

EXCERPT He placed his hands on both sides of her waist and advanced closer to her with a smirk on his lips. She flinched a bit when, she felt those large hands grip her petite waist softly. "K...kay?......what are you doing." She stuttered, taken aback by his sudden action, "You promised me you wouldn't do something I don't like." "Who said I would do something you wouldn't like sweetheart?" he asked with a wicked grin on his face. "Am very sure you'll love it and can barely breath." In a heartbeat, he snaked his arm around her back and pulled her closer to him, that had her straddle him on the bed. "Tell me Haze, what do you want?" " I......i....... " she stammered not knowing what to say and without warning, he snuck his hand under her dress, brushing between her legs were the pool of desire had formed. "Argh!!" She cried when she felt his hand touch her wet folds. She was slowly loosing her self in his arms, it was a feeling she had never experienced before. It was strange. _ _ _ _ _ Cover photo doesn't belong to me, credits to the owner

opensecret_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Fragile kind

Far away from the tower, in a house, a certain person sat by the fire place, sharpening his sword that echoed loudly in the room.

Kaden ran his fingers through his dark inky hair that was somewhat ruffled. The moonlight light that peeked in the sky fell on his face, making his features look alluring but at the same time dangerous and darker. Gone were his red-like predator eyes and his sharp fangs that look dangerous.

Once he was done with sharpening the sword, he ran the metal roughly against his skin without a hint of pain in his eyes to check it's sharpness, that had the metal cut him and blood seeped out of his skin.

Right now his fangs ached badly and his features were threatening to reveal again, to show the kind he was but he tried hard to control himself. He recalled seeing the figures who walked down the lonely streets and he would have gotten the satisfaction of sinking his fangs into them, if he didn't had work to deal with.

Just when he placed down his sword and lay on the bed ready to drift off, the door opened and a brown haired boy came running in. Kaden snapped his eyes open and sat up in annoyance to see kyle who came to stand in front of him, looking like he was being chased by a raging bull.

"What do you want kyle? I don't remember giving you an open invitation into my room." he asked tilting his head to the side, his voice held annoyance not liking the fact that someone tried to interrupt his sleep especially when had been trying to curb his thirst.

"Mr heathcliff wanted to see you." replied Kyle taking the bed space close to him, not minding his sarcastic and rude comment, as it was his usual way of talking to people.

"Two hours ago, the princess was declared missing and soon her hand maid came running back to the castle, saying she was being enchanted by someone had ventured into a tower which she was trapped in." Kyle continued , before he suggested, "I heard she's getting engaged to the crown Prince of Devonshire and rumors has it that she ran away from the castle because she didn't want to get married to him."

"And how do I even fit into this story? or peharps i enchanted the princess and lured her into the tower?" responded Kaden with an unamused expression, twitching his lips.

"I never said you did." Kyle rolled his eyes internally. " As a knight of Phoenix you are, Mr heathcliff wants to pick you in joining other knights to rescue the princess. "

"If she was truly was enchanted and trapped in a tower like you said, what makes you think that even a thousand soldiers would be able to rescue her?" Kaden raised a brow, a faint smirk appearing on his face.

Kyle suggested, " You know, phoenix is a kingdom that hasn't experienced magic in the last hundreds of years, and this happened to be a strange incident and since it's the princess who's got in trouble, the king is willing to do anything in his power to save her, including risking the lives of his soldiers. Luckily, you are the only one who possesses a special abilities, don't you think it's time to use it to an advantage? and who knows, you might get promoted."

A dark chuckle escaped Kaden's lips like he just heard an amusing joke, on hearing Kyle's words "What makes you think I would be willing to volunteer. Do perhaps look like the personal body guard to the princess?."

"You know it's the princess we are talking about here. A harmless, melancholic, pretty little lady who couldn't even hurt a fly. It would be such a waste if someone of such fragile kind were to die unfortunately." came the words from kyle.

Kaden was someone who was with special abilities, he was the kind of creature not many people in Phoenix knew about, a kind of creature that lived by feeding on blood, a kind of creature that screamed danger and ought to be feared people. But his ability to blend in with people had made him more special.

The brown haired boy, Kyle was a brother of his who was completely a human. He was the only one who had known of kaden's ability and what he was for many years. And growing up under the care of Kaden without parents as they had died after his birth, he had carefully studied him to know what kind of person he was.

Mr Heathcliff was the commander of the knights in Phoenix kingdom and he knew too well not to disobey his orders but that didn't mean he would follow direct orders without feeding his amusement first. Kaden was the type of person, who took up the job to taunt and tease people with his words to gain reactions from them and feed his amusement.

Kaden couldn't help but agree internally, she was really a naive thing to think that running a way in the middle of the night was a good idea. He wondered if he should really help or sit back like he didn't care... Actually he never cared for anyone else who wasn't dear to him.

Noticing the Kaden's eyes flicker between black and red, Kyle brows furrowed. "What's with your eye color."

"Let's just say I've been a lot busy today and haven't had the the opportunity to sink my fangs into something." came Kaden's response which barely held any emotion in it. The only opportunity he had had been few hours ago, when he saw two harmless preys walking the like some lost child.

But even though he took the delight in drinking blood from harmless people, he was sure to not suck them dry entirely.

When Kyle had left the room, Kaden's mind went running around, as he tried to put one or two things together. He suddenly figured out something. Kyle had said the princess and her hand maiden were missing about two hours ago, and at that time he had figured out two figures walking down the road where he wanted to a bite. It only made sense to him that both ladies were the princess and her hand maiden.