
Chapter 77


" WOW!!" Ariana exclaimed as she ran her fingers down the beautiful painting she'd seen. It was a painting of a woman in a native dress. She had her hair packed afro style and her green eyes shown glory.

Ariana took a picture of the painting as she smiled, the background, the style and the way the colors combined, she couldn't help but mutter, " beautiful".

" Wanna take a picture with it?" Nicolas asked 

" How did you know? Come on, take a picture of me and this painting" Ariana said. She gave Nicolas her phone and he took it. She stood in front of the painting. She coiled her hair around her index finger, put out her tongue before looking up to the sky in a beautiful manner and Nicolas took the picture.

She took the phone and looked at the picture, the rays of the sun reflected on the painting and since Ariana stood in front of the painting, the rays of the sun shone on her too making her look beautiful.

" Nice photo Nick" Ariana commended as she hit him playfully on his chest.

" Glad you liked it" he said as he gave her the phone.

She took the phone, " come on, let's see if we can find more beautiful things. I'll have a lot of things to show Mariana when we get back" Ariana said to Casey.

" Who's Mariana?" Nicolas asked as they walked around the camp.

" She's Casey's younger sister but I take her to be my younger sister" Ariana said.

" Hmmmm. For you to consider her your younger sister it means she's pretty cute" Nicolas said.

" Yeah, really cute" Ariana said. " But......"

" But?"

" She's really a talkative. She might be 14 but she's really smart" Ariana said.

" Oh really?" Nicolas asked. " I'll like to see a picture of her, do you have one?" Nicolas asked.

" Yeah" she opened her phone and showed Nicolas the pictures she had of Mariana.

" She's really beautiful" Nicolas complimented.

" I know." Ariana said as she put her phone back in her pocket.

" Hey look" Nicolas pointed at a tree in front of them.

" Whoa!! A mango tree" Ariana exclaimed like a little girl as she ran to the tree, Casey and Tony followed.

Nicolas was about to follow when Raymond held him back.

" Don't think I don't know what you're up to. You're trying to take Ariana away from me, it won't happen" Raymond said with a serious face.

Nicolas chuckled, " I don't get you. I'm not trying anything of that sort " Nicolas said.

" You don't fool me. I know what you are up to, just stop it. Ariana is mine and mine alone" Raymond said with a grin on his face.

Nicolas wanted to reply but Ariana called him.

" Hey Nicolas" she called, " what are you doing standing there? Come help me pluck one. The tree is too tall" she said.

Nicolas looked at Raymond who was burning with inner jealousy that Ariana didn't call him to help her pluck the mango. He shook his head and went to meet Ariana.

" How many should I pluck?" Nicolas asked.

" Four. Three for me, one for you" Ariana said.

" And what about me? Don't I have mouth?" Casey asked.

" Tony's there, ask him to pluck you a mango" Ariana said.

" Tony, you heard what she said, pluck me a mango" Casey said.

" Fine" Tony said. " Girls!" He muttered. He held a branch as he used it as an aid to climb another.

" What are you looking at? Start climbing" Ariana said.

Luckily, Nicolas was a fast climber. He got to the top and threw down ten mangoes.

" Whoa!!" Ariana exclaimed.

He jumped down from the tree and took seven.

" Why should you take seven?" Ariana asked, pouting her lips.

" You asked for three so I gave you three" Nicolas said.

" Well now I want more" she said, folding her hands.

" Fine" he said and gave her the remaining mangoes, " I plucked them all for you" he said and she smiled.

" Thanks" she said and gave him a friendly hug.

Raymond was burning with jealousy, Ariana wasn't paying attention to him. He gave Nicolas a hateful glare before hissing.

Tony jumped down from the tree with mangoes.

" I guess we're having mango salad for lunch then" Nicolas said and they all laughed, except Raymond of course.