
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Chapter 26

Examination Day

Jiang Tianhao, Deng Xiaoqi, and Lin Miaomiao stood in the corridor, awaiting the start of the examination. Jiang Tianhao took the opportunity to share some tricks for the upcoming test.

"In English multiple-choice exercises, do you know how to approach them?" Jiang Tianhao asked Deng Xiaoqi, who was solely focused on Lin Miaomiao, paying no attention to Jiang Tianhao.

"For three long sentences and one short sentence, choose the shortest. For three short sentences and one long sentence, choose the longest. If there are two long and two short sentences, choose option B. But what if the pattern doesn't follow this rule?" Jiang Tianhao's question?

"Choose C," Deng Xiaoqi answered.

Lin Miaomiao and Jiang Tianhao exchanged smiles, knowing that Deng Xiaoqi was listening even though she didn't look at him.

"You're really sharp, Xiaoqi," Jiang Tianhao complimented, still met with no response. "Alright, I'll make a wish for you on the wishing tree outside. May your results be outstanding."

For the first time, Deng Xiaoqi glanced at Jiang Tianhao. "Hey, I just want some peace before the exam."

Jiang Tianhao was disappointed in her words and smiled awkwardly. "OK, I'm going." he playfully said.

"Thanks for the snack, Haozi!" Miaomiao chimed in, holding up the snack she was munching on.

"No problem! Fighting!" Jiang Tianhao waved as he walked away.

"Fighting!" Miaomiao echoed.

As they watched Jiang Tianhao walk away, Lin Miaomiao remarked, "Jiang Tianhao is really thoughtful."

Deng Xiaoqi arched an eyebrow. "Do you like him? I thought Ye Bai was the one you fancied."

Lin Miaomiao turned to Deng Xiaoqi with a grin. "How could that be? Don't overthink it; they're both like my little brothers."

"That's what you say," Deng Xiaoqi retorted.

Suddenly, Miaomiao's mind wandered to the moments when Ye Bai had exhibited his thoughtfulness – carrying her to the girls' dormitory and bringing her mushrooms for her vegetarian meal.

"Hey, Miaomiao, what's got you so lost in thought?" Deng Xiaoqi snapped her fingers in front of Miaomiao's face.

"I just remembered something. By the way, why don't you like Jiang Tianhao? He's warm-hearted, and yet you have a crush on a guy who's as cold as ice. Is there something wrong with your head?" Lin Miaomiao teased Deng Xiaoqi.

Deng Xiaoqi leaned against the wall, facing Lin Miaomiao. "Jiang Tianhao is like central heating, treating everyone with the same warmth. But I prefer a guy who appears cold to others but is gentle with me. Qian Sanyi is like that."

Miaomiao chuckled. "When has he ever been gentle with you? I haven't seen it."

"Because you're always cold to him. And besides, you have Ye Bai, so you can't see it," Deng Xiaoqi retorted.

"Why bring Ye Bai into this?"

"Ye Bai treats everyone the same, but he shows you extra care," Deng Xiaoqi explained. "If you weren't my friend, I'd be after Ye Bai"

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback by Deng Xiaoqi's confession. She hadn't realized her friend had a crush on Ye Bai. Part of her wanted to say, "We're just friends," but she felt that she might regret it. So, she stayed silent.

"Let's head inside," Deng Xiaoqi said, breaking the silence. Lin Miaomiao followed, lost in thought.


Tonight, Lin Dawei sat beside his wife, Wang Shengnan, massaging her shoulders to soothe her. His mission for the evening was clear: to ease Wang Shengnan's frustration with Miaomiao.

"As children transition to higher grades, especially in subjects like Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics, they often face periods of adjustment. The curriculum becomes more challenging, and it can be overwhelming," Lin Dawei began, his voice calm and reassuring.

Wang Shengnan lowered the volume of the TV, signaling her readiness to listen.

"So, ahem, particularly for girls, it's common to feel knocked off balance. But rest assured, they'll find their footing again. It's just a matter of time and patience," Lin Dawei continued.

Wang Shengnan pondered for a moment. "Do you think Miaomiao is struggling with her lessons? Tang Yuanming called me, but he didn't mention anything about this."

Lin Dawei frowned slightly. "Why would Tang Yuanming only inform you and not me? Regardless, I did mention that Miaomiao's academic performance has been slipping lately. We just need to be patient and give her time to catch up. 'Flowers bloom in their own time, and so do children.'"

Wang Shengnan nodded, understanding her husband's sentiment. "Alright, Miaomiao is my little sunflower. I'll be here, patiently waiting for her to shine."


In the male dormitory, Ye Bai had just finished tidying up the room. The morning exams hadn't posed much of a challenge for him, especially in subjects like English and Chinese. He believed that with continued reading, his memory would keep expanding.

Jiang Tianhao walked in and glanced around the dormitory. "Hey, you cleaned up without telling us. You could've called for some help."

"It's fine. I might actually miss this place once I leave," Ye Bai replied, still engrossed in his book.

Jiang Tianhao paused and then quickly approached Ye Bai. "Wait, are you saying you'll become a day student?"

