
Entering God's tower

A salaryman who finds himself in an unexpected and dangerous situation after taking a different route home. Due to his curiosity, he is involved in a confrontation between gangs that ends up causing him an untimely death and reincarnates in a world very similar to his own with the only difference that in this world there are all kinds of races. and there is also a great tower, called the tower of God. And reincarnated in the body of a 16-year-old boy named Elliott, who lives in the depths of a dump. Chapters are usually between 1,000 and 1,500 words. This is my first time writing this type of novel, but I've always wanted to try, so any feedback is a big help! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [Author's note: First of all! It's true that the beginning of the story and some parts resemble the novel Second Life Ranker since I based on this novel to start my novel, but the flow of the story will be completely different afterwards. So please be reassured and don't worry that the story will not be the same, and I warn you in advance that the first 30 chap may be very similar. That said enjoy the read]. the cover is not mine i took it from pinterest ------------------------------------------------

Junni_MC · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
66 Chs

Death and reincarnation

On a dark night, a person dressed in a suit was walking in the lonely streets of Los Angeles.

The person walking through these lonely streets is Theo a salaryman working 12 hours a day with a salary of $500 dollars a month, as he did not have any kind of university studies he had to accept this unfair contract proposed by the company was this or starved to death, Theo a person without parents, without family and without any kind of social life in this cold world.

"Tch!... that damn boss put me to work overtime knowing that I was already working 12 hours a day with a damn salary of $500 dollars a month".

Yes, today his boss put him to work overtime with the excuse that he had an important commitment, although it was clearly a lie, he was going to a hotel with one of the office workers and to make matters worse he had no choice but to accept those damn overtime hours because if I didn't, I would be fired from the company.


I wish I had accepted the scholarship and socialized more with my classmates, but instead, I isolated myself from everyone and started reading web novels... well, no use crying over spilled milk.

I continued walking through the lonely streets towards my small rented apartment, still lost in my thoughts and from time to time cursing my boss until I heard some loud noises in an alley.

auge! auge! auge! auge!

I walk towards where I heard the noise, I go inside the dark alley full of mold, a strong smell of urine, and a strong smell of blood... Wait for blood?

I started running toward the end of the alley with all my speed when I reach the end.

"ha... ha... ha... ha... ha"

When I reached the end of the hectic alley, I bend down to catch my breath as I am in terrible physical condition, since my daily routine is work, eat and read novels.

I catch my breath a little and raise my head and my eyes open wide as I take in the scene in front of me.

I break out in a cold sweat and panic at what I was seeing, two gangs were fighting for the monopoly area to be able to sell illegal drugs.

I tried to make as little noise as possible to get out of this place without being noticed by any of the criminals, when I was about to leave I got the notification of a new chapter of a novel I was following.

"riin, riin~.... riin, riin~.... riin, riin~..."

All the delinquents upon hearing the sound of my phone turn their faces toward me.


Why the fuck does the author get to post a chapter at this hour.


stomp hard!


I quickly turn my body and run out of the place and heard one of the criminals speak:

"Go and kill him the person who ran out!".

When I heard that, my heart was in my throat.


I start cursing like a broken record the same word I don't know how many times, but I look back and see two people chasing me with two guns in their hands, I try to run faster but I trip over my own feet and fall down.


The criminals caught up with me and I started begging for my life with tears and snot on my face.

"Please don't kill me, whatever you want I will do without reneging, I can even be your slave, but please don't kill me."

The two criminals look at each other for a while and nod their heads as if they have come to an agreement and then they show sadistic smiles and walk toward me.

one of the offenders spits out his shoe and looks at me and says:

"Since you said you would do anything clean my shoe with your tongue and with that we will spare your life".

"you will really spare my life?".

"Sure, we don't lie when it comes to someone's life we are criminals, not monsters".

I walk towards them, bend down and start cleaning their shoes with my tongue, even though I was about to vomit I endured all that nausea in order to keep my shitty life.

A few minutes passed and I finished cleaning their shoes with my tongue with a desire to vomit up to my organs, but I hold it with this I can get out of this place alive and I will never walk this road again in my life.

"Puff... I seriously clean your shoes with my tongue hahahahahahaha~..."

hearing the delinquent's comment I bite my lips hard swallowing all this humiliation.

