf, I stepped forward to face the instructor. I could feel my heart pounding with anticipation as I faced off against one of the most skilled fighters in the academy.

The instructor wasted no time in launching a series of lightning-fast strikes, but I was able to block them with my wooden stick. I could feel the enhanced mana coursing through his stick, giving him a significant advantage, but I refused to back down.I countered with a quick strike of my own, catching the instructor off guard. He deftly dodged the blow and countered with a swift strike that I barely managed to block in time.

As the fight continued, I noticed that I wasn't feeling any fatigue or exhaustion, unlike my opponents. This was most likely due to my high mana output, which allowed me to sustain my enhanced abilities for a longer period. However, I knew that I couldn't rely solely on my mana, and I needed to maintain my focus and technique if I wanted to win the fight.

With this in mind, I continued to attack relentlessly, keeping the pressure on the instructor. He was forced to defend himself constantly, leaving him little opportunity to launch any counterattacks. I could see the frustration on his face as he struggled to keep up with my speed and strength

Eventually, I saw an opening and launched a powerful strike that landed squarely on the instructor's stick, causing it to shatter into pieces. The fight was over.

"Well done, Private Wilhelm," the instructor said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "It's the first time someone has beaten me."

"Thank you, sir," I replied, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment.

"Ok cadets, training's over."

The training program had been intense, but it had also been incredibly rewarding. I had learned a great deal about the power of mana and how it could be used to enhance my abilities in combat. With these skills, I felt more confident in my ability to defend myself and my comrades on the battlefield.

"The next day, I was in history class, and our teacher was explaining how demons enslaved humans in the past. He explained that demons are cruel creatures but did not clarify why they enslaved humans. This made me suspicious of the story's validity. Initially, he introduced the topic and provided some background information. Eventually, humans were freed because of the great revolution led by a slave who possessed immense power. They called him the Hero, and that's why this world calendar era is called A.S.H, which means After the Slavery of Humankind. Since then, whenever a Demonking declares war on humanity to enslave humans again, they search for a new Hero with immense power. However, for the past 1000 years, there has been no declaration of war from demons. Currently, not only demons but also humans enslave other races such as elves, demihumans, or demons. The teacher also told us about the characteristics of demons, such as their crystal hearts. In order to kill a demon, you need to destroy their crystal heart since they have fast healing abilities. Demons also possess a special eye skill called the Demon's Eye, which can see a person's name, age, and mana capacity."

"Currently, the relationship between human countries and the Kingdom of De La Liberté, which is a demon country, is not good."

"After the class ended, I received a letter from my father. As I read it, I discovered the devastating news that my second brother, Ferdinand, had been killed in the ongoing war with the Kingdom of Freidstein. He was killed in the Battle of Landmari, apparently stabbed by a bayonet. I wasn't entirely surprised, as my brother had no mana or magic and had been assigned to the line infantry, which placed him on the frontline. Unlike the marksman regiment, which was positioned further from the frontline and had a lower chance of death. I feel a little sad, but I know that it is war and death is an unfortunate reality that we must accept."

As I was reading the letter, Alaric noticed me and asked, "Hey Frederick, what are you reading?"

I looked up, surprised, and replied, "It's just a letter my father sent me about my second brother who died in battle.

Alaric's expression softened, and he said, "I'm so sorry to hear that, Frederick. Losing a family member is never easy."

My brother's death was a harsh reminder of the dangers and sacrifices of war.

If you need someone to talk to or just want some company, I'm here for you. Don't hesitate to reach out."

"Thanks, Alaric. I really appreciate it.