
Thanatos is defeat

{Author p.o.v}

Rey was astonished by Thanatos introspection and proficiency. If it was against another competition, Rey could have flapped the undead sword around using a double-sided seizure, attacked him from the surface then circled his sword behind his arm to feel the weak pressure on his grip then use his momentum against him. But, Thanatos also proved his aptitudes. Rey had imagined the undead god to be an ugly-looking creature with scars running all over his face, but it was different. It has the features of a young boy, perhaps 29years old. He was also handsome, so any girl who isn't careful will fall for his disingenuous look. He also possessed the power and ability that Rey couldn't imagine. His skills couldn't be speculated with, he is undoubtedly the greatest sword skills man he had ever met. No wonder Ares, the god of war, couldn't dare challenge him. He swung at Rey more aggressively and the latter had no choice but to move back and parried another blow. "That was a child's play," he bellowed to Rey in a mocking tone. He channeled his speed out and charged at Rey in a blur, cutting from every intersection at the same time. Rey was too slow to deflect all the blows and he could feel blood dripping down from his left shoulder and rib. "Even if you are made the king of Olympus, you Stand no chance against me," Thanatos taunted again. "Zeus and other gods of Olympus know me well enough and they fear what I can do. So, I guess killing the Medieval King would make me gain more popularity."

"You know one thing about being sluggish," Rey uttered. He placed the undead sword on his mouth then tore a piece of cloth to bind the scrape on his arm. "My father said they always make noise and empty threats to cover their cowardice." He let out a small chuckle and grabbed the sword with his two hands. He could still feel immersive power radiating around him and through the sword. He tried using his wolf's instinct and channeling his elemental power, but they weren't responding. He didn't bother himself again, instead, he embraced the power which the undead sword was conducting into him. "Don't you think we should go a little more aggressive?" Rey inquired. The duo now started circling each other, studying one another's reaction and waiting for who is going to make the first move. "Make your enemy fight in your component," he remembers his father's cold voice. That was when he just clocked 20. They were having a duel competition in the pack, and he was paired against Mc cloud; one of his father's best. Even though his father was aware that the man was well constructed, decisive, and had more fighting experience than him. But, his father had told him to never miscalculate himself. "If you keep following your enemy's route, he will keep leading you in a circle and there is no chance of you overthrowing him." His father's cold voice bellowed to him after McCloud had beaten him mercilessly with blood oozing out of his mouth. His wolf endurance couldn't even save him that day. "Your imagination is your restriction. Imagine yourself in an elevated place, create a passage to the place and make your enemy follow the path." Rey felt another pang of guilt eating him. The person he had grown old to know as a father wasn't even his biological father. He was helped in the wilderness by Franni's mother. Worst of all, he was even older than Franni with many years that he couldn't even phantom. But here he was, looking like a 30 years old boy. He remembers his father's voice telling him about some pilgrimage, calling him the King of medieval times at different times. He had many questions running across his mind to ask his father, but the latter couldn't explain, telling him to find out by himself. If his father didn't have enough time to answer all his questions, Rey was sure the only person in a position to answer was Seer Argon. Talking of the man, he glanced back and saw him protecting Coven and Conor. Behind him stood Ariel and the other boy that he was yet to know his name, fighting viciously and erasing the undead army from existence. Rey knew it was now his turn to finalize everything. To defeat the god of the undead and restore peace to the realm before they finally set out to help Franni. Rey was now going to use some of the methods his father had taught him. He is going to make the undead king fight in his element and use his advantages against him. The only problem he had now is that he didn't know how to lure the man out unless he would do one thing. Allow the man to beat him and use the opportunity to find a suitable place to end his life. "Let's be faster than this," Rey bellowed to Thanatos and he could see a smile creeping into his mouth. "Then we would know who is worthy to be the most fearful man among the gods and humans."

"As you wished," Thanatos growled. He channels his speed again and charges at Rey. This time, Rey could see him in the slow movement. Even though he was moving with unimaginable speed, the rest could only see them in a blur. But, he appeared slowly in front of Rey, and he could guess that it was part of the ability the sword granted to him. He stepped aside and knocked Thanatos with the hilt of his sword. The man flew in the air and landed with a hard thud. He stood up quickly with an angry expression on his face. "We are just getting started," he bellowed and rushed at Rey again. Rey parried a blow and stepped aside to swerve another blow aimed for his head. He deflected all the blows swung at him in a fast motion while the undead king wasn't relenting either. The duo jumped high and their legs glued to the sidewall of the gallery. They kept thrusting at each other, exchanging blow for blow, striking from all angles, and drawing blood from different parts of their body. Rey could see the skills that Thanatos was using, it was a double side cut with inner pressure. He smiled inwardly as the man was already trapping himself. He couldn't forget those skills. It was one of his best styles of sword fighting. All thanks to his foster Father, Alpha Henry. It took him many years before he was able to master the skills. He had even given up many times without a number, but his father never gave him time to recess. The day he cultivated the skills was when Nemesis beat Franni. He could remember how his father had flung him in the angel room for 3 days and latched the door with the rule that if he didn't complete his training then he would never let him out. It took him a lot of effort and his last breath before he was able to master the proficiency. Now, the undead king was trying to use it against him. He smiled inwardly and let the man make his move. He watched as Thanatos breathed out heavily and sped toward him and another grin spread on his lips. The man had forgotten a stride. He forgot to connect his inner spirit with his outer strength, he was so enthusiastic to kill him that he didn't know where to strike or even remember to double his speed. Rey waited for the last eternity and stepped aside. He took in a deep breath, connecting his inner spirit and mind. He relaxes them and allows his instinct to take control. With one swift moment, he thrust the sword into his neck from behind. He could feel the sword piercing his throat and coming out through his esophagus. Blood gushed out instantly and splashed on his face. The man fell freely from the sidewall from where they were both standing and landed with a loud thud. Rey allowed himself to land gently and loud cheers filled the environment. He looked around and he could see Seer Argon, Coven, and Connor Infront. At his back stood Ariel and the other guy he couldn't phantom his name. Everything looked clean and clear as all the undead army had been eradicated, at the ground stood the dead body of Medusa Gorgon, which was dissolving into thin air.

"We have to leave now," Rey uttered hastily. "Franni might need our help in fighting Virgo."

"Don't worry about that," Seer Argon elucidated calmly. "You have to fulfill the rest of your quest."

"What quest are you talking about?"

"Your next quest is to restore Coven, Ariel, and Jack to their bodies." Seer Argon bellowed. "Coven bodies have been damaged beyond recognition and the two here couldn't remember where their own body is laid."

"We could find that by using a location spell," Rey disagrees.

"It doesn't work that way," Seer Argon asserted. "You must find them to rejuvenate the body."

"What about the rest of the quest, and how am I the king of Medieval?"

"That would be after you return." Seer Argon concluded and raised his staff towards Rey. Bright light consumes him, Ariel, and Coven, at the same time. Before the flicker of an eye, they vanished from the spot leaving Seer Argon and Connor.
