In a world of aliens, magic and superheroes, Miles and Gwen are just two super teens trying to be normal for the holidays. But what happens if they meet a hero from another dimension trying to do the same. And what if the universe throws them into another adventure. Spiderverse x Avengers x Avatar LoK
Two teenagers walk down a busy street holding a cat. 'That's what I've been saying, Gwen. There was someone watching us', says Miles, exasperated.
Gwen just giggles. 'I think you're just mad that whoever it was didn't help us take down Doc Oc'.
Miles shrugs. 'I mean, kinda'.
'Yeah. Well, I'm just glad that whoever it was was nice enough to save me when everything went boom'. The cat then meows in Gwen's arms. 'And I'm glad they saved you too, Pumpkin'.
'Wait. You named it already'. Miles looks at the ginger cat while it's happily snug between his girlfriends chests.
'Yep. And I already decided to keep him. Took a vote on it. Two outta three says keep him'. Gwen grins at her boyfriend before patting the cat on the head.
'Let me guess. Pumpkin was the third vote'.
'Actually, we both voted to keep him. Pumpkin said no because he didn't want to interrupt but we both insisted'. Gwen gives him the oh so famous puppy dog eyes until Miles eventually sighs.
'Fine', he groans.
Gwen gives him a hug and the cat purrs while being squeezed between the two of them. 'Thanks', she says. 'Anyway, here's the vet's place I was talking about'.
Gwen opens the door and they both enter. Miles immediately notices the veterinarian. It's the woman watching them in the crowd. He looks at her carefully, making sure he remembers every detail. The doctor was in her late 20s with long dark hair and a tanned skin. She has blue eyes which matches her blue shirt quite nicely. She also wears a doctor's coat and looking at how her clothes stretch, this vet seems to be pretty muscular.
'Hi, Miss Korra', says Gwen as she waves at the doctor cheerfully.
'Hello Gwen', replies the doctor, Korra. 'Why don't you two sit over there while I finish this.
Miles then notices another man in the room holding a chicken. 'Alright, everything should be alright now', says Korra, giving the animal another glance. 'Sonny here should be clean now. Just make sure he eats the right amount of grains and he'll be alright'. The doctor smiles at the man who then nervously smiles back.
'Thanks, doc. Honestly don't know what to do without you'. The man then walks out of the room but not without giving the doctor another nervous glance.
'Ooh. I think he likes you. What's his name?', teases Gwen making the doctor giggle.
'Yeah, I think so too. That's Eddie. We pretty much meet each other everyday', the doctor replies.
'Wait. Because of the chicken?'
'Nope. He lives just around the corner actually. He always picks up his coffee next door right when I start opening up. I think he's honestly just there to tell me good morning before he goes to work'.
Both of them laugh as Gwen teases the doctor.
'Alright, that enough. Now, why don't you introduce me to your two friends'. The doctor looks at Miles before focusing her eyes on the cat.
'This is my boyfriend, Miles. And this here is Pumpkin'. Gwen then raises the cat towards the doctor who then carefully takes it before gently examining it.
'Oh, you poor baby. You've got some singed fur on you'. The doctor pulls out a hairbrush and brushes the cat, making it purr.
'Doesn't look like Pumpkin's got any problems. A quick bath should be good enough'. The doctor then hands the cat back to Gwen. 'And it's finally good to meet you, Miles. Gwen told me so much about you'.
Miles didn't even realize how tense he was. He gives her a nervous laugh. 'Good things, I hope'.
'Don't worry. From the sound of it, Gwen got herself a fine catch'. The doctor then winks at Gwen making her blush.
'How much do we owe you?' Gwen quickly says, changing the topic.
'It's fine. This one's on the house. Now back to topic. How long have you two-'
Before they could continue talking, Miles quickly cut them off. 'Um, really sorry doc. But me and Gwen need to head soon'.
'We do?' asked Gwen, puzzled.
'Uh, yeah. The parade, remember'.
Gwen looked at Miles intently before talking to the doctor. 'Uhh, yeah. Sorry doc. We gotta head out soon. Nice catching up with you'.
'That's alright', says the doctor. 'Just feel free to visit me if there's anything wrong with Pumpkin. See yah'.
Before she could even say her good byes, Gwen was dragged outside by Miles.
'Hey, what's wrong tough guy?' asks Gwen.
'Gwen, that's the woman I was talking about. She was the one watching us'.
Gwen stiffened. 'What? Miss Korra? Are you sure?'
Miles replies with a nod.
'Well, only one thing left to do, I guess'.
As night comes, the two teenagers head out in their hero attires.
'But she was so nice' says Ghost as he swings beside Spidey.
'To be fair, most of them are. I remember Peter talking to me about this one time when he went to the prom. His date's dad ended up being the same guy he was chasing around all school year'. Spidey jumps over a street lamp then uses his webs to sling himself up
Both heroes weave through New York's titanic buildings before eventually reaching the vet. They perched themselves on the roof in front of their target's building while they waited for the doctor to finish her shift.
Ghost eventually nudges Spidey when she sees the good doctor leave. They leap from rooftop to rooftop, making sure to hide themselves whenever the doctor looks up. But then, as they turn the corner, they find the doctor missing.
'What the-' Spidey said to himself.
They both looked around before finally heading to the roof. 'Find anything?' asks Ghost.
'Nothing. You?' replies the boy.
Ghost sighs. 'Nope. I guess this confirms it. Doc is suspicious'.
'Suspicious of what?' The two heroes quickly turn and finds the doctor standing right behind them.