
Elites From Another World

A fairy tale about a Forgotten Knight remembered by many, reuniting with his Heavenly Saint, who is known by none. A cursed tale about a damned youth encountering the demon of the battlefield. Both tales tell different stories, but only the people involved know what truly happened, and what stories remain untold. ... Fate? What does that have to do with anything? Sometime we meet the most unusual people, and other times we meet people we've met once before, but had no idea we did. Arcane High is a place which has a lot of "fate" surrounding it. For a place which falls outside the bounds of a normal school, it managed to do what any normal school always did. Bring people together. Ean, Heaven Kinston is the Third Young Miss of the Kinston family. She has never gone to any normal school before, and her first is Arcane High. Due to unusual circumstances, she manages to get into this school, and she meets the most unusual people by… fate? Despite the grandeur of the Kinston family, their youngest daughter, Heaven Kinston, is pretty much unknown by everyone but everyone somehow knows her. Her life until she gets to Arcane high can be described in one word, Unknown. Ean's life is unknown to so many people, including herself. How so…? Her life, though it had its ups and downs, had seemed very normal to her, until she gets to Arcane High and starts to realize how sheltered she's been. Sometimes, she wonders if she's ever met anyone apart from the people she currently knew. Other times, she forgets she ever has such thoughts. And most times, she recalls fleeting memories of those thoughts, that was probably one of the reasons she had agreed to go to Arcane High. Calm seas appears calm to whoever looks at its surface, but only those who go into it, know how turbulent it is within. The saying can describe Arcane High's current situation. Unbeknownst to everyone else, not just Ean, Ean's entry into Arcane High set something into motion, which uncovered more secrets than those who were involved knew existed. Come along and unravel the mystery behind the word "fate", and what role it plays in this unusual tale lived by one and many others.

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33 Chs

She's strange

Nicholas' Pov

I read the contents aloud, "Name: Ean Stone Age: 17 years Status: unknown Occupation: Assistant.", I paused then glanced at Mason, who was clearly surprised.

I recalled the words I had seen while zooming in, "Personally submitted". It was written boldly at the bottom of the file. But that had nothing to do with me, thus I continued reading, but not out loud as I had to consider Mason's feelings.

"Test results: 50% on all subjects, Average percentage: 50%…"

"She got 50% as her average, her background is poor, and they let her in! Isn't the cutoff mark 85%?!", I subconsciously spoke out loud.

As someone who had first-hand experience in the whole scholarship program, I knew how difficult it was to get in. Especially how difficult the exams were, and how high the requirements are.

If it weren't for the type of people who attended this school, I bet my father would have never transferred me in the first place!

"It is. But I think you've forgotten what type of school Arcane High is. As scholarship students, It's either you make up for it with your intelligence or you pay up for…", Mason's smug voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

And I realized what he was saying, I squeezed the phone in my hand, and subconsciously completed his statement, "…it with your money…".

"Yup, that means she's not as poor as you think. It feels nice to be one step ahead of you, Nicholas!", Mason laughed heartily.

Mason's laughter was like an affirmation of my inadequacy, and I was unwilling to accept it.

As if trying to prove my worth, I quickly spoke up to convince him otherwise and win back my superiority.

"You never know maybe the-"

"Maybe she's merely an experimental subject that piqued the school's interest", I was interrupted by a unique sounding, firm and confident voice.

I turned my head to the direction of that voice, my heart rate slightly increased and the phone in my hand was one step away from being crushed. That is, if I had the power to crush a phone with my bare hands.

Standing at the door was a slightly tanned 167cm tall girl, she leaned on the door frame and had a look of worry and fatigue on her face.

"Ahh Hello Ciara-", Mason greeted her enthusiastically, he was probably still in a good mood. But Ciara didn't bother to reply and just bypassed him.

"Nicholas what's going on?", Ciara walked up to me with her phone in her hand. She had none of the arrogance, or indifference that was commonly seen on her face, instead she seemed worried and that somehow bothered me.

"What do you mean by that?", I asked with suppressed emotions, but my question just seemed to worry Ciara the more.

