
Eir To Fall

Finding an object in the snowy mountains that had called to you from a young age. Your life is changed and you are caught in a series of events from fighting along side the Avengers, to discovering with Thor that Odin wasn't exactly where he's supposed to be. - Having yourself bewitched by a Trickster is just what some may call part of the adventure. Set around Age Of Ultron, Ragnarok and much further beyond. ***** (This is a Y/N story)

Chocobell · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

God Of Thunder

You weaved throughout the Tower, when eventually you were in an elevator, awkwardly waiting in silence until the elevator sounded out to tell you, you were at your designated floor. The doors opened to reveal a multilevel lounge area, acquainted with a bar. The room was sleek, modern and just about perfect. It wasn't too pretentious as though to make you uncomfortable, but still, this was Iron Man's abode, I mean, Tony Stark's Tower originally, so of course it would be everything listed and more. Lights illuminated, highlighting the alcohol that lined the wall on glass shelves behind the chestnut bar that had a sleek glass top finish. It didn't span too much in length and would probably fit only a handful of people. Interrupting the line of seats, a large silhouette sat at one of the bar stools with broad shoulders, long blonde hair partially tied back and a red cape that draped to the floor. You and Banner walked over to the man, your breath nerved as your anticipation of meeting a God seeped around you.

"Thor?" Banner called out.

Silence filled the room, as the sound of glass gently being placed onto the bar counter was the only thing heard. You both became within a few feet of the blonde man who sat at the bar finding the air in the room to have the faint sound of music, making the atmosphere send a tinge of sadness into you. This was not all what you imagined your first encounter of the God would be like, as Banner took a seat next to him, placing a hand onto the red cape in a comforting way, much like he did with you earlier. You stood to the end of the bar, watching the God as he slouched over to his drink, the glass still in hand as it rested on the bar beside a squared glass bottle. He looked weary as you observed his side profile, it being unfathomable he would display such emotions considering the hard exterior and greatness that came with his name, you were taken back by it all and watched on in disbelief as Banner began to talk.

"You're still not coping, hm? Well you know that drinking isn't going to help, right?"

"Please Banner, I am not in the mood for your science or suggestions" Thor replied, pouring a dark liquid into the glass. Taking another drink. You idly continued to watch as Banner tried to break through the wall that was a presumably heart broken man. Turning your gaze, you eyed the sun slowly setting over the city through the wall length windows behind them, with that you had almost an urge pulled over you to attempt to gain attention back to the real reason you and Banner had come to find Thor. You cleared your throat within those moments of thinking, causing Banner to turn his head to you, Thor still looking to the bar as if you hadn't made a peep.

"Right, I actually came here to ask if you could help me with something.." Banner said with a matter of fact tone as he looked back at Thor.

"..And what is that?" Thor asked as he poured another glass, slinking it back to gulp it down his throat.

"Well.. You may have heard of our guest currently in the Tower after going through that Hydra facility. If you recall, she showed some peculiar power from the footage we managed to obtain. The thing is, this was not through them obtaining a power source, like the Tesseract." Banner waved you to come closer, and so you moved to stand in front of them behind the bar. Placing your cuffed hands to the counter slowly, as he continued "It was through these, and not so surprisingly Tony was right in asking you for the runed cuffs. They concealed what power they were giving out in the lab just before we came up he-"

Thor cut him off, looking slightly up to the multiple cuffs on the wrists in front of him. Not making eye contact with you. "Are these the ones?"

"..Yeah" Banner replied.

Thor continued to look at the cuffs for a moment, narrowing his eyes as he examined them before finally making brief eye-contact with you. He moved the glass and bottle aside, going with both of his hands, meeting but an inch away from yours "Do you mind Lady..-" He looked at you again momentarily as his clouded demeanor changed to that of a kind soul, requesting to be reminded of your name.

" L/N, though Y/N is fine" you answered his sentence, only to be met with a second one.

"Well then Lady L/N.. May I?" He gestured to your hands, moments away from his. You could have sworn you almost blushed from his words, worried if you did for a moment when you nodded to his question, lifting your hands so they could be taken in his. His hands almost swallowed yours whole, they were as big as the very muscular arms that connected with them.

