When human emotions become real people in a body what happens then? What happens when the power of those emotions over flows? Even I don't think I can say for sure. Can you?
Heading to school was always hard for me, I didn't know where I was and it was my first day, lucky my older brother was with me. I followed him to the school, I looked at the status bars of the others in the area. None were like ours and that made me a bit proud. He stopped suddenly and I walked into him. He didn't bounce back, he just stayed in one place and made a point of looking at me.
The stats of people in this place even with a truck wouldn't hurt him, I guess he wasn't in the mood to play today. I looked down and held my breath, I was remembering the way his eyes were before he became my brother, and my bodyguard. They were the prettiest grey color I had ever seen. This was a few weeks ago, before we had to run away, before our parents died, before we ran like dogs with their tall between their legs.
"This is is," he said then and I looked up, then looked back to the corner we had stopped at. The corner around our house, I mapped it out and then took a deep breath and sighed, I forgot how long I had held my breath for.
The school was big, like a castle big and it even looked like one, with the roofs and brown grey color. It shifted then and became a big white building no taller then an apartment. I guess it was an illusion.
"This is the only school that has both our classes and our level ranks in them," he continued as if he was in aw of the big white building. "Maybe we can make friends, don't you think so?" He was talking to me again, I nodded and followed his happy face to the building.
He was a mage, a high rank one at that. He could keep up with any spell he heard and remembered it, he had a good memory. He had over ten thousand spells memorized which made him a rank above a lot of people. Me, I was just my normal self and yet I was high ranked as well. I'd guess its cause of my mood changes, there what I think have kept me alive.
If they weren't always fighting on the side lines I might actually make and become friends with some of them. I felt like sometimes I held five other people in my body. Only once have I felt the sixth person, together we were the body of seven and I was aloud to become an assassin from it. Which is why my rank is high.
"Hey are you two new?" I looked up to find a group of girls and boys crowded around my brother and someone else. Looked like a blond headed girl, I walked around them without getting noticed and heading for what I thought was the office. I walked in and sat down and the chair turned to reveal a decent looking guy.
"Are you here with your brother or did he skip," he got up and went to look out the window. He started to laugh.
"Why do they put offices on the second floor?" I asked. I guess he saw my brother in the group of women.
"To make people who are lazy walk up stairs." I took in his nice clothes and his body, what a surprise to me was that his eyes were gold and his hair was black, he looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. He looked younger then what my brother has said he was. He honestly looked like a hot twenty-five year old, not some fat forty year old mole rat. Guess brother never really liked people in general.
"So where's my sheet for my classes and dorm?" I wanted out of here, it was so boring.
"Make me feel loved, why not stay till your brother gets here," he sat down in the red leather chair behind the wooden desk. "Maybe if I sit here long enough with you he'll come faster." I laughed, my brother wasn't lazy when it came to my safety and he always knew when I was in trouble and hurt.
^Let me at him, he looks so cute.^
~Your so stupid to think that he likes you.~
[Hear it comes.]
*Can you not, I'm trying to sleep.*
"Can you all like not with that right now," I said before they really started. I looked up and forgot that I was in the guys office, he was wide eyes and looking at me confused. I sighed.
^Look at him sitting like that though, isn't it the prettiest thing you've ever seen.^ It was more a statement then a fact and I hated how I wanted to strangle her to death.
~I cant wait to see him laugh at you when you tell him.~
[Or maybe be quiet. That way no one is bothered, both of you.]
*Can you be quiet, I'm trying to sleep.*
"All of you need to shut it," I yelled. I looked up then and found a hand on my shoulder, it was brother.
"Don't let them bother you so much you change okay." I took a deep breath and sighed the loudest sigh ever, he giggled. "Have they been behaving so far?"
"Do they ever?"
"Do who eve behave?" The guy at the desk asked. I took a breath and ignored the question and their now quiet voices. I got up and went to the window, the girl was still in the crowd. I was glad that it wasn't me who was there.
~I'd kill them all if they had crowded us.~ I giggled at Hate. Him and his other side Anger. Funny how well they worked together. I'd have to think of a name for them all one day.
*I'm still trying to sleep,* I smiled at that. Fear was one of a few who didn't have another side to them.
[No your not, your still talking.]
Times like this I was okay with listening to them, when they let me. Sometimes I wasn't aloud to hear it and got a headache from it. I loved when they let me hear them talk, I felt like I was apart of something, even if it wasn't a big thing they talked about.
It was quiet once again in my head and I turned to look at them. I held back my smile, I didn't want Love the women to come out all happy. I really didn't need what she had anyways.
"So where are our class sheets?" Brother asked as I sat down beside him.