
Epic Of The Clonemancer

I opened my eyes, expecting the after life, but I instead find myself 3 years in the past, on the day the apocalypse started. Horridly mutated humans and animals roam, normal humans consumed by greed, and something bigger, bigger than you and me. But, all of this, for me, is a chance to get a better class, a chance to live longer... A chance to fix the world

Movribs · Fantasy
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15 Chs

First floor


"C'mon man, lets go" I say picking up my weapon, "Carrying food is going to be a hassle when we get to the kitchen, why couldn't we have gotten an inventory" Jayden complains and gets up aswell.

"There is probably someone out there who has a class that lets them do that" I respond. "Maybe we should look out for a person like that" I say.

"By the way, wont it be more efficient just to ditch your weapon and transmute your hands into weapons, you probably wont use it for a bit" I say, feeling my weapon.

"By the way, this bar is really light now, that strength increase is doing wonders" I say, Jayden starts going through the bio book and just stares at the muscles page.

"Yeah, I might just do that, and yes I can feel the increase" He responds before placing the book back into his bag, then he uses is flesh creation skill for the first time, to create extra muscle over his nails, and arms

He then sharpens the ends turning both his hands into really sharp claw, then starts hardening the rest of his arms in segments, so they are still somewhat flexible "Damn, you get free good weapons," I complain.

"You want me to do it to you?" He asks with a dangerous glint in his eyes, I take a step back and unlock the classroom door.

"Uhm no, it said that hurts like crap so I'm not going to try it, and I just realized you could use your ability to heal people, but I think you will need alot of knowledge on biology before you could fix organs and stuff" I say and peak my head out.

After making sure its safe, I walk out with Jayden and C1 following behind, "Lets go" I whisper and start walking, C1 at the back to watch, me in the middle and Jayden in the front.

He has the most firepower at the moment, we may have similar stats but he has the better weapon, and is faster so he can probably react faster to threats.

We walk back down the stairs, and looking over the corner, we see the abomination corpse just chilling there, but half of it is just gone, it looks like something just took a bite out of its side, and it looks like a clean bite, so it was probably done in a single one.

'Yeah good thing we left, before that thing came out of nowhere and swallowed us whole.' I think so myself. We continue forwards, going down the same path we did when we came here the first time.

We arrive at another flight of steps, and we stop seeing the trail of blood going all the way down, body parts that are actually moving litter every single step, and they seem to be trying to converge.

"I think they're trying to form into another abomination?" Jayden whispers kinda miffed by the sight, "Yeah probably, its probably the result of a abomination that has the ability to keep those things alive" I whisper back.

"There are probably alot of abominations on the first floor, so we have to be very careful" I say and start walking down the stairs, I make sure not to step on any thing that moves.

We keep going down, 1 step at a time, and suddenly the lights go of, 'Damn, power grid down already?' I think to myself, this happened in my first run at life aswell, and power was non existent until shelters and bunkers started to form.

"Shit dont tell me that was the power grid?" Jayden whispers, and I just nod.

"It probably is, those monsters appeared in wherever there are people, and people work in power stations, sub stations and a whole lot more." I mutter, Jayden walks out in front and we continue down, step by step.

"Jayden stop!" I manage to say, he stops and instantly jumps back landing on me, and just as he does a really thick veiny ball heads straight past where he was standing.

It starts rippling before lines start spreading out, almost like cut marks, but then to our surprise they open, turning into mouths filled with hundreds of teeth, I quickly help Jayden up, and we take a few steps back up the stairs.

The ball suddenly seizes movement, 'That's not good...', and just like I thought, the limbs we previously avoided start moving together faster, "Jayden, lets go!" I shout 'calmly'.

"Dude wait, we could go the other way, but did you see the amount of monsters outside?" He says, he is right, even though there are probably more monsters inside, but there is also alot more places to hide, and we are safe from flying monsters.

We may die now, but going outside with our meagre strength and low amount of people is basically suicide, we may be the strongest, but that only applies to humans.

"Jesus dude..." I grumble, I look back at the ball monster and notice it hasn't blocked off the only way out from here, "Let's go." I say and we both sprint forward.

The hands start merging together really fast, until it forms another monster that looks just like the bigger abomination, I run forward and manage to roll under an appendage the abomination made and swung at me.

I look back and notice Jayden jumping towards me, just as an attack is coming his way, I move C1 into the attack and Jayden manages to make it, but of course C1 takes the entire attack before getting dragged away.

And I feel the entire thing, my body getting ripped limb by limb, my body getting gutted, and my bones being shattered, Jayden seems to notice my stun locked state and drags me away, and shutting the door we just came through.

And as he does I manage to pull off a Inspect and I instantly know we should never go back in that direction.


Name: Abomination

Class: Insufficient <Inspect> level

Level: 16

Age: 20Y

HP: 11700/11700

Mana: 300/300



-Insufficient <Inspect> level.


-Insufficient <Inspect> level.


-Intelligence: 7

-Strength: 45

-Mana: 30

-Speed: 2

-Endurance: 1170

