
Embodiment of Haki

Ryan found himself In the world of One Piece. Without any cheats or golden fingers, follow Ryan as he embarks on a journey to become the strongest. No romance, No Devil fruit, Only Haki. Timeline- chapter 1 is Rogers Execution. I am a new author, so please bear with me. Constructive criticism is welcome.

CrispyBerry · Komik
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3 Chs


*Timeskip 1 month*

It's been a month since Ryan started his training and so far, he has made a lot of progress.

For the first week or so, Ryan had to already adjust his training schedule as doing 100 pushups and squats was too much for his weak body to handle.

However, by the second and third week, he had increased the original plan and not only added more reps, but he also put large rocks on his back to increase the weight and pressure.

The interesting thing about being in an anime world is that the physics make no sense. On earth, the speed at which Ryan increased his strength would have been impossible. However in the One Piece world, where people who can destroy buildings with their bare hands are considered weak, Ryan's training speed is actually just average.

On the Final week of the month, Ryan focused more on Haki training. Of course he got nowhere as he only had a week and his physique is still poor, but he still made small progress. Especially in observation Haki.

Now, he couldn't sense any presence or feel some power around him, however as he was doing his chores blindfolded, he did get better at knowing where things were instinctively. Basically and extremely watered down version.

1st POV~

'It's already been a month'

Thinking on how quickly the month went, I realise how much stronger I have gotten.

At the beginnning, I could barley do 20 push-ups, but now I can do 150 with large rocks on my back.

'This truely is a magical world. I can't wait to see how far I can go.'

Wandering my way over to the river, I look at my reflection.

A month ago, I was an extremely scrawny 21 year old with no muscle definition. Now, I look defined. I'm not overly muscular and I don't have a six pack yet but it is definitely a noticeable improvement.

*Pitter Patter, Pitter Patter*

Looking up in the sky, I see it starts raining. Dark grey clouds are forming over the island bringing me a sense of foreboding.

Rushing toward my cave for shelter, I just hope to myself that this bad weather will end soon.

Getting to the cave, I start a fire to keep myself warm. I remove my clothes and put them by the fire to dry them.

'Why couldn't I have crossed with more clothes?'

On earth, I was a very clean person. I never wore something I had just taken off until I washed it, I showered twice a day and I washed my hand after I touched anything in public.

Since I came to this world, I've only had one pair of clothes, no soap and the by far the worst, no toilet paper. I had to use a leaf.

Used to a certain level of living, crossing on a deserted island is not my idea of fun. It's just that knowing the future and all the amazing places there is to visit and all the strange types of humans I can see in person and not through a tv screen. This is what I hope will make living like this, whilst I'm weak, worth it.


'What was that?'

I heared a huge crashing sound coming from the directions of the beach.

'Should I take a look?'

Looking down and seeing myself in my birthday suit I come to a conclusion.

'Let's wait until it stops raining.'

Putting on my blindfold I made from tearing the bottom of my shirt off, I start to practice my observation Haki.

Throughout the month, my cave has also changed a lot. At the beginning it was completely empty but now, there is a tree stump in the corner I use as a chair. A fire pit in the centre and a pile of leaves I use for a bed.

I know, I know, not very fancy but I was just an ordinary person. I'm not like those protagonist who already know how to make a bed out of dirt and some vines. This is the best I could do with my limited survival knowledge.

Slowly walking around my cave, I try to feel my surroundings. I feel the heat from the fire, the cool breeze from the entrance of the cave and the grassy smell from my 'bed'.

As I feel this, a visual image starts to take form in my head. I see the embers of the fire, I see the wide entrance of the cave, I see the bed of leaves and I see the outline of a tree stump in the corner.

'Is this it? Is this observation Haki?'


'Whoa! That lighting was loud.'

As I was startled by the lighting, the visual disappeared from my mind.

'Still need more training. I definitely can't keep this up in a fight if I can't even keep it up when I'm startled.'

Now you may be wondering why I'm not exactly thrilled to have unlocked my observation Haki, limited as it may be.

Well it's just not that much of an accomplishment. Any true powerhouse knows Haki and even a few weaklings know it.

Especially Observation Haki, where there are people in this world, like Asia in Skypia, born with it.

'This has been long enough, I'm tired from the training earlier today and it doesn't look like the rain is going to stop anytime soon. Let's sleep and worry about that noise tomorrow.'


Thanks for reading. I know not much happened this chapter but the next one will explain it.

Thank you to LuciusAgares for the idea of next chapter (no spoilers).