
Epic of Vampire Dragon: Reborn As A Vampire Dragon With a System

After dying miserably, Chaos suddenly finds himself reborn in the body of a chimera between a Vampire and a Dragon created by an insane Elder Lich who claims to be his father. Thrown into a an universe filled with darkness, monsters, dungeons, and gods, he finds himself born as the calamity of the entire galaxy, the primordial evil, an entity that shouldn't exist! Packed 100 Million Mana, a cold-headed mind, a calm demeanor, and the power of both Vampires and Dragons developing within his chimeric body, Chaos will awaken his Chaos Magic, and gain Skills from the monsters that he eats, bringing forth the end of all those that dare come to take his life! This is the tale of the Devourer of Worlds, the Living Calamity, the Primordial Evil, Chaos! But was he all of this? Or was Chaos misunderstood? Watch as Chaos discovers the truth about his origins, and finds a purpose in his new life, and the fate that awaits him!

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Evil Heart of the Forbidden One



[You acquired the [Evil Heart of the Forbidden One]


As Chaos absorbed the memories of the monster, he was able to see that it absorbed the negative emotions of the people of the Kingdom and then used them as energy to fuel itself into a pseudo resurrection. A way for a fragment to walk by itself, which was by filling itself with as many mana as possible.

Chaos looked at the powerful heart that had replaced his, it looked more like a mass of black flesh, it even had a tiny eye on it… this wasn't a normal heart at all.

"My lord, you've done a great work! I wanted to help, but you said we shouldn't interfere…" sighed Abyss.

"Excellent work, my lord. Now… What should we do about these folks?" asked Belphegor, looking down at the Ore Demons.