
Eldritch Shop System (DROPPED)

George Candra, a nature enthusiast fell from a cliff and found himself awoke in the bottom of a ravine with a ton of skeletons surrounding him. As he tried to climb up, he found out that he have a system, but it wasn't your usual system. It was... a shop. Yes... a shop. With the coins that he found nearby, he somehow managed to survive in the bottom of the cliff. He even made a house in there, until someone crashed the house and destroyed it... "..." He suddenly felt an urge to just demolish the house he just finished building a moment ago. "WTF... There's a person on the roof." He poked the man and demanded compensation of the house to him, but the man can't seem to understand Indonesian, nor English. "Uhh... Wo.. ai.. ni?" The man's face darkened. ... #DROPPED#

TrinityShock · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
129 Chs

The Wrath of Godfather Li

"Let's go to my house first, shall we? I'll introduce Brother Ma to my wife and daughters." Smiled Li Weixiang.

Li Weixiang didn't want George to see his revenge. Because he might get caught in it or get hurt. Even though his cultivation state is the same as him, he forgot everything about this world, so he didn't want to risk losing his newfound brother.

George nodded his head "Mmn.. i don't have anything to do anyways.."

"Let's go there on foot! It's only a few blocks away."

While they walked, George seems to notice the strange looks of those people passerby.

"What's happening? Am i too handsome or what? Now that they looked at me like that, i'm getting interested to see my face. Hehe..." George thought.

But in reality, people are shocked when they saw Li Weixiang's face. He smiled viciously as they walked to Li's Residence. When the passerby saw his smile, all of them ran away quickly. They know that something is going to happen soon.


When they arrived, the servant that opened the door surprised by the presence of Li Weixiang. She immediately reported the news to the madam and the young mistress.

The madam isn't too shocked by that, he know that something fishy is going on, so she didn't completely trust that story. Even though she fainted when she heard it in the first time, she still have her brain to think.

Soon, the Madam Li and two of his daughters came and greeted Li Weixiang. The madam saw the man with a familiar face beside his husband and tried to remember the name of the man, but she can't remember a thing. "This is?" She asked.

Li Weixiang smiled and replied "This is Brother Ma, Without him, i'd have died because of that ungrateful b*tch! And Brother Ma, this is my wife and my two daughters. Very beautiful right?"

Madam Li smiled at George sweetly and then she asked Li Weixiang coldly "Who is this ungrateful b*tch that you just said? Did you cheat on me?"

Uwaahh... That's escalated very quick. Wait.. aren't people in this era liked to have concubines or something like that? Well.. It's their own choice anyway..

"No.. it's that Hu Jiaohua and her men! How dare she put sleeping pills in my food and then she bribes Yang Qiao to gang up on me while i was asleep! After dislocating my bones and messing with my meridians, they throwed me to the bottomless cliff. Fortunately there's Brother Ma in there, or else..."

Everyone breathed out a mouthful of cold breath. Every servants and people there instantly mad when they heard that. "Hu Jiaohua and Yang Qiao is it?! Good! We, The Li's family will return the favor with interest!" A steward suddenly said that.

And then all of the servants agreed with him and then they are dispersed.

Only George was confused... "Wut? This family is kinda odd.. The servants is kinda scary too!" he thought.

Li Weixiang realized the confusion from George's eyes, so he coughed awkwardly. "Cough! I still have some business to attend to. Brother Ma, You can stay in my house for a while. I'll come back later to discuss things later."

George nodded in agreement. "Okay.. You can relax and finish those business first. But is it really appropriate tho to live inside your house?"

Madam Li replied "Of course it is. You are our benefactor! We can't be stingy to our benefactor! If you have any trouble inside this Zhenqiu city, just tell them my husband's name and no one would make trouble with you." Smiled Madam Li.

"Ahaha... Okay then. Thank you very much for letting me freeloading for a while."

Li Weixiang and his wife laughed out loud to George's word. No one ever said something like that before.

"You must be tired from your journey to here." Madam Li then summoned a maid and make an arrangements to lead George to a room. "I'll call you when we are going to have dinner. Just make yourself feel at home!"

When Madam Li go outside, she can't help but wondering why did his face looks familiar? But she ignored it.


Meanwhile at the courtyard of Li's Residence.

There's more than fifty soldier like servants with a relatively strong cultivation state awaiting Li Weixiang's orders. When Li Weixiang and his steward came out, the servants kneeled and said in unison "What's your order, Godfather Li?"

"Kill everyone related to Hu Jiaohua and Yang Qiao! But, don't kill Hu Jiaohua and Yang Qiao.. They need to live a life that's worst than death! Do they think that i'm such a pushover?! Hmph!" He snorted.

Everyone replied in unison "Yes, Godfather Li!"

And soon a large army went hunting those who is related to Hu Jiaohua and Yang Qiao. They kidnapped them first to lure the main fish. And then they would kill them with a swoop.

Everybody is in cold breath when they saw that large army coming out from Li's Residence. They wondered who are the people who offended Li Weixiang. He was a famous tyrant who pays both gratitude and animosity with interest. All people who offended him usually turned into a dead meat, but if someone have his favor, he'll be very generous.

This time.. Godfather Li must be very angry to commands this many soldiers to hunt someone. Even Godfather Li himself joined the hunt. People passerby couldn't help but shuddered and think themself "I haven't offended Godfather Li, am i?"