
Empire: ashes of the fallen

Jinzo Watanabe has always felt lost in life, never quite sure of his purpose or what he wants to become. His fellow students and peers all seem to have their paths set, but for Jinzo, the future remains unclear. That is until he dies a gruesome death and is given a second chance at life in another world. From the moment Jinzo opens his eyes in this new world, he can sense the danger that surrounds him. This place is like nothing he's ever experienced before - a twisted, malevolent land that seems to want him dead. As Jinzo adjusts to his new surroundings, he must confront powerful enemies and uncover the secrets of this new world in order to find his true purpose. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead, or will he succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume him? The prologue deals with on how the mc got into another world. I'm also going to upload this on Wattpad, Scribble hub, Tapas All rights reserved.

krish_patel · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Ch-4(2): Reign Of Terror

"Reign of Terror?" Jinzo repeated, his brows furrowed in confusion as he tried to make sense of what Kenji meant.

"I wish I could tell you more," Kenji sighed, "but what I can say is that a monstrous being has surfaced in the forest, spawning other creatures and causing chaos. Its origin and purpose are still a mystery."

"So, it's spawning creatures? Are you referring to demons?" Jinzo inquired, his tone indicating worry and uncertainty.

"Don't let the term 'demon' deceive you," Knji replied with a hint of disdain. "The creatures spawned by that thing are much more dangerous. They're mostly mindless, and their only goal is to kill."

Jinzo's eyes widened as Kenji spoke, his mind conjuring up images of monstrous creatures rampaging through the city. A chill crept down his spine, and he shuddered at the thought of how dangerous the forest had become.

Just as Jinzo was about to speak up, Kenji came to a halt, indicating that they had arrived at the town hall. Jinzo noticed that the building looked slightly damaged, with water stains and muddy streaks visible on the walls.

As Kenji and Jinzo entered the town hall, the debris and mud-covered exterior gave way to a surprisingly clean interior. The hall was bustling with activity, many mercenaries went about their business.

He noticed many of the mercenaries eating a couple of similar dishes. One of them was a bean and vegetable chili with cornbread, accompanied by a side of mashed potatoes. He also saw a mercenary with a dish consisting of Grilled fish-like meat with roasted vegetables and couscous.

Jinzo thought that agriculture in this world was not too different from what he was used to. However, he couldn't help but notice that the meat on offer was of unfamiliar varieties and the stuffings were unique compared to what he was accustomed to.

Jinzo was surprised to find that the town hall wasn't as crowded as he had expected. Kenji seemed to notice his confusion and quickly explained, "I found out that they've set up two separate food camps - one for the mercenaries and another for the civilians and survivors. The second camp is providing free meals to those who were affected by the Reign of Terror."

Jinzo felt a sense of relief that even amid such devastation, the people of the city were still taking care of each other. Jinzo looked around the hall, watching as the servers doled out food onto plates.

He noticed an unusual transaction taking place - a man had handed over a small pouch in exchange for his meal. Jinzo pointed to the man and asked, "What was that about?"

Kenji elaborated, "In situations like this, traditional currencies like gold hold no value. Instead, we trade in monster parts to acquire necessary resources such as food, weapons, and other supplies."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pouch, which he exchanged for a steaming bowl of lentil stew with carrots and onions, and a side of roasted root vegetables. Jinzo followed suit and grabbed a wooden bowl filled with the same meal, and they both made their way to an empty table to sit and eat.

As Jinzo took his seat, he glanced at his surroundings, taking note of the mercenaries around him. Some ate their meals in silence, their grim expressions betraying the gravity of their profession, while others chatted and laughed, creating a more relaxed atmosphere. The contrast between the serious and casual vibes was palpable in the air.

Jinzo took a whiff of his Lentil stew with carrots and onions, and a side of roasted root vegetables, and his stomach grumbled with anticipation. He couldn't help but notice the unique spices that tickled his nose, giving the dish a distinct flavor he had never tasted before.

Kenji noticed and gave a small smile. "Itadakimasu," he said before taking a spoonful of his meal. Jinzo followed suit, feeling grateful for the warm and hearty food in his belly.

