
Epic Of The Clonemancer

I opened my eyes, expecting the after life, but I instead find myself 3 years in the past, on the day the apocalypse started. Horridly mutated humans and animals roam, normal humans consumed by greed, and something bigger, bigger than you and me. But, all of this, for me, is a chance to get a better class, a chance to live longer... A chance to fix the world

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15 Chs



I sit down on the chair opposite of him, "Ok first, do you have any food in your bag?" I ask and start searching through what I assume is my bad, dont really remember.

"Yeah I think so... he says" understanding we probably wont be able to just buy food anymore, he picks up his bag and starts digging through it, "Yeah I have a few bags of chips and a water bottle" He says, I nod.

"I have some water, a few fruits and some sandwiches, if this goes on for a while, we should eat the stuff that spoils easily first, the chips we can store" I reason and he nods.

I give him half of the sandwiches I have and some fruits, "Hold onto those, we are gonna have to ration them." He nods and carefully stores them in his backpack, "If this is anything like a game we will need weapons right?" He asks.

"Yeah, Is there anything we can use in here? Maybe some furniture legs, but they are made of metal so we might not be able to break them..." I say to him.

"We might be able to, we dont have to break them by the metal, we just have to break it off the wood from the chairs"

"Ok, but lets examine our classes, if we assume this is game like, there is probably a status screen or something" I say, again, feigning ignorance.

"Status" I say and just like it should, a translucent blue screen appears before me, "Damn, that's actually kinda cool... Status" Jayden follows in my lead and a screen shows up for him too.

I can see it, anyone can see your status screen unless you unlock a specific screen that hides it, but not alot of people had it, me included.


Name: Leonardo Hendricks

Class: Clonemancer ✰✰✰✰

Level: 1

Experience: 0/1000

Age: 21

HP: 100/100

Mana: 40/40



-Self Cloning, Lvl 1

-Parallel Thinking, Lvl 1

-Inspect, Lvl 1


-Mana Control, Lvl 1


-Intelligence: 20

-Strength: 5

-Mana: 4

-Speed: 5

-Endurance: 10

[Stat points]




Name: Jayden Pugh

Class: Fleshmancer ✰✰✰✰

Level: 1

Experience: 0/1000

Age: 21

HP: 90/90

Mana: 50/50



-Flesh Manipulation, Lvl 1

-Basic Flesh creation, Lvl 1

-Inspect, Lvl 1


-Mana Control, Lvl 1

-Pain Tolerance, Lvl MAX


-Intelligence: 15

-Strength: 3

-Mana: 5

-Speed: 7

-Endurance: 9

[Stat points]



"This is an entire game screen! Ah... right, end of the world..." Jayden says excitedly before the excitement vanishes, "C'mon man, at least no more school. You were always complaining about it, we just have to fight for our lives now" I say trying to liven the mood, which gets a chuckle out of Jayden.

"But anyway, lets check our skills out, they might have descriptions' I say genuinely excited about checking out the skills of a 4 star class, it may not be 5 star but I can already see the potential of being able to clone yourself.

We both click on the skills we think are from our class and their descriptions pop up.


[Self Cloning]

-Lvl: 1

-Mana cost: 10

-Clone limit: 1

-Time limit: None

-Cooldown: 10 Minutes

*Allows you to make a clone of yourself and whatever is on your body, clothes and weapons included, weapons and clothes cannot be removed from the clone, but you can decide whether or not you want to give your clone your gear, this allows you to give it difference gear for it to fight with.

*if your main body is killed one of your clones becomes your main.

*You gain the experience the clones obtain in full and all clones are the exact same strength as your main body.

*You control every body, meaning they do not have a consciousness, every single one is controlled by you, this cloning skill must be used in conjunction with <Parallel Thinking> to function properly.



[Parallel Thinking]

-Lvl: 1

-Mana cost: None

-Mindset limit: 1

-Time limit: None

-Cooldown: None

*Allows you to have multiple thought processes, this will not create a mental clone of you that will try to fight for main body control, it just allows you to function like you have multiple brains.


"This is actually really good, we pretty much have another person to help us survive" I say to myself, I look over to Jayden's screen as he reads his description.


[Flesh manipulation]

-Lvl: 1

-Mana cost: 1 mana for every second that you manipulate flesh

-Time limit: None

-Cooldown: None

*Allows you to manipulated flesh, this includes muscle, skin, and fat. You can harden, sharpen, stretch, morph and compact flesh.

*This skill can be used on yourself and other beings, but physical contact is needed... for now.

*This skill causes unimaginable pain to the target of the manipulation.


[Flesh creation]

-Lvl: 1

-Mana cost: Scales depending on the type of flesh(Skin, muscle, fat) being created and how much is being created.

-Time Limit: None

-Cooldown: 5 Minutes

*Allows you to create flesh at the cost of mana, and mental strength. Allows you to create it on anything you can touch, walls, ceiling, other people and yourself.

*The flesh created is inedible, ingestion will cause vomiting and potential poisoning, and does not provide any sustenance.


"I dont know about the pain part, but at least I have really high pain tolerance..." Jayden says, "Wanna test them? We should do it now while we can somewhat relax, we wouldn't want you to fall over foaming cus your skills hurt too much." I joke.

"Haha, very funny, but how do we use them?" He asks, "I would imagine we dont have to say their names out load, that would be stupid, so just think about it?" I say.

Jayden nods and holds out his arm, and right in front of my eyes the entire thing starts rippling like a liquid, I look at his face and notice he's wincing, but I imagine the maxed out pain tolerance skill is doing its job.

"Try imagine its shape changing, maybe harden it" I advise and after a couple of seconds his fingers merge together before shaping into a pike, then the skin near the end loses color.

"I did it?" He says and opens his eyes, "What did you do?" I ask.

"I imagined the skin near the end hardening, and I guess it turns grey to signify that" He says,

"But now, use your cloning skill" He says, and tries to fix his hand and after a while he gets it to look like how it did before.

"Uhm... my hand doesn't work well..." He says, and then I realize he doesn't know how arm muscles are arranged, so his arm doesn't function properly. I open my bag and fish out my biology textbook and start going through it until I find some stuff about muscles.

Eventually I do and turn to a page that showcases the upperbody, "Here try mimicking this arrangement, dont just throw the muscles together randomly" I say and show him the book.
