
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · Televisi
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75 Chs

Chapter 38: Recess March

Qian Sanyi stood up from his slumber and stretched a little. He stood up, went out of his bedroom, and went to the bathroom with his towel and a change of clothes.

Pei Yin, who is working in the kitchen, saw Qian Sanyi and asked, "Where are you going?"

Qian Sanyi turned his head to his mother and told her the plan to hang out with Ye Bai and the others. Pei Yin nodded. He knows Ye Bai, and it's a good thing to chill for a while and make a life other than study.


Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi were walking along in the market. "Have you found a suitable gift?" Deng Xiaoqi asked while looking at another market stand.

"Nothing so far," while checking the goods in front of Lin Miaomiao. Then she saw a vendor who makes customized beads. "Uncle, how much for a customized bracelet?" 

The uncle looks at the girl in front of him. He smiles as he smells money waving in front of him. "25 yuan if you bought a couple bracelet, 40 yuan."

Hearing this, Lin Miaomiao happily availed and told them their name. She didn't want a couple bracelets, but the price was good; if you bought two, why not go for it?

After looking at the two bracelets on the plastic, she hurriedly took her bracelet and hid it in her bag. Then she bought a gift paper bag to put Ye Bai's gift in.

Deng Xiaoqi also bought a charm for Ye Bai, and she was satisfied with what it looked like. "You done, Miaomiao?"

"Yes, I'm done. Let's go to the meeting point," Lin Miaomiao said, and they walked to the nearest bus station to travel to their meeting place.


As the two girls exited the bus, they scanned their surroundings and spotted three handsome boys standing beneath the leafy branches of the wishing tree. Lin Miaomiao's eyes lit up with excitement, and she grabbed Deng Xiaoqi's hand, pulling her along as they hurried toward the boys.

Ye Bai observed the two girls running towards the group. Lin Miaomiao sported a casual yet stylish look, donning a jeans jacket layered over a gray t-shirt, while Deng Xiaoqi looked elegant in a charming blue dress that fluttered with each step she took. Their contrasting styles complemented each other perfectly as they approached the group with bright smiles on their faces.

"Xiaobai, Haozi!" Lin Miaomiao excitedly shouted to them while running. Deng Xiaoqi says hi to Sanyi. Lin Miaomiao also glanced at Qian Sanyi. "Yow Alien123," she greeted him happily.

Jiang Tianhao laughed at him and said, "Your name is really great." 

Qian Sanyi's eyebrows were brought together. "Don't call me like that cat!"

Lin Miaomiao stared at him. "What about you, a dog? Woof, woof, woof." 

Ye Bai saw their banter and pulled Lin Miaomiao's neckline out of her jacket. "Okay, Miaomiao, stop it."

Lin Miaomiao glared at Qian Sanyi with a warning, then she turned to Ye Bai. "Let's go 


Lin Miaomiao hooked her arm on Ye Bai's shoulder. "Let's go to the mall, have our meal there, then visit the museum and do some karaoke."

Upon hearing Lin Miaomiao's plan, Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao agreed. Qian Sanyi didn't have any issues; in fact, it was his first time joining his friends' get-together.

Seeing no objections from Ye Bai, Deng Xiaoqi, or their friends, she exclaimed, "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Yeah!" they all shouted in unison, except for Qian Sanyi, who smiled at the scene before him.

As the weather turned chilly, the group decided to have a hot pot. While on the way, Lin Miaomiao, who was planning the get-together, was glued to her phone, checking reviews of various restaurants for their dining spot. Ye Bai approached her and peeked at her screen.

"What are you doing?" Ye Bai asked.

"I'm looking for a good place to eat. I'm checking out restaurant reviews to decide where we should go," Lin Miaomiao replied.

Jiang Tianhao, who overheard their conversation, chimed in, "Why not go to my uncle's place? My uncle owns a hot pot shop, and I can guarantee you won't be disappointed with the food."

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Jiang Tianhao. "Let's just go there then. It's tedious to read through reviews; you never know if they're genuine or not."

Ye Bai grabbed some juice and handed it to Lin Miaomiao. "Have a drink first."

Lin Miaomiao quickly accepted the drink Ye Bai offered. "Thanks."