He scooped a spoonful of the stew and savored the earthy taste of the lentils, the sweetness of the carrots, and the slight tanginess of the onions.

As he took another bite, he noticed K nodding approvingly. "Good, isn't it?" Kenji said with a smile.

Jinzo nodded back, his mouth full of food. "Yeah, it's really good. What kind of spices did they use?"

Kenji shrugged. "I don't know, some kind of magical herbs, I guess. But they're pretty good at cooking here. The roasted root vegetables are great too."

Jinzo glanced over at Kenji's plate and saw a colorful array of roasted vegetables, including carrots, turnips, and parsnips. He reached for a forkful of the vegetables and was surprised at how tender and flavorful they were. "These are amazing!" he exclaimed.

Kwnji chuckled. "I know, right? Who would have thought that roasted vegetables could taste this good? It's all in the seasoning, my friend."

Jinzo nodded, taking another bite of the lentil stew. Both of them savored their meals, savoring the unique blend of flavors and textures in the lentil stew and roasted root vegetables.

As they ate, Kenji spoke up. "I've only been here for a week, but I'm already fascinated by this new world. There's so much to explore and discover," he said.

Jinzo listened, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, it's different from what we're used to," he replied.

Kenji then turned to Jinzo and asked, "So, do you think you'll stay here? Or are you thinking about moving on?"

Jinzo looked down at his bowl of stew, stirring it absentmindedly with his spoon. He hesitated for a moment before finally looking up at Kenji. "I'm not sure if it's safe for me to stay here," he said, voicing his concerns.

Kenji nodded understandingly. "I know it's a tough decision to make, Watanabe-san. But just remember that I'll be here to help you out. And besides, you owe me one for saving your life," he added with a smirk.

Jinzo couldn't help but chuckle at that. "You're right. I can't just leave you hanging. I'll stay," he said, feeling a sense of determination wash over him.

As Kenji finished his bite, he looked up and caught Jinzo's gaze. "Leave it to your older brother," he said with a slight slip of the tongue before quickly correcting himself, "I mean, leave it to me. I'll take care of you."

Jinzo raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Kenji's slip-up. "Older brother, huh?" he chuckled, "I never thought of you that way."

Kenji chuckled along with Jinzo, "Yeah, it's just a figure of speech. But seriously, Jinzo, I've got your back. You can count on me."

Jinzo couldn't help but express his gratitude to Kenji for helping him out. "Thank you so much for everything, Matsumoto-san. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Kenji waved his hand dismissively. "Don't mention it, Watanabe-san. We're in this together. Besides, You are going to treat me next time."

Jinzo smiled at the sentiment, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Kenji. "Of course, I would. And I promise I'll pay for the next meal we have together."

Kenji chuckled. "Deal. But let's hope that next time, it'll be under better circumstances."

"Do you know why there are so many mercenaries here?" Jinzo asked, directing his question at the tall, bald man taking his leave. "I've only seen a handful of guards, but the rest appear to be mercenaries."

"Ashenveil's army is severely understaffed, which is why they contracted the Raven's Watch," Kenji explained to Jinzo. "The mercenary company's reputation precedes them - they are known for their expertise in combat and their unwavering loyalty to their clients."

"Most of the guards are out scouting the forest or at the central hall of Ashenveil," Kenji continued. "As for the leader of this camp, it's the younger brother of the Lord of Ironfall. He's the one who saved this city from falling into complete chaos."

Jinzo's tense shoulders relaxed slightly upon hearing the news. He took a deep breath and allowed himself a small smile. "It's good to hear that we have a strong leader to rely on," he said, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

Kenji nodded and said, "Since you've decided to stay here, you'll need to register yourself as a part of Raven's watch. Unfortunately, the recruitment phase is over, but don't worry, all you need is this badge." K reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, brass badge with a black raven symbol on it.

"This badge will grant you access to the city's facilities and resources," Kenji explained, holding the badge out to Jinzo. "It's not much, but it's enough to get you started."

"The center is not too far off now, just a few more blocks to go." Jinzo nodded in agreement. They rose from their seats and made their way out of the town hall.

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