
Chapter 52: This Tie Is for the Handsome Uncle I Met at the Amusement Park

Andy left, leaving Grayson alone in the office. The weather was sunny that day, and Lena walked briskly on the street, in a cheerful mood. It had been a while since she saw her precious little daughter. Lena took out her phone and called Alice, asking when she plans to come back. She couldn't wait to have her precious daughter back.

At work, she once bumped into Charles, who inquired about Alice's whereabouts. Lena had to lie, claiming she didn't know. With Charles's influence, if he wanted to retaliate against her, he could find Alice no matter where she hid. Lena regretted allowing her to take Helen out. What was she thinking!

"Hey, when are you coming back? I miss our daughter."

"We're on the same wavelength. I was just about to call you. 6 PM, meet us at the airport."

After hanging up, Lena hurried to the office. Grayson had been on a business trip for three days, and Lena was starting to miss him. Every night at home, sleeping alone felt strange. Without Grayson's company, she found it hard to fall asleep.

Only four more days...

At 6 PM, Lena arrived at the airport on time. She saw a big and a small figure dragging luggage. Lena rushed over, picked up little Helen, and showered her with kisses.

"You heartless girl, you've been away for so many days, didn't you think about video calling Mom? Don't you know Mom misses you?"

"Mom, your saliva is on my face." Helen looked at her mother disdainfully.

Despite Helen's complaint, she obediently nestled on Lena's face, giving her a sweet kiss. Lena, looking beautiful, and Helen, adorable, attracted many envious glances.

"Mom, more people turn their heads to look at me than at you." Helen couldn't help but boast.

"My little Helen is the most beautiful," Lena indulged, pinching her daughter's nose.

Lena held Helen, while Alice pushed the luggage cart. They walked out of the airport. At Lena's car, Alice circled it twice.

"Wow, little Lena, you're quite something. Grayson, the CEO, is so generous."

"Enough with the flattery. Get in the car, you'll have to play chauffeur for now."

"Why should I be the driver? I'm exhausted from the flight."

"Because little Helen wants Mommy to carry her!"

At that moment, Helen instinctively lay on Lena's lap, saying, "Mommy carry, Mommy carry."

"Good girl, my darling!" Lena exclaimed.

Alice watched the mother-daughter duo with a mix of amusement and helplessness.

"Just bullying me, huh," Alice muttered, opening the car door with a thud and closing it firmly. "Be careful not to break it; I can't afford repairs."

"Just make sure it's your own." Lena tactfully remained silent, hugging little Helen.

Back home, Lena went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Meanwhile, Helen sorted through the souvenirs from the trip. This one is for Mom, and that one is for Grandma. Helen bought a bottle of jasmine-scented perfume for Lena, knowing it was her favorite scent.

She also got Grandma a cashmere shawl because Grandma's neck hurts on rainy days. Seeing the thoughtful gifts Helen chose, Lena felt that going through a tough time years ago was worth it.

"Helen, why did you also buy a tie?" Lena asked, puzzled, holding the tie from the luggage.

"This tie is for the handsome uncle I met at the amusement park."