When they arrived at their destination, Lin Miaomiao quickly got off the bus and started running. Jiang Tianhao followed suit. Ye Bai, Qian Sanyi, and Deng Xiaoqi exchanged glances, resembling parents watching over their two children.

After Lin Miaomiao released her excitement, she approached the trio. "Why do you look so unenthusiastic? You should show that you're happy. Even Haozi seems more excited."

Jiang Tianhao gave Lin Miaomiao a thumbs up. Their friendship was solidified partly because they shared the same playful nature. In fact, in Season 2 of the TV show, Lin Miaomiao and Jiang Tianhao became even closer friends, especially after Deng Xiaoqi and Qian Sanyi left the city.


"Uncle, these are my friends," Jiang Tianhao greeted his uncle as they entered the restaurant.

Their eyes wandered around the restaurant; it had a simple ambiance, yet one could feel that the clientele here was affluent. Lin Miaomiao quickly composed herself, knowing her usual antics wouldn't be appropriate here. Jiang Tianhao noticed her demeanor and informed his uncle that they would need a private room. His uncle readily agreed.

Upon entering the private room, Lin Miaomiao immediately slumped into a seat. "This restaurant's setup may be simple, but I can feel that wealthy people dine here."

"You managed to restrain yourself? I thought you'd be clowning around outside," Qian Sanyi remarked.

"Do you think I have low EQ? That's only you!" Lin Miaomiao retorted. She grabbed the menu and started contemplating what to order, but when she saw the prices, she paled.

Ye Bai noticed Lin Miaomiao's reaction. He also picked up the menu and began to choose.

"Jiang Tianhao!" Lin Miaomiao called out. "Do you want me to eat or not? I didn't expect the prices to be this high."

Jiang Tianhao scratched his head at Lin Miaomiao's statement. "I got this; it's on me."

Lin Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief and started picking up her dishes. When the waiter came to take their orders, they each ordered two hot pots—one spicy and one not.

While waiting for their food, Lin Miaomiao took out a paper bag containing her gift for Ye Bai. "Xiaobai, here's your birthday present!" she exclaimed.

Ye Bai smiled and accepted the gift. "Thank you, Miaomiao." He opened it and immediately put on the bracelet. "I love it, thanks again."

One by one, Deng Xiaoqi, Jiang Tianhao, and Qian Sanyi also presented their gifts. Deng Xiaoqi gave a lucky charm, Qian Sanyi gifted a martial arts book, and Jiang Tianhao handed over a basketball jersey.

"Thanks, I didn't expect all of you to give me gifts," Ye Bai expressed his gratitude. They chatted happily until the door opened, and their ordered food arrived.

Lin Miaomiao thoroughly enjoyed the meal at Jiang Tianhao's restaurant.

After their satisfying meal at Jiang Tianhao's restaurant, they bid farewell to his uncle and headed out. The group walked leisurely, chatting and laughing as they strolled through the streets.

As they passed by a nearby park, Lin Miaomiao suggested, "Why don't we take a walk in the park before heading to the museum?"

"Sounds like a great idea," Ye Bai replied, and the others nodded in agreement.

They entered the park, enjoying the serene atmosphere and the beauty of nature surrounding them. Lin Miaomiao and Jiang Tianhao walked side by side, engaged in playful banter, while Ye Bai, Qian Sanyi, and Deng Xiaoqi followed behind, sharing stories and laughter.

Eventually, they reached the museum, and Qian Sanyi and Ye Bai took the lead, guiding their friends through the various exhibits and explaining the history behind each artifact.

Qian Sanyi, with his deep knowledge, captivated their attention as he narrated the stories of ancient artifacts, sharing insights into the customs, beliefs, and daily lives of people from the past. 

Meanwhile, with his remarkable memory, Ye Bai effortlessly recalled historical details about each artifact they encountered in the museum. As they explored, he shared stories and insights, linking each item to its historical context with clarity and precision.

Lin Miaomiao enjoys her time listening to both of them, especially because she likes Literature and History are always connected to reflect and record society. She didn't know that her plan would be like this.

On the other side, Jiang Tianhao was a little sad; he is not good at Literature and the girl he likes is now admiring another person while listening to his knowledge. 

