
Chapter 78

@ Baby Mayo, saw your review. Thanks

" one problem, how are we supposed to carry these mangoes to our tents?" Casey asked..

" Hold on, I have an idea" Nicolas said. He rushed into the bushed and came out with some sticks.

" Are you starting a stick collection?" Casey teased.

" Nope. I'm gonna make s basket so that we can carry these mangoes back" Nicolas said as he started joining the pieces together.

After sometime, he was done.

" Wow Nick, I guess you're the king of sticks" she said and burst into laughter.

" Oh really, I'll get you for that" Nicolas said as he stood and started to chase her around.

" Hey stop!!" Ariana screamed as he chased around the mango tree.

Raymond looked at them, jealous. He remembered when he chased Ariana around the sitting room and that was how they resolved their differences. Just the first day of dating and Ariana wasn't paying attention to him, this hurt him.

Casey looked at Ariana and then at Raymond, she knew what was going on, he was jealous. She excused herself from Tony before going to meet Raymond.

" I know how you feel, don't take it to heart. This is just Ariana's personality, joviality" she said.

Raymond sighed, " I don't have a problem with her being jovial. My only problem is that she is not paying attention to me" Raymond said before looking at Ariana who stuck out her tongue to Nicolas in a mocking way.

" Maybe because you aren't showing any interests" Casey said.

" And how is that? The fact that I came here is enough proof that I'm interested" Raymond said with a grin on his face.

" Not that, like paintings, mangoes and those other things. Nicolas brought himself down by plucking her a mango but you didn't. Listen, I'm not trying to insult you or anything but try to get yourself involved, Ariana will like it" she gave him a smile before leaving.

Raymond ran his fingers through his hair. He thought about what she said, she was right. He would make sure to show Ariana surprises. he went and carried Ariana.

" Hey! What are you doing, let go of me" Ariana said and hit him playfully on the chest.

Nicolas ran and dragged her from Raymond, causing her to fall.

" Caught you" he said as he laughed.

" Hey, that's cheating" she looked at Raymond, " it's your fault".

Nicolas put forth a hand, " come on, I'll help you up" .

She grabbed his hand and got off the ground. " Tag" she said as she hit his hand softly before running around the tree.

Raymond looked at Casey but she avoided his gaze, she knew Ariana was only joking around but Raymond wouldn't get it.

After some time of running around, Ariana sat under the shade of the tree, tired.

" I'm tired and hungry" she said.

" Yeah, me too. What's the time?" Nicolas asked.

She looked at her wrist watch, " past three".

" Why don't we eat the mangoes?" Tony suggested.

" Yeah" Nicolas picked the basket of mangoes. " Let's look for a river and get the mangoes washed" he said.

" Come on Raymond" Ariana said as she followed Nicolas.

Raymond smiled, at least she hasn't forgotten him.

" Hey there's a river" Nicolas pointed as he walked towards it.

" Finally, I'm tired of walking around" Ariana said as she sat on the floor.

" I'll wash them" Nicolas offered before going into the river to wash the mangoes.

After he finished washing the mangoes, he gave them to Ariana.

" Thanks" Ariana said as she took a mango.

" She's seriously not gonna eat those mangoes" Raymond thought,irked at the thought of eating a mango washed in the river.

" Want some?" Nicolas asked.

" Gross" Raymond blurted out.

Ariana looked at him and sighed, " if he doesn't wanna eat then give them to me. Not everyone has a camping spirit" Ariana said.

Seeing that what he said might have upset Ariana, he decided to have a mango.

Nicolas sighed before giving him a mango. Nicolas distributed the mangoes before going to sit beside Ariana to eat his.

After some time, they all finished eating the mangoes. As they were about to start returning to their tents, Raymond started coughing?

" Raymond, what's wrong with you?" Ariana asked concerned.

Raymond couldn't answer, he just kept on coughing and coughing before he started vomiting.

Ariana took out a bottle water from her purse and gave him. He drank and suddenly,.......... He passed out.

