

Rey was the prime to land on dry ground and the dust Particles blew into his nose. He coughed several times, trying to get acquainted with his environment. He used his eyes to scrutinize the whole environment, and he could see that he was in an open space with shrubs, fallen trees, and different dry palm trees. He searched his mind, trying to recollect how he got here, but his mind was unoccupied. He felt his stomach rumbling, then he started coughing out again. His throat went wide open on his own. Before he could decipher what was going on, he vomited the little foods he had eaten before he left for Avalon. "Ouch," he whined and rubbed his mouth with the back of his palm. Another strange bright light suddenly appeared behind him, he quickly closed his eyes to avoid being blind. When he noticed that it had reduced, he opened them, and there in front of him stood Ariel, Coven, and the guy he didn't know his name. Then his mind flickered to what happened earlier. Starting from the beginning. How he set out for Avalon, going through the Cador river, fighting the trench. Meeting Coven, the chase and confronting the undead god. He could still remember how he wields the undead sword and how would he forget, the revelation in Avalon, Saving seer argon, the quest and him being the medieval king; even though he was still trying to find out the city or village breeding the name. He shook his head and tears slipped down from his eyes. He had indeed been through a lot, just within a day of being an Alpha.

"Are we staying here forever?" Ariel inquired impatiently. "I couldn't remember where our body was, but I could remember fighting with a snake woman."

"That is the evidence," Jack uttered.

"Clue to what?" Rey asked when he didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Are you deaf?" Jack shrieks at him. "I mean a clue to find our body."

"Be humble for once, Jack. Don't forget he is An Alpha and a king." Ariel warns him.

"I am sorry, Alpha." Jack sneered. Coven's eyes blaze with fury and are made to attack him, but Rey steps between them and stops them from clashing.

"If I am right, you said the last thing you remember is fighting with a Snake-head woman?" Rey inquired. "And the only woman with a snakehead is none other than Medusa Gorgon."

"That means our body is in her temple," Ariel concluded. "Then we have to move right now. But, I don't even remember the route there."

"Follow me," Rey elucidated. He used his hand to touch his scabbard and he sighs in relief as he feels the undead sword in it. He could still feel the immersive power radiating around him.

After many yards of walking under the hard shriveling sun, the team arrived at Medusa's Gorgon liar. Jack was the first to rush towards the door in an undertaking to open the door but his hand went through the door. He tried again several times but it was still the same. Rey could now guess the reason why Seer Argon had insisted that he should follow them. It was because they couldn't touch anything since they had already become ghosts. This also means one thing, they are invisible to naked eyes. What baffles Rey was that how was he able to see them?

"It seems the power you are wielding is the one responsible for you to see us," Ariel answers the question going on in his mind.

"I guessed you were right," Rey mumbled. He stepped closer to the door and unlocked the door. He pushed the door gently and it made a creaking sound before it opened. He pushed it further and the door opened wide enough for everyone to enter. Without further delay, the teams walked inside with Rey leading them. He used his eyes to scrutinize the whole place and he could see the whole in disarray. His eyes drifted to the corpse of Medusa's Gorgon body which was lying on the floor. He moved closer and turned the body with his leg. He watched as the body shifted back with her back now lying on the ground while her front view was now facing him. He looked mesmerized by her beauty and he couldn't help but shake his head in sympathy for her. She was a pretty woman with a well-curved shape, her boobs were half-revealed as the scale in her body was covering the rest. Rey couldn't believe the sight as she saw Medusa's tail shaking. He quickly jerked back in fear, thinking the woman was coming back to life. But looking more closely, he discovered that her spirit is yet to die. He bought it out and thrust it into her heart in a quick motion. Though he knew the woman's soul had been killed in the undead land, he didn't want to take any high risk. His eyes automatically drifted to the other side of the room, behold; in front of him were different weapons and armor which were well arranged on the shelf. He noticed some are missing and without being told, he knew Franni and her companion must have taken from it. "The body is missing," Coven's loud voice jolted him out of his world. He turned back and moved toward their direction to confirm what he was talking about. "We only found some pieces of cloth here which I assumed was used to wrap it. But, the body itself is missing."

"What does that mean?" Rey asked, glancing at Ariel and Jack at the same time.

"It means someone must have taken the body." Jack barked.

"Easy man," Rey elucidated. "None of us here knew how it went missing and we are going to retrieve it back."

"How do you plan to do that?" Jack growled again. It was obvious he was running out of patience. Well, he couldn't be blamed, it sucks to be trapped in the spirit world, unable to touch anything.

"The culprit must still be somewhere around," Rey elucidated. "Because when I was checking around, I discovered that Medusa Gorgon is still jerking. I had to thrust my sword into her heart before she stopped wiggling her tails."

"That means Franni must have left here so many hours before we arrived," Ariel suggested.

"You are right," Rey supported. "But the problem is how do we trace them?"

"Over here," Coven suddenly bellowed. He is pointing to the window of the building which was broken and footsteps could be seen on the window frame. "It seems they passed through this way."

"Without hesitation, Rey jumped through the fence and started following in the footsteps of the culprit.

"The footsteps," He bellowed loudly to the hearing of the rest. "They lead to the north of Avalon, through the wasteland."

"Look closely," Cohen mumbled. He squatted low beside the footsteps to take a proper look. He could see that they were different from normal human steps or rather an animal's own. It was like the culprit was crawling like a snake which left a straight line on the ground. Coven and Ariel moved closer, trying to identify who owns the print. "Any idea," Ariel asked, looking over to Jack who had also joined them.

"I know this print, but I can't remember the creature it belongs to."

"Yes," Rey screamed in excitement but it slowly morphs into a sad countenance which makes the rest to be curious about what happened. "There are two pieces of news here." Rey elucidated which keeps the rest suspenseful. "The good news is that they belong to a group of people who walk and do everything together, they are called the sand walkers." He a little and allowed his word to sink in. "The bad news is that they are crazy fighters. Like I said earlier, they always walk in groups which makes it hard to defeat them. So, I would be the only one to fight them because you won't be able to interfere again since we are no longer in the undead land." Rey concluded and stood up, using his eyes to trail the line left behind by the sand walker.

"Something is missing," Jack bellowed. They raised their heads and stared at his face urging him to continue. "The line ends here." He concluded while moving forward towards a huge rock which seems to mark the end of the line they are following.

"Watch out," Ariel screamed at Rey. He spun back in time but it was too late as he felt a hard metal colliding with his head. His world went black and everything became blurry. His head rang loudly and started spinning, finally, he felt himself losing consciousness. Beside him stood Ariel, Coven, and Jack; unable to do anything. It was obvious the sand walker couldn't see them. A well-built man with a helmet made from a human skull steps forward and spots beside Rey. With a swift movement, he hit him hard on the face with his boot and Rey's eyelids closing involuntarily.
