
Emissary of Contagion: The Viral Chronicles

Prologue: The Catalyst In the vast expanse of the cosmos, amidst the swirling nebulae and distant galaxies, there exists a realm unseen by mortal eyes—a realm where the fabric of reality is woven with threads of light and shadow, of chaos and order. It is a realm of primordial forces, where the dance of creation and destruction shapes the destiny of worlds and civilizations. And in this realm, there exists a being—a being of insatiable hunger and boundless ambition—a being known only as the Catalyst. The Catalyst is the harbinger of change, the catalyst of evolution—a force that transcends the boundaries of time and space, weaving its web of influence across the tapestry of existence. It seeks out worlds ripe for transformation, worlds teetering on the brink of oblivion or rebirth, and infuses them with its essence, sparking the flames of revolution and renewal. And so it was that the Catalyst set its sights on a world unlike any other—a world of magic and mystery, of gods and monsters—a world poised on the cusp of a new era. In this world, a lone soul descended from the heavens—a soul cloaked in shadow and shrouded in secrecy. It fell like a shooting star, streaking across the sky with silent purpose, until it landed upon the earth with a thunderous impact. From the ashes of its descent, a new entity emerged—a being of darkness and light, of chaos and order—a being that would forever alter the course of history. This is the tale of that entity—a tale of transformation and transcendence, of power and peril—a tale woven into the very fabric of existence. This is the tale of the Virus Sovereign.

mad_saber · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Viral Dominion

After thirty days of patient waiting, the delicate flowers atop the Aetherbloom plants began to bloom, signaling the end of my dormancy.

With the blossoming of the flowers for it marked the moment when I could finally fulfill my purpose—to spread, to infect , to conquer by using my ability to infect.

As the gentle breeze carried the pollen from the Aetherbloom plants, a notification from the system echoed in my head as the pollens drop on other plants.

system notification : new host opportunities detected

initiating viral transmission

host acquisituon in progress

With each inhalation, each gust of wind, my viral particles rode upon the pollen, seeking out new hosts to infect. And with each successful transmission, the sounds of system notifications filled my mind:

skill aquired: pain resistance [Lv. 1]』

skill aquired: paralysis immunity [Lv. 1]』

skill aquired : thorn defence [Lv. 1]』

skill aquired: vitality absorption [Lv. 1]』

Skill descriptions:

1) pain resistance: increase the tolance to the and sensesion to pain.

2) paralysis immunity: defensive skill that helps the user to be immune to paralysis related attack , spells and ingredients that can course paralysis status effect

3) thorn defence : provides the protective barrier of sharp thorns around the users body.

4) vitality absorption: can use to absorb the life force of plants to generate energy for the user.

The sensations of these new abilities flooded my consciousness. Pain resistance, paralysis immunity, and now thorn defense—

But as I was looking at the y new skills i was getting, a sudden disturbance shattered the peace of the moment. A horned rabbit, its sleek fur shining in the dappled sunlight, bounded into view, drawn by the sweet fragrance of the Aetherbloom flowers.

Before I could react, the rabbit pounced upon the Aetherbloom plant, its sharp teeth tearing into the delicate petals. Panic surged within me as I realized that my precious host was under threat of being devoured.

But then, a familiar sequence of system notifications rang out:

Horned rabbit detected

attaching to the cell membrane

attachment successful

penetrating the cell membrane

penetration successful

Host invasion successful




Estimated time for total cell infection - 30 seconds

Relief washed over me as I witnessed the successful infection of the horned rabbit. As my viral particles have grown the time taken for infecting the organism have decreased significantly, With a surge of power, I felt myself ascend to a new rank and I got the notifications :

System notification : Host promotion

promoted to F rank momster

As I asserted my dominance over the infected rabbit, I felt a rush of power coursing through my veins. With it came a new skill, bestowed upon me by my virulent conquest:

Skill aquired : heightened senses [passive]』

Skill auired : Haste [Lv. 1]』

Skill descriptions:

1) heightened senses: sensory inhancement skill that inhance the users perception and awareness of surrounding.

2) haste: speed inhancement skill that accelerates the users movement and reaction speed

The world around me took on new dimensions as my heightened senses allowed me to perceive the subtle nuances of my environment. And with the gift of haste, I moved with swiftness and agility, a predator poised to strike.

But as I marveled at my newfound abilities, i started to realize —the infection of the horned rabbit had left its mark. Black markings across its fur, showing that the viral influence the hornrabbit had a circle of black ring around its hand. Now I watched carefully around me the plants I have infected have the same pattern around their stems.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I surveyed my surroundings, finally after 3 months I was able to roam around freely. I was no longer a mere virus—I was a harbinger of change, a force to be reckoned with.

As I was walking in the surrounding my heightened seses told me that i some was approaching me, As the second horned rabbit approached, a sense of urgency gripped me and a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins.

With a swift motion, I leaped into action, darting between the trees with the increase in agility I got with the haste. The rabbit, sensing my approach, bristled with aggression, its horned head lowered in a defensive posture.

We clashed our horns agains each other, each of us seeking to gain the upper hand. The rabbit's movements were swift and unpredictable, but my heightened senses allowed me to anticipate its every move.

With a deft maneuver, I dodged its lunge, feeling the rush of air as its horn grazed past me. And then, with a burst of speed granted by my haste, I launched a counterattack, driving the rabbit back with a flurry of strikes.

But the rabbit was resilient, With a snarl, it charged forward once more, its horns glinting in the dappled sunlight.

In that moment of desperation, I called upon my thorn defense—a barrier of sharpened spikes erupting from my body, a testament to the power of my viral influence. As the rabbit collided with my thorn-laden form, it recoiled in pain, its flesh torn by the razor-sharp protrusions.

With a final, decisive blow, I brought the fight to an end, my thorn defense proving to be the ultimate weapon against my foe. As the defeated rabbit lay at my feet, I surveyed the battlefield with a sense of success.

The victory was mine—a testament to my strength, my cunning, and my mastery over the skills bestowed upon me by the Aetherbloom plants. And as I stood amidst the verdant foliage, I knew that my journey had only just begun as I got the notifications:

skill level increased: haste [Lv. 2]』

Skill level increased: thorn defence [Lv. 2]』

With each conquest, each victory, I would grow stronger, until none could stand against the might of the viral sovereign. And so, with a sense of purpose burning bright within me, I set forth into the wilderness once more, ready to carve out my destiny amidst the ever-shifting tapestry of magic and mystery.