"hahahahahahaha~...I didn't think I would seriously do it either."

The other delinquent also laughed at Theo and continues talking:

"Now die."

"wait didn't you say you would let me live if I cleaned your shoes!"

I screamed at the top of my lungs but unfortunately, these streets were empty and no one heard my scream.

"mmm~.... well I lied to you, but look at the bright side of the situation at least you are good at cleaning shoes with your tongue."


The two started laughing very loudly.

"bye~...say hi to Lucifer for us."

auge! auge! auge! auge!

They shoot me three times in the chest and walk away laughing without looking back.

'This is how I'm going to die, after begging... well my life was nothing brilliant enough to say I had a successful life, I'm just an otaku who likes soap operas and is a slave of a company with bad pay'.


I start laughing like a madman and slowly I slowly start to slowly lose consciousness and my whole mind goes completely black...

* * *

I slowly open my sore eyes after a while. my whole body ached especially my head. It felt as if thousands of needles pricked my brain.

Looking around me, I there was a pile of bones and garbage scattered all over the place. Also in one corner of the place, there was a strange black liquid emitting a foul smell.

"Ah, so I'm really dead. this place must be hell."

My heart turned cold when I realized that I had actually died after going through such humiliation. damn, I was really unlucky! In my past life, it had been a waste to work 12 hours a day. it was better to pass quickly, lose all your memories, go through the reincarnation cycle, and have a different life.

My head started hurting badly out of nowhere. After clutching my head and groaning from the pain I was feeling at that moment, I felt a flood of memories that were not mine.

"Elliott...Elliott...Elliott...who is Elliott?"

Half an hour later...

I was really surprised. I didn't think I would be reincarnated in someone else's body like in the novels I read: but how to be reincarnated in a stranger's body?

My eyes had slowly adjusted to the darkness of the place. I move one of my arms and put them in front of my eyes. the tattoo I had on my arm had disappeared, and in its place was a malnourished arm full of scars that I had never seen in my life, my body shivered, and a cold feeling took over my whole body.

This body really wasn't mine. I am truly amazed, I had actually taken over someone else's body.

Although Elliott had died, for some reason I have all his memories, but one thing was for sure he had not been reincarnated in the land I knew but in a similar one with the difference that here there are all kinds of races different from humans and there was also a huge tower called "God's tower".

Elliott's parents had passed away when he was young, and he was only ten years old when he started living on the streets in this harsh world where the strong are right and the weak keep their mouths shut and his life has been dark ever since.

Elliott who had died at the age of sixteen.

In the 6 years that he lived on the streets, Elliott helped in the restaurants cleaning the pipes in order to be able to eat something, sometimes when he had nothing to eat he had to eat insects or fill his stomach only with water.

And another thing was that the people in the restaurant beat him for smelling bad or just for the sake of it.

The weak and cowardly Elliott had been through hell for the past six years. His body was covered in countless scars and bruises. Even with this malnourished body, people beat him without caring about his health.

A 16-year-old boy, six years of pure torment. how cruel was this for a child?

Elliott thought constantly of committing suicide. However, in his cowardice, he could not even take the courage to kill himself. And so he endured six years of pure torture.

But finally, the day before he had collided with a tower climber summoning a specter and it invaded his soul, killing him. Elliott felt no pain at death, only sadness from the joy of being able to leave this world.

I who had thought my life sucked, compared to Elliott, cried a little. For the first time, I felt I had led a decent life.

Now I understand what happened Elliott.


"How can such a crazy, cowardly young man as you exist in this world? Elliott, I will put your body to good use, rest in peace."

well now that Elliott was dead, I will use your name from now on as thanks for occupying your body.

In this strange world where cruelty is more significant than in his old life his only way to survive is with force.

After thinking carefully about his situation. Theo, who is now Elliott, decides to leave the dump.

After leaving the dump, he squeezes my slender hands with all his strength and with a mad look.

"I'll live this life however I want!"

And at that moment a blue sale appeared in front of my brown eyes...


[The tower of God has noticed your strong will to live.]

[You wish to enter the tower and become a God.]

[Do you wish to climb the tower?]



I sigh to calm my emotions and press "Yes" with a determined look.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Junni_MCcreators' thoughts