
Enjoying life in twilight

Appearing in a pitch black space after death Sam talks to god spins three wheels and enjoys his second life I do not own twilight

DarknessAuthor · Filem
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"Mmm, Bella, your birth is definitely something to celebrate," says Edward

"Yeah, but my aging's not."

"Your aging?" asks Edward as he chuckles.

"I think 18 is a little young to start worrying about that," says Edward

"It's one year older than you."

"No, it isn't. I'm 109." Says Edward.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man. Mmm, It's gross. I should be thoroughly repulsed."



"We have to go to class," says Edward

"Okay," says Bella as they turn to walk to class when suddenly Edward stops and grunts in displeasure.

"Wait for a second, someone wants you."

"Bella!!" A shout enters Bella ears as she turns and spots

"Jacob!" Bella shouts back greeting the Boy.

" I'll leave you two to talk," says Edward as he walks away.

"Hello, biceps! You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you." Says Bella obviously joking, as Jacob laughs

"Well, I'm just filling out, Bella."

"You know, it wouldn't seem so drastic if we hung out more." Says Jacob smile present on his face.

"You should switch schools. You can come to hang out with the palefaces," says Bella

"I'm all right. I prefer the rez school's exclusivity. They let any old riffraff into this place." Says Jacob

"I see. Then why are you slumming it?"

"Mmm-hmm.I was just buying a part for the Rabbit. You should really come to take a ride when it's done." Jacob says

"Is it fast?"

"Um. It's decent." Jacob Admits, as he and Bella laugh.

"I'm kidding. Okay. Good."

"Hey, happy birthday. Your dad told my dad, so..."

"Yeah, of course, he did," says Bella

"I saw this the other day and thought of you. Catches bad dreams," says Jacob

"That's kind of perfect. Thank you."

"No problem. Good seeing you," says Jacob

"Yeah, I'll see you later. Bye," says Bella as Jacob walks away

"So how come, Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I don't?" asks Edward as he appears behind Bella out of nowhere.

"Because I have nothing to give back to you," answers Bella.

"Bella, you give me everything, just by breathing," says Edward.

(With Damon and Rosalie)

"Well, this is quicker than I thought it would be," says Damon as he Gets up from his seat with Rosalie and heads towards the front door as Max Follows behind him.

Opening the door Damon walks outside to see a white jeep driving up his driveway, and as he had smelt earlier it was Carlisle and Esme, normally he would have probably overturned their car for the sadness they had caused Rosalie, but seeing that now he needed Carlisle help, it would seem like he would have to cut back on his normal course of action.

Damon watched as the jeep approached and stopped in front of his door, and the passengers came out and stood before him.

"It's nice to see you, Damon." Says Carlisle

"Like I would believe that, the only reason you're here is that your idiot son once again spoke of things that had nothing to do with him."

"I apologize for his behavior, but didn't you expect that to happen when Rosalie told Alice, It would seem that you need a doctor to deliver the baby." Says Carlisle

"That's exactly my point, how many times have you apologized to me since we met for the same thing, the fact I could know that the suffering he is going through hasn't changed him doesn't mean anything good for your family." Says Damon as he sees no change in the smile on Carlisle's face.

' I wonder if him finding first had anything to do with how he treats him? I know vampire's feelings is near impossible to change, the fact Rosalie even could move on from them had a lot to do with her changing into a perfect vampire, otherwise, with the incomplete vampire unchanging feeling it would have been a hassle to get her to this point.' thinks Damon

"Rosalie is a part of our family, and since you are her mate you are welcomed to the family anytime." says Carlisle

"I could have sworn I left your family," Rosalie says as she walks into view as the sun sone on her skin.

But upon seeing Rosalie Esme and Carlisle were too stunned to speak.

'Her eyes are blue, and her Skin isn't shining.' think Esme and Carlisle.

"Damon stop causing trouble, What he is here for is more important, come inside and get this over with," Says Rosalie as she turns and returns to the house with Damon, Esme, and Carlisle following her.

As they returned to the room Damon and Rosalie were in before, Rosalie took a seat and Motioned for Carlisle to get started with the check-up.

"Rosalie, your eyes are blue, the same color they were when you were human," says Esme.

"I know." Says Rosalie

"And your skin."

"Still pointing out the obvious." Says Rosalie

Clearly not expecting the attitude, Esme was clearly hurt, but Rosalie Seemed not to care.

"I just want to know what happened."

"Nothing I just woke up like this one day," says Rosalie


"Okay, everything seems to be fine. You would need to switch to drinking human blood soon, I'll get some blood bags from the hospital for you." Says Carlisle

"That won't be needed, I'm already drinking human blood."

Hearing this Carlisle looked stunned before, his expression changed to confusion.

"how do you get human blood?" Asked Carlisle.

"I get it for her, you know the scum of society that no one would miss," Damon states in a matter-of-fact tone.

Both Carlisle and Esme look horrified at the statement as they looked at Rosalie.

"Why, why when you could use blood bags or animal blood, it matters not if it criminals you still kill people, it wrong."

"Look, this is none of your business, just tell me what I need to do for you to deliver the baby, so you can get out before you say something and I do something that doesn't need to happen." says Damon

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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