He went to take off the clamps Tony placed over your wrists earlier, with both you and Banner wincing as you braced yourselves for something to happen, but was met with only the slinking sound of metal being placed onto the counter. You and Banner simultaneously sighed in relief, whilst Thor continued to turn your wrists back and forth gently, being able to see the inscription that laced the gold. Unlike yourself, he would be reading this with ease, knowing all the words for what they should and would be. He then looked up to you in an almost confused state, looking deep into your eyes as you looked at him. You felt almost bare as if he was reading everything about you, but unbeknownst to you, he was simply curious how someone such as yourself obtained such an object, let alone wore it.

He finally asked, "Who are your parents?" His husky voice asked.

You were dumbfounded by the unexpected question and blinked in confusion as if to process it. Your eyes then rolled around their sockets as you began to explain "Ermm.. Well, my dad is in sales, his name is C/N and my mother... Eira, she left us when I was young, so I don't remember much about her. Her name is pretty much the only thing I do know, if that." you nodded slightly to confirm to yourself that that small answer would be enough, with your eyes trailing down to the side, almost seeming ashamed of your family when considering the son of Odin himself was sitting there ahead. You looked back to Thor who had been listening to your answer intently, with his expression seeming amused. "Did I say something wrong?" your brows perked up as you asked the question.

"No.. but, do you really know nothing about your mother?" Thor asked, he definitely looked like he found something amusing. You responded by simply shaking your head, no. Confused. He smirked, giving a quick glance to Banner who also seemed confused by the interaction. He looked back to you as he squeezed out more hints as to just what he meant. "I think you probably know a lot more about her given what I've heard about you… and your interest for someone like me. It definitely explains why you can wear these and not to have them burn your body from your soul." You couldn't quite piece together what he was saying, and you thought about his words as you stayed locked with his smolder as his husky, calming voice made you invited to know more.

"Your mother.. Lady Eira… If I should be so brave to address her as such. I never have had the pleasure of knowing her, but I can assure you, she was most definitely a brave woman." he glanced again at Banner who seemingly had clicked to what Thor was trying to say. Looking back to you "Perhaps we should talk more on this tomorrow Lady Y/N, you've had a long day I'm sure. I do not wish to make it longer" he gave a warm smile to you.

"Yeah.." Banner looked to his watch as you panned over to him, your thoughts still churning "..It is getting rather late, how about I show you to your room? We can follow this up tomorrow. We can get some food ordered for you too, I can only imagine all the food they fed you at the facility. All you've had since is IV." he chuckled innocently at his awkward attempt to distance the prior conversation. You allowed your mind to settle at the mention of food. It was true you hadn't had anything good for what felt like months, and this also brought you back to the reality that Thor was still holding your wrists or more so at this point the backs of your hands with his thumbs placed over your palms. You snapped your hands to your side of the counter, avoiding eye contact nodding "Food would be good, and.. My room?" You glanced up sheepishly towards Banner.

"Yeah, we thought it would be best you stay with us here for a while, to keep you safe and just in general figure out how to handle the cuff situation" Thor scoffed nonchalantly at Banners last comment, and with Banner looking at him with disapproval, he continued as he met his eyes back with yours "I hope you don't mind?"

"No, I don't mind. I was in between an eviction notice and a cardboard box at home anyway…" you jested, though it was true, but alas it was a story for another time. You appreciated the offer despite its unusual occurrence either way, to which Banner and yourself went to leave the room.

"Goodnight Lady Y/N, I hope you eat well" Thor called out from the bar, glancing over his shoulder in your direction. His aura being polar from when you had entered the area originally.

You looked back to him, nodding "Thank you, you too… Goodnight" you replied, your words coming out awkward. You just said goodnight to a God.. though not the strangest, you couldn't help but smirk none the less as you turned back to enter the elevator once again. Leaving the conversation in the room, looking forward to the aroma and taste of real food.

