
Epic Of The Clonemancer

I opened my eyes, expecting the after life, but I instead find myself 3 years in the past, on the day the apocalypse started. Horridly mutated humans and animals roam, normal humans consumed by greed, and something bigger, bigger than you and me. But, all of this, for me, is a chance to get a better class, a chance to live longer... A chance to fix the world

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15 Chs



"Jayden! Dude, you ok?" Jayden asks me, I shakily stand up from the floor, I look over to the door we just closed that is somehow enough to keep it at bay, well I dont actually think it's trying to follow us.

"Yeah... I'm good, its just dying doesn't feel good" I say wondering if my clones body will become another monster, it might, it was made of actual biological material, but I dont think the monster will get my class.

"We should get going, the noise probably alerted some monsters" I say, I activate my clone skill again which, of course makes a clone of me. "Thank god this skill has no cool down" I say.

He nods and we quickly check a room, and after making sure there is absolutely nothing we head inside, I lock the door we pull out some fruits, "We shouldn't go back the way we came until we are strong enough" I say, which gets Jayden to look at me.

"The abomination that was there was level 16, and it had like 12000 health", I finish.

"Damn, we wont be able to even harm it at this point" He says wryly, after chatting and eating a few fruits, we get ready to leave once again. Jayden re morphs his hands and I hand my new clone another bar.

'I really need to find a person with a blacksmithing class, or maybe obtain one of 'those' weapons' I think to myself.

'Those' weapons are the most powerful weapons that exist.

There are only 4 of them, and they are found in places affected by mana causing the terrain to change, each of the weapons is a growth type, meaning the grow with the user.

And a person can only use one, since the bind to the person who first touch them, and get destroyed once the user die, all of them where found, but 3 of the users managed to die with them destroying them forever. 1 was killed by another person who wanted it, and the other 2 were killed when fighting monsters.

Getting them isn't a matter of just finding them, they were guarded by named monsters, which are monsters named by the system, you can find named monsters anywhere really, they are just abominations that have reached a certain strength.

"You ready?" I ask getting a nod in response, I open the door slowly and to my absolute horror, the hallway that was previously just dark and empty is now dark and filled with monsters.

Sadly they dont attack each other, like some other do, so we would probably have to fight our way out. I close the door quickly before any of them spot us.

"I dont think its a good idea to go out right now," I say getting a confused look from Jayden, "Why? Dont tell me there are a bunch of monsters outside?" He says.

"Yeah, there are quite a bit, around maybe 20? Well that's all I saw, but there are probably alot more after the turn at the end of the hallway." I say, getting a sigh out of Jayden.

"How big are they?" He asks, I think for a bit, most of them were on the smaller side, no more than a humans height, they probably didn't mutate much, the mutations work weird.

The weaker the failed mana recipient, the more they mutate, since they body cannot resist much, which in turn makes them stronger than a person who was barely unable to survive, luckily campus is filled with adults in their 20's so there are less monsters.

Most of the monsters that are here are most probably old professors and people who had some type of sickness this day, so the most dangerous places at the moment are, hospitals, pre and primary schools, and nursing homes.

Shaking my head I respond, "They were all about human sized, some were slightly bigger and none seemed to be fighting each other".

"You think we can take them? If they are human sized they might not have enhanced strength, unless they have leveled up, which I doubt" Jayden reasons.

"Maybe, as we have seen the monsters can have classes, cus why else would there be a class slot when we inspect them" I say and Jayden gestures for me to continue.

"So we might encounter one or many that have some skills that can easily kill us, its very risky, but I dont think we have a choice, something is eventually going to try and explore this room and we are going to have to fight anyway."

Sighing I look up at Jayden, and then a thought comes to my mind, "Hey Jayden" I call over to him.


"Do you think you could make me a weapon?" I ask.

"How would I do tha- Oh, yeah my skills, I might be able to, but since I dont think it would be very good..."

"That's fine, I just need something that I can use until we somehow find a better way to get weapons." I answer.

"Ok so what do you want, please dont make it too complicated I doubt I could shape a complicated weapon with my lack of proper practice"

Since I only have experience with a single fighting style from my past life, there is really only one weapon I can ask for. A katana, there are a wide variety I can choose from, but I actually only had practice with a single one.

The O-Katana, a 33 inch blade, it is supposed to be used by larger people I am pretty tall, at a little over 6 feet, but that's not tall enough, its hard to draw when you are smaller and is a mainly 2 handed weapon.

But it was all I had access to my first time round, and I just had to get used to it, and get used to it I did. After making sure I remember everything I start explaining what I want.