"Really? I've been texting you but you haven't been replying, I tried calling but I couldn't reach you!", Ciara stared at Nicholas in the eyes, and waited for his explanation.

Unfortunately for her, I had nothing to say to her. Hence, I avoided her gaze and looked elsewhere, then I decided to meet her gaze head on, so I wouldn't look more suspicious.

Ciara appeared to have observed something, and her feelings were slowly becoming composed.

"Well I'm glad you're okay…", She turned away from him as she said that, and faced Mason.

I wasn't focusing on their conversation, as my mind replayed the disappointment that appeared on her face when I didn't say anything.

I hesitated and was about to call out to her, when my eyes caught the passing figure of a student, and I recalled something. "That's right, I can't do anything… I'm hopeless…", I thought as I remembered the incident of that day.

Their words still echoed in my head anytime Ciara tried to be good to me.

"Stay away from Ciara, and be the daddy's good little boy you came to this school to be."

As simple as those words might seem, the power behind that person made them capable of carrying out any threat.

Although I was curious about what connected Ciara and that person, I kept my curiosity and my actions around her in check.

"Hey Nicholas! What are you spacing out for? Did you really cheat on me?", Ciara called out to me, and I quickly denied the allegations she had thrown at me.

"How could I? You know I wouldn't dare to do such a thing!", She didn't respond and just looked suspiciously at me.

"Mason said the new girl isn't who we think she is, and I think that's great, because it would be so boring to have another lapdog around. Plus, I wanna have a lot of fun with her and find out just who she is.", Ciara changed the subject and the enthusiasm in her voice was very vivid.

She was always happy about stuff like this, and I had no idea why, but it somehow works for me, so it's okay.

Ciara is someone who has unique ideas and weird interests, she has quite the personality as well. One minute she's all solemn and sad, then the next she's grinning whilst planning how to make someone's life difficult.

She's also a prankster to a certain degree, and she sees pranking as a means of entertainment, but in the process it becomes bullying.

Maybe she's unaware of what she's doing, or she knows and just doesn't care, but she is rather wild, and has little regard for the school, and the consequences of her actions.

She seems to be from the Elite school, and some kind of Vip too. So Arcane High just let her run wild here.

That would perhaps be the reason why she doesn't care about consequences, unlike me who finds it fun and care very much about the consequences since I'm on scholarship.

She has long wavy brown hair with long bangs which stop at her eyebrows, smooth fair skin, crystal clear blue eyes like still water and a beautiful face to go with her outstanding figure.

If she wasn't so unpredictable, I bet everyone would be vying to be with her.

She isn't on scholarship but she is my girlfriend, because I need a shield to protect me in this school.

It's like a master servant contract, as long as she wills it, I'll do it. I mean I'm a scholarship student, so of course they'll bully me. That's why I took the liberty to befriend everyone, so they would defend and fight for me.

Along the way, I met her a girl who liked causing trouble but wasn't adept at it.

I shared my experience as a prankster with her, out of goodwill and respect for a female prankster. Then she became interested in my weird tactics, and the things I had experienced in my last school.

And that was how we became friends, pranking people here and there, people usually matched us as a couple and later on, she asked me to be her boyfriend.

I hesitated at first but then I met that person and finally accepted her proposal. It was after we started dating, I realized I could gain a lot of benefits from this relationship, protection being the most valuable.

So having one enemy won't hurt, much less some wannabe like "Ean stone", who has neither power nor influence.

"She is definitely on scholarship, her financial and social status is unknown, and the school must have taken some weird interest in her. I mean how can a nobody get 50% on all the subjects and still qualify?!, she is the perfect prey.", Ciara chuckled after explaining, then she turned around and headed for the door. She must be really eager to meet Ean.

"Hey, hasn't class started yet? Let's go, she should be in our class", Mason said, and walked towards Ciara who stopped by the door.

"Yeah let's go! Ohh I can't wait to meet her!", Ciara's voice was brimming with excitement, as she stood by the door waiting for, Mason and I.

No, waiting for Mason only. 'Cause, she was already down the hall, by the time I came out of the classroom.

"Ean stone… I must treat her 'well' since Ciara is so interested in her", I muttered coldly as I blankly stared at the empty hall.

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