The elevator door opened again, this time to a long wide hallway with multiple doors. You followed Banner glancing at the molds of the paneling. It had a different feel to the living area from before, it felt slightly more normal to you with its neutral tones and flooring to match. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of one of the doors "Right so, if you could place your hand on the handle for me" You raised a brow, looking from him to inspect the sleek silver plated handle with a black interface. You gripped the handle.

"Door is unlocked . Welcome, Miss L/N" a woman's voice spoke out of nowhere similar to Jarvis. With that you were able to push the door open.

"Whoa, so much for a Yale lock.." you smirked, Banner opening the door more for you to step in the room. "I suppose this is pretty cool" Banner chuckled at your reaction, finding it amusing given the tech he was usually surrounded with, yet understanding that this could be, though minuscule in comparison, quite the unusual occurrence. "So this is your room," He said, offering you to step inside as he continued "Only you and those you give access to can enter. You have your own bathroom, so you don't need to worry about blonde or red hair blocking your drain." he gestured to a door on the right as you marveled at the room that presented itself to you. It was bigger than your whole apartment, the bed was more than enough room for you, so much so you could only assume they must make all beds Hulk sized. It was bland decoration wise, bare white walls and minimal furniture "You'll be able to make any changes you want at Tony's expense to fit to your liking. We don't know how long you will be here, so you might as well feel at home right?" Banner said as he observed you glancing around the room.

You looked over to him with a smile "Thank you very much, for all of this. Not just today either, for getting me out of that facility."

"There's no need, plus it was a team effort. It's what we're here for." Banner smiled in return. "Anyway, just think about what you want to eat and feel free to ask Jarvis to order it for you. We got you a phone, it's in the night stand. We could only assume that your old one was destroyed by Hydra, given its tracking." he ran through checking he covered everything in his head as a silence fell shortly whilst you continued to inspect the room "I think that's all. My contact and other avengers who own a phone are also in the phone we gave you. So if you need anything, feel free to ask"

"Thank you.. Again.." You replied, brushing the soft sheets that laced the bed with your finger tips.

"Right, I'll let you rest. Have a good night Y/N" Banner gave a final nod, clasping his hands together, turning to head out of the room.

"Goodnight Bruce" you said, a smile placed on your lips as you watched him leave the room.

The door closed and you met with the silent room, retaking the scenery. Walking over to the window similar to the one from the living area, you looked down at the city, still wide awake and going about its life, unaware of the eyes that watched it in awe, looking at the beauty of the lights like stars that twinkled, dazzling you. The view was hard to pull away from, but nonetheless despite its beauty, you did and went over to the nightstand to collect the phone. You turned it on, and unlocked it with a swipe. It wasn't branded, so you could only imagine it's one Tony had made, it would probably be like putting a sandwich together for him. You glanced at the contacts, scrolling down whilst you sat on the bed, sinking into its softness. Banner, Barton, Rogers, Romanoff, Stark.. There were a few others but these stood out to you the most, your eyes were in disbelief, but it was all real.

You threw your back to the bed staring at the ceiling, the phone in your open hand above your head. Your stomach then rudely interrupted the silence and your sleepy thoughts. "Food… Food would be good. Jarvis?"

"Yes Ma'am?" he echoed.

"Can you please order me some y/c"

"Certainly, I will have it brought to your door when it arrives."

And it did. A notification pinged your phone for you to open your door almost an hour later. You opened it and were met with a small little robot, it opened a lid showing your food. You tilted your head at first having somehow assumed you would have to travel down to the foot of the Tower and retrieve it from there, still, you shrugged it off, retrieving your food. Then the lid closed and it rolled off down the hallway, you peered out of your door to watch it reach the elevator.. And of course the elevator opened automatically allowing the little thing to go inside. Disappearing between the doors.

A couple of hours passed, you ate and were washed up ready for bed after finding towels and clothes tucked away in a walk-in closet that was discretely attached to the bathroom. You climbed onto the bed. Phone propped up on the nightstand as you watched videos to distract your mind before falling asleep. These last few moments of the day felt the closest thing to a normal reality you had, had in a long time.

Your sleep however, wasn't the most settling.