Ye Bai turned to face Jiang Tianhao. "Not yet, but my mom mentioned she'll be back, maybe sometime this semester or in the second year of the school."

"I'll miss you, bro, when that time comes," Jiang Tianhao said, sounding a bit sentimental.


Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi were sent to the teacher's office to collect the examination papers that had already been graded.

Knock Knock

"Come in."

"Teacher Liu, Teacher Qiu sent us here to pick up the test papers," Miaomiao said politely.

Teacher Liu gestured towards Teacher Qiu's desk. "Go ahead and take them."

The duo hurried over and began sorting through the papers. As they worked, Teacher Liu addressed Miaomiao, "Lin Miaomiao, you've been neglecting your studies lately. What are your aspirations?"

"I want to become a literature teacher in the future," Miaomiao replied.

"Have you thought it through? While focusing on literature, you can't neglect subjects like physics completely, can you?" Teacher Liu cautioned.

"Human abilities are limited. I have to prioritize and channel all my efforts into what matters most to me," Miaomiao explained.

Meanwhile, Deng Xiaoqi came across Qian Sanyi's test paper and was taken aback. "Oh my, look at how he answered these questions!"

"Tsk! He's out of this world. I want to avoid crossing paths with that alien," Miaomiao remarked, equally surprised by Qian Sanyi's performance.

Deng Xiaoqi chuckled. "He's my superstar."

Miaomiao continued searching through the papers until she found what she was looking for. "What!"

Teacher Liu glanced at them. "What's wrong, Lin Miaomiao?"

"I just dropped a paper, Teacher Liu, and it startled me," Miaomiao excused herself.

"Alright, hurry up then. I need to leave the office as well," Teacher Liu replied.

Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao grabbed the test papers and exited the teacher's office.

"What was that all about, Miaomiao? You scared me for a moment there," Deng Xiaoqi said.

"I just saw Ye Bai's test paper. Here," Miaomiao explained.

Deng Xiaoqi glanced at Ye Bai's paper and was equally astonished. Ye Bai had surpassed Qian Sanyi in this subject. "Miaomiao, what do you think of Ye Bai? He mentioned he could outperform Qian Sanyi in the rankings. Do you think he's capable?"

Miaomiao wasn't sure how to respond. "I thought he was just joking at the time too. Let's wait until the rankings are released to find out the truth."


In Elite High School, students crowded around the Examination Ranking List posted in different classrooms. Lin Miaomiao, however, stood motionless, staring blankly ahead. She had seen her name at the very bottom of the list, ranked 36th out of 36 students in their class. Somehow, she found her way back to her seat, feeling numb.

Jiang Tianhao had been with Miaomiao when they checked the rankings. Seeing her reaction, he sat beside her, trying to lift her spirits. "Lin Miaomiao, you have to think positively, okay? Your rank won't go any lower now. Isn't that something?" he attempted to encourage her.

Qian Sanyi glanced over at Jiang Tianhao, unsure whether he was genuinely trying to uplift Miaomiao or if he was mocking her.

Silent and dejected, Miaomiao looked at Jiang Tianhao sitting on her desk before lowering her gaze again. "I know there's always someone at the bottom of the list in every class. But I never thought it would be me. Xiaoqi hardly pays attention in class and is always distracted by Qian Sanyi. Sometimes she even asks me for help, yet her rank is higher than mine. Is that fair?" she lamented.

Jiang Tianhao regarded her earnestly. "In this situation, you can't blame Xiaoqi. I believe there must have been a mistake in the grading."

Sighing once more, Miaomiao muttered, "Forget it. I don't have a brother anymore. You're in the top 20 now, and Ye Bai has claimed the first spot. I can't keep up with you guys," as she leaned her head against the chair.

Just then, Ye Bai entered and walked over to Lin Miaomiao. "Why do you look like that?"

Miaomiao sat up straight. "You startled me, Ye Bai."

"Here, take this. Let's eat," Ye Bai said, pulling out scallion cakes from a paper bag.

"Here, have some. Let's eat," Ye Bai offered, extending the bag to her.

"I don't want to eat," Miaomiao responded.

Ye Bai also offered some to Jiang Tianhao and Qian Sanyi. Initially hesitant, Qian Sanyi accepted, recalling that Ye Bai had treated him kindly.

Miaomiao found herself surrounded by the tempting aroma of scallion cakes. Unconsciously, she swallowed her saliva. "Come on, eat this. It's delicious," Ye Bai insisted, bringing it closer to her.

Qian Sanyi was about to comment, but Ye Bai shook his head, preventing him. Qian Sanyi didn't understand why Ye Bai anticipated his response.

Ye Bai had expected a negative comment and jokingly suggested that Miaomiao might need to be checked for depression. He didn't want their animosity to escalate further for now.

Unable to resist the tempting smell any longer, Miaomiao took a bite.

Jiang Tianhao gave her a thumbs up. "Now that you're at the bottom, you need more energy for a comeback. Eat more."

Miaomiao's energy gradually returned.