As they left the museum, Lin Miaomiao suggested, "Let's end the day with some karaoke. What do you say?"

"Sounds like a perfect way to wrap up our day," Jiang Tianhao agreed enthusiastically. He was bored on this museum trip, and he couldn't take the limelight out of Qian Sanyi.

They made their way to the nearest karaoke bar, where they rented a private room, and they will spend the rest of the evening singing their hearts out. Jiang Tianhao started finding some songs he wanted to sing.

Ye Bai found a comfortable seat and looked for the menu. He was now hungry because of the enhanced memory he used during the museum trip. Lin Miaomiao sat beside him closely. He can already smell the sweet smell of Lin Miaomiao on her side. 

Ye Bai gave the tablet to Lin Miaomiao so that she could order. Lin Miaomiao looked at him and moved closer because Jiang Tianhao was singing. "Are you done choosing the food you want?" she asked. Ye Bai glanced at her and said, "You can choose first," hiding his racing heart.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't understand what he was saying, so she moved closer. "What are you saying? I can't hear you clearly."

Ye Bai stared at the girl who was close to him. "Just choose whatever you like, and I'll pay." 

Lin Miaomiao paused for a moment, her heartbeat moved fast as Ye Bai looked at her intensely. She nodded silently and went back to picking food on the tablet. As she finished her order, she glanced at Ye Bai, who closed his eyes.

Deng Xiaoqi suddenly nudges her, "Miaomiao, it's our turn to sing."

Lin Miaomiao stood up with Deng Xiaoqi on the LED screen showing the title of the song 'Recess March'. Lin Miaomiao took the phone, and when the instrumental played, she started dancing with Deng Xiaoqi.

~I have finished the exercise.

I have to finish a book.

Then listen to the discussion.

All this to do well.

I want to take a break between classes.

I want to play more games.

But we have night-time self-study.

Everyone has to work hard and improve.

Are the things the teacher tells me meaningful?

Mom and Dad said that your grades represent you.

The golden boy always lives next door.

What is the truth? And what are my true ideals? ~

Ye Bai, who is calming his heart, hears a familiar sound; this is the interlude song in the 'TV Show'. He opened his eyes and watched the two girls in the front singing and dancing.

Jiang Tianhao also stood up and danced along with the two girls. The tune makes it danceable, but the lyrics tell the students' wants, thoughts, and grievances.

Lin Miaomiao walked to Ye Bai and pulled him to dance along. Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi also drag Qian Sanyi to dance along to the song. 

~Who filled my backpack?

Who got into my brain?

Made me think in terms of formulas.

The score is the measurement, 

The higher, the better.

Who stole my pride?

After that, my immaturity disappeared. 

It's because I'm not good enough.

Excellence is the measurement and 

The first place is best.~

All of them are breathless from dancing, but smiles are drawn to their faces. Even in Qian Sanyi, you can see the joy in his eyes. 

"Xiaobai and Sanyi dance well." Lin Miaomiao praised them. 

The door opened, and the food they ordered started to fill the table. Lin Miaomiao excitedly picked up the chopsticks and picked some dishes to eat. Ye Bai walked to the waiter and swiped his card to pay for the food.

As the night drew to a close, they left the karaoke bar with smiles on their faces, feeling grateful for the unforgettable day they had spent together.


Ye Bai gazed at his friends seated in front of him on the bus, a sense of tranquility and happiness enveloped him. They had shared a wonderful day, and he felt grateful for their companionship.

Beside him, Lin Miaomiao glanced at him, her expression radiating contentment and happiness. "Today was amazing," she remarked, her voice brimming with joy.

Ye Bai returned her smile warmly. "Yes, it was. Thank you for everything, Miaomiao," he replied sincerely, appreciating her role in making the day so memorable.

As the journey continued, Ye Bai felt Lin Miaomiao's head lean against his shoulder, her breathing steady as she drifted off to sleep. Without hesitation, he adjusted his position, ensuring she could rest comfortably against him.

As he watched her peaceful sleeping face, a tender feeling washed over Ye Bai. Slowly, almost instinctively, he found himself leaning closer to Lin Miaomiao's face.

I added the song to my playlist. @neeekoshin in YouTube.

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