

"Luna Serenity." He called.

"Here," I said standing, he took notice and I sat back down.

"The twins are here," he looked at the two on my side and then went on with what we were supposed to do. Which was hid in the dark basement for as long as possible without being found. For those who made it the whole time in the dark, they could come out if he hadn't found them for their next class. We all agreed, but then a teacher walked in and called a bunch of students out of class and pushed it off till the next day. So we just sat in class doing what we wanted for a while.

I closed my eyes and let my calm energy take over and felt my spirit leak out. I went to look for brother. He was on the roof practicing with his class on how to do proper magic spells. None of the foolishness that my brother had shone me. It was all right way. Every so often I caught brother yawning at it. The teacher never did. I brought my spirit back knowing he was okay and opened my eyes again.

I noticed when I opened my eyes that the brothers were looking at me, or at each other and I was in the way. I stood up and went to the corner with the window on it. No one was paying attention, they were all looking and taking with each other. I sat on the tiny piece of frame and looked out.

"You do realize that you could fall if you lose balance." It was the boys from beside my desk. I looked at their eyes. One pair was grey and the other green. The boy on the right had spoken with the grey eyes. I guess he was also the one who talked back to the teacher.

"I know." I stated.

"What if I," he moved and I jumped, grabbed his shoulder, and did a flip over him. I landed on my feet.

Him and his brother looked at me and laughed. They were amused that I avoided them. Or maybe this was there way of trying to pester me. I bet that's why they sat a seat away from each other. Whoever sat in the middle was their play thing to share. It also explains why that seat was the only open one.

Funny really but I didn't want to play with them. I just wanted out of here and to be with my brother and his friends again. His friends were a whole lot nicer anyways. Everyone was looking at the three of us, the teacher didn't seem to mind that we were about to have it out in the back of his room. Or they were about to have it out while I left them in the dirt.

I could already hear Anger in the background.

~Let me at them. I'll beat them so fast.~ I smiled and noticed the guys shocked faces.

*If you get hit though, its going to hurt, and not just you!*

[I think your just scared!]

*Maybe I'm not!*

^Its in your nature though, silly.^

~Am I aloud at them yet?~

My mouth stopped moving. Oh dear. Why at a time like this did they have to do this? I sighed. If I let them, I'd most likely bring him back and I wasn't having him attack anyone, let alone me.

~Your seriously no fun!~

[Never said we had to be.]

-Stop fighting. I don't like it. No one does. Leave her alone!- Thanks Sadness, I needed that. I looked at the guys. They started to laugh. They laughed so hard they fell backwards and landed on their bums. Everyone was looking directly at them. I decided it was my time to go now.

I went to the door, opened it and stepped out. I was alone. I let Calmness over take me so I could find my brother. He was heading to the classroom now. Guess I'll just go to my third class and meet him there.

"Hey bipolar girl, where you think your going?" Mr. Grey Eyes was standing just inside the door. "Class isn't over yet."

~Oh no. ITS HIM!~ Anger said before hiding. Eyes behind me, in an almost human form. Angry. Mad, upset. Then nothing. It was quiet. He spoke first.

(I'm back, and you've found more trouble. Wait a minute. These guys are twins right?) I felt myself nod and turn to him. (Call them by their name!)

I looked at them both in the doorway. Grey eyes and green. Twins. Names. I don't know their names. How could I call them? One was a total demon and the other was what? I only really knew a few pairs of twins. The living, the dead, and the blood twins. The living and dead twins were dead so that means these are the blood twins then. What were their names. Grey eyes, hmm. Pain! The other was Empty then!

(Call them by name, out loud. Show them whose boss.)What was I risking if I was wrong? I'd have to see, wouldn't I? I turned to the door with them standing there.

I pointed at Mr. Grey Eyes and said, "Pain Blood stop it. Your part of the Blood Twins, enough." He stepped back away from me. I looked to the other one. Mr. Green Eyes and said, "Empty Blood you must stop this as well. You are also part of the Blood Twins." He just smiled and bowed at me.

(Well that's done with.) He changed again, the human shape was the same but he became a darker black color. No the shade of black became darker. Oh no!

I started running down the hall. Others left too. In my panic and need to tell my brother I hadn't heard the bell go.