

EXCERPT He placed his hands on both sides of her waist and advanced closer to her with a smirk on his lips. She flinched a bit when, she felt those large hands grip her petite waist softly. "K...kay?......what are you doing." She stuttered, taken aback by his sudden action, "You promised me you wouldn't do something I don't like." "Who said I would do something you wouldn't like sweetheart?" he asked with a wicked grin on his face. "Am very sure you'll love it and can barely breath." In a heartbeat, he snaked his arm around her back and pulled her closer to him, that had her straddle him on the bed. "Tell me Haze, what do you want?" " I......i....... " she stammered not knowing what to say and without warning, he snuck his hand under her dress, brushing between her legs were the pool of desire had formed. "Argh!!" She cried when she felt his hand touch her wet folds. She was slowly loosing her self in his arms, it was a feeling she had never experienced before. It was strange. _ _ _ _ _ Cover photo doesn't belong to me, credits to the owner

opensecret_ · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Trial knight

[Music Recommendation: Dynasty by Miia]

At the castle, in king's private parlour, the entire place was in a state of melancholy and was so serene that even the sound of a drop of a pin could be heard.

The queen Julianne Campbell, sat at a corner of the room sobbing profusely and refused to be consoled by anyone. Her innocent daughter was out there in the hands of someone horrible evil person, trapped. and she could do nothing about it. Her eyes were swollen and her eye bags had become visible. Though magic was something considered to be strange, she didn't mind the king's soldiers who were nothing but humans with no magical abilities, going in search of their daughter. She couldn't blame the maid however, as her daughter had taken the choice of slipping away from the castle.

Julianne felt a hand tap her left shoulder and she turned to see Alexander, the king who had a gloomy expression on his face, showing he wasn't one bit happy.

"Have anything been done yet in order to rescue our daughter?." Her voice was low and she seemed tired as a result of much crying .

"I've already informed the rescue team and some knights are being tested if they are fit enough to under go this rescue expression. I promise to be in her back to us." King Alexander assured .

"And what if she had already been killed by some ruthless person who had trapped her and put her under a spell?" retorted the queen, her eyes which had turned slightly red from much shedding tears, stared hopelessly at the king.

"Julie, you just have to be optimistic that our daughter out there hasn't been hurt or killed. That's the only hope you should have." Alexander coaxed his wife. He couldn't disagree that it was his fault even though his pride hadn't let him speak it out, and even though his daughter were to be be found and brought back to the castle, he would still marry her out the the crown prince of Devonshire but this time, he wouldn't let her slip out of the castle again and she would heavily guarded till the day of her wedding.

On the other hand, Julianne had a guilt filled mind, she could imagine how hurt her daughter was that had compelled her to slip out of the castle and her gotten herself into misfortune. Only if she had been there as a mother to coax her daughter and make her see the optimistic side of things, she would have never left the castle. She wondered if Hazelle hated her by now wherever she was.


Several minutes later at the castle's ground, several knights were present at the command of Mr heathcliff, ordered by the king, and Kaden wasn't exempted. But rather he had isolated himself from the rest of the Knights and he could clearly here them gossip and murmur at his unusual attitude which barely bothered him.

Kaden sat on the branch of the nearest tree he could find, waiting for the commander to arrive and began to trial session. Earlier when he had arrived at Mr heathcliff house as summoned by kyle, he had been told that there was going to be a trial session to see which of the knights were the most fit and could go on along with the kingdom rescue team, to save the princess.

Kaden slipped his hand into his pocket to bring out his pack of cigarettes and a lighter which he took everywhere he went, to curb his thirst and prevent himself from sucking a person dry. Right now, it was night and no one could see the red in his eyes. He picked a cigarette and put between his lips without the need to hold it, lighting it with the lighter in his hand and letting the smoke drift away into the air.

"Look who we have here, always acting different like the fucker you are." Kaden snapped his head to the side, to see the ginger haired boy, whose name he never bothered to process in his brain that had continuously wanting to pick a fight with him.

Sparing one glance at him, he removed his eyes from him, snubbing him like he saw or heard nothing that had Azrael irked to the bone. He was that kind of idiot, who liked to bark more than he could bite and Kaden had encountered a lot of his kind. It would only take less than a second to snap his neck, as humans were one fragile creatures. But he didn't want to draw attention to himself.

"Tch, always claiming to be the quiet one when we already know you're the son of a bitch." Azrael continued to spit in disgust . From the first day he had gotten into the knight academy, Kaden had beaten the sanity out of him in a fight that had him develop intense hatred towards Kaden, and on the other hand, the dark haired boy was never bothered. He had other important things to deal with rather.

"You know if you have a problem with keeping your mouth shut , I recommend you visit the doctor that lives in the east. He does have the cure to people who tend to spout wonderful garbages" spat kaden, whose words were enough the irk the ginger haired and anger coursed through his vein.

Kaden jumped down from the tree, taking the last drag from his cigarette, letting it's stub fall to the ground and stepped on it, ready to walk pass Azrael when the ginger haired boy grabbed him by the collar wanting to start a fight that had Kaden's lip curl up into a smirk.

He was the type who loved to make people think that they had the upper hand, before showing them where they truly belong. The commander wasn't present yet and he didn't mind getting into a bloody fight. It seemed like Azrael didn't get enough of the beating he had received last time.

"Don't think you will get away so easily from me, fucker." flared Azrael with a glare in his eyes .

"You know, right now the princess is in danger and the palace is currently panicking. It would be better if you don't make a scene here. " warned Kaden, as the other side of him had slowly began to surface. He had tried to curb him self from sinking his fangs into anyone for the night by smoking, but it seemed some people were wanting to test his patient. All it would take was a snap of his finger, and he would disappear to place with the asshole where he would suck him dry.

But luckily, before things could get any complicated, Mr heathcliff, a man in his late thirties with a blonde hair had arrived, he rolled his eyes at his two knights who did nothing but get into a fight with each other.

Walking up to them, Mr Heathcliff said, "I was just going to appoint some other knights to begin with the trial, but since you two have sworn to never be at peace, thinking that you are better than the other. Why don't you do us the honour of starting the fight and let the weaker person be declared."