
Chapter 53: I'm His Fiancée!

"You've only met him once, how can you find the uncle again?" "Mom, I want to keep this tie in my backpack and take it with me. I have a feeling I'll see that uncle again, and when I do, I'll give him the tie." Little Helen looked up at Lena, very earnest.

Lena looked at Alice, and Alice looked back at Lena; both of them didn't know what to say. Perhaps this was the connection of blood!

After dinner and tidying up, bathing the little one, and coaxing Helen to sleep, Lena and Alice lay in bed. It had been a while since they slept together like this.

"There's a strong masculine scent in this room!" Lena picked up a pillow and threw it at Alice.

"If you keep saying that, you can sleep on the couch!" As she threw the pillow, Lena also tickled Alice; she knew tickling was Alice's weakness.

"Okay, I was wrong, I was wrong..." Alice couldn't retaliate anymore.

The two chatted for a long time, and Lena told Alice everything about her recent experiences with Grayson. Alice was happy that her friend had found happiness again.

"When do you plan to tell him about little Helen?"

"Let's wait a bit longer!"

This question also puzzled Lena. The next day, Alice took Helen to kindergarten, and Lena went to work. Lena, who had never initiated contact with Grayson, couldn't contain her longing anymore and decided to call him.

Grayson was at a French estate with his mother and Mia, having coffee.

"I'll go to the restroom." Grayson got up and went to the bathroom, leaving his phone on the table.

The phone rang.

"Mia, can you take the phone to your brother in case it's something important?" It was Grayson's mother, Yuna, speaking.

"Sure, Auntie!" Mia smiled and agreed.

Mia walked towards the bathroom with the phone. When she saw the screen displaying "Nana," she paused. She remembered this name; there was a photo of a girl named Lena in the bottom drawer of Grayson's bedroom. She had accidentally seen it and was scolded by him.

"Hello?" Mia answered the phone without hesitation.

Hearing a woman's voice on the phone, Lena moved the phone away from her ear to double-check if she dialed the wrong number. She didn't. It was Grayson's!

"I'm looking for Mr. Gray." Lena calmly replied.

"You're looking for Grayson, he's in the shower right now. I'm his fiancée. If you have anything to say, you can tell me, or call back later." Mia's face revealed a cunning smile.

"N-no... nothing." Lena tried to conceal her inner turmoil and quickly hung up the phone.

Mia quickly deleted the call log and returned to the coffee table. "Auntie, I answered the call; it was a sales call."

"Oh." Yuna nodded without suspicion.

Mia picked up her coffee, took a sip, and saw Situ Chen walking over.

"Madam, dinner is ready!" The butler announced.


"Son, let's go eat!" Grayson helped his mother up, and Mia naturally hooked her arm around Grayson's.

Out of consideration for his mother's face, Grayson didn't push her away.