
Emissary of Contagion: The Viral Chronicles

Prologue: The Catalyst In the vast expanse of the cosmos, amidst the swirling nebulae and distant galaxies, there exists a realm unseen by mortal eyes—a realm where the fabric of reality is woven with threads of light and shadow, of chaos and order. It is a realm of primordial forces, where the dance of creation and destruction shapes the destiny of worlds and civilizations. And in this realm, there exists a being—a being of insatiable hunger and boundless ambition—a being known only as the Catalyst. The Catalyst is the harbinger of change, the catalyst of evolution—a force that transcends the boundaries of time and space, weaving its web of influence across the tapestry of existence. It seeks out worlds ripe for transformation, worlds teetering on the brink of oblivion or rebirth, and infuses them with its essence, sparking the flames of revolution and renewal. And so it was that the Catalyst set its sights on a world unlike any other—a world of magic and mystery, of gods and monsters—a world poised on the cusp of a new era. In this world, a lone soul descended from the heavens—a soul cloaked in shadow and shrouded in secrecy. It fell like a shooting star, streaking across the sky with silent purpose, until it landed upon the earth with a thunderous impact. From the ashes of its descent, a new entity emerged—a being of darkness and light, of chaos and order—a being that would forever alter the course of history. This is the tale of that entity—a tale of transformation and transcendence, of power and peril—a tale woven into the very fabric of existence. This is the tale of the Virus Sovereign.

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3 Chs

chapter 3: The Gate

Three days had passed since I began my exploration of the forest.

delving deeper into its mysteries with each passing moment. As I fought and infected various horned rabbits, I discovered a intresting pattern—the hosts I infected had level caps, unlike myself.

There was nothing like a level or level caps for me there was just rank.

Despite my lack of levels, I continued to infect and study the horned rabbits, noting that each had a different level cap. The highest I encountered was level 5, with no further evolution possible for horned rabbits.

If i infect the monsters having similar skills the level of skills increases, I can aslo increase the levels of skills by practicing skill but it takes too much time.

As I pondered this revelation, a series of notifications flashed before me:

[You have gained a level]

[Horned rabbit level 5/5]

[Level cap for horned rabbit reached]

[No further evaluation possible ]

The notifications confirmed what I had observed—the creatures of the forest had their limits, while my potential seemed boundless.

But with power came responsibility, and I resolved to wield my abilities wisely as I continued my journey.

In addition to my observations on the host creatures, I made a startling discovery about my own existence.

If I were to die in a fight or a natural death, my consciousness would shift to the last host I infected.

Furthermore, my viral cells within the deceased body would remain dormant, potentially infecting any creature that will consumed them or contributing to the cycle of decomposition after sufficient time passed, but I have yet to test the later theory.

I also found that , upon evolving to E class, I gained my fifth unique ability— "Memory Alter".

This newfound skill allowed me to read and manipulate the memories of the host I inhabited, ensuring their obedience even after I departed to a new host.

With these revelations swirling in my mind, I pressed onward, eager to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the depths of this forest.

As I traversed the terrain, I took note of the subtle changes in the landscape— the shifting of shadows, the rustling of leaves.

I found the murmuring of the river, this river divided the forest in two parts.

Divided by the river, one side was populated by the horned rabbits, while the other side remained unexplored.

Following the river's course, I encountered a mysterious barrier—a sturdy white glass-like wall encircling the forest. Despite my efforts, I could not breach it, and its origins remained shrouded in mystery, there was no means to know what was behind the barrier.

Continuing my exploration, I stumbled upon a massive portal halfway through the forest.

Circular and yellow in color, it bore the


[Gate rank D]

I decided to infect the "Gate ", I decided to command one of my followers to enter, only to witness it being forcefully repelled. The portal displayed a countdown:

[The Gate is currently closed]

[Gate will open in = 5days 3 hours 14 minutes 2 seconds ]

[The gate break will occure if the gate is not cleared in = 7 days after the Gate opening]

Realizing that I was in a place known as the "Gate," I understood that it would soon open for those on the other side.

With three days remaining until its opening, I resolved to explore the uncharted territory beyond the wall and prepare for the impending invasion of outsiders.

Setting forth with purpose, I ventured towards the unknown, eager to uncover the secrets that lay beyond the boundaries of my domain.

The countdown to the Gate's opening served as a reminder of the limited time I had to prepare, and I vowed to make the most of it.

I have 3 days to prepare for preparation of the invasion of outsiders.

With each step, I felt a surge of anticipation coursing through my veins, mingling with the echoes of my recent victories.

The forest whispered its secrets to me, beckoning me ever deeper into its embrace. And as I journeyed forth, I knew that i now need to explore the other side of river.

But I was ready. Ready to face whatever lay ahead, ready to conquer, ready to evolve.

Crossing the river, I entered the darker, more ominous side of the forest. The towering trees blocked out even the faintest glimmer of sunlight, casting the forest floor into deep shadows.

My heightened senses tingled with warning as I heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps nearby.

Hiding in the darkness , I observed two grotesque figures emerge from the darkness.

Their hideous face , a bulky frame , the green colour of their skin, I knew what they were - "goblins", creatures known for their ferocity and cruelty.

Despite their intimidating appearance, it was difficult to ascertain their strength compared to mine, as i was lacking any form of analysis skill.

Determined to uncover their intentions, I silently trailed behind them for an hour until we arrived at a clearing.

There, nestled amidst the trees, lay a goblin nest—an intricate network of small houses surrounding a cavernous cave. A formidable fence encircled the cave entrance, guarded by two watch towers, while an ominous aura emanated from within the cave.

Instinctively, I knew that the cave harbored a powerful boss monster, far beyond my current capabilities.

Yet, as a virus, I possessed strengths beyond mere physical prowess. With careful planning and strategy, victory was within reach.

As I surveyed the scene before me, a sense of determination ignited within my core. Though outnumbered and outmatched, I was no ordinary monster—I was a virus, a force of nature unto myself. And as I plotted my next move, I vowed to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.