
Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Sophia has always been immature. After her mother died her father doted on her. So much so that she became spoilt. Before her father passed away, he left her not just with enough money, but also a secret that will help her survive as an orphan in this world. But that secret was only meant for dire times. Unfortunately, because of her childishness and immaturity even though she is already eighteen, and her carelessness in spending all her money, Sophia loses everything her father left for her. Now stranded and poor and unwilling to get a job, she opens the small box where her father left envelopes that contained the secret, secret he warned her never to open unless she was really in trouble. Sophia is shocked and hurt when she sees the secret her father has kept for her. Four handsome billionaires, with detailed information about each and every one of them. The best part; her father had written down step by step procedure that was guaranteed to make her a bride to whichever one she chose… now all Sophia had to do was pick one envelope…

Giamini · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

The wind of pain

I was happy. The school cafeteria had served my favorite today. Minus the amazing food, I had boys from every class wanting to meet me. High school life was amazing.

They say I am a beauty. Not even people who didn't like me could contend with that. I was gorgeous. My dad always said I looked like my mum. Even though she'd died when I was only six, eleven years ago, i really believed that I was like her…

"Sophie. Hi." Sharon smiled at me.

Ugh… what did she want?

Sharon has always been a thorn in my flesh. The bane of my sweet existence. Sometimes I wondered how we were ever best friends. Ever since I became popular in school, she'd vowed to be my nemesis.

"What do you want Sharon?" I scowled.

Without my consent, Sharon shooed my seat mate away and sat down.

"Nothing. Can't I check up on an old friend again?"

As if… Sharon was despicable. She was the epitome of evil. Sharon would do anything to see me fall. Just last month, she sent her minions to spread fake news about me. That I was sleeping with one of the teachers that's why my grades were so good. The principal never really found out who had started the rumor, but I would bet everything I had to my name that Sharon had done this. Unfortunately, since I didn't have proof, there was little I could do.

So I started my own rumor about her…

An eye for an eye. But in my case, I got caught…

"Get to the point Sharon. What do you want?" I returned my attention to my novel.

"Oh nothing." She chimed. I raised my head and found Tia and Stephanie smiling just as gaily as Sharon was.

Usually, I wouldn't pay them any attention. Like I said earlier, my day was going great. But there was something about the way Sharon behaved. Even when I didn't want to answer her, I was forced to. She pushed all of my buttons and I was always unable to resist the temptation of smacking her smile off her face.

"If you have nothing to say, get out." I said irritably.

"Oh c'mon now. Don't talk to a fellow girlfriend like that."

I squeezed, my brows knitting together. "Fellow girlfriend? Look Sharon, if you have nothing to say get the hell out of my classroom. Go be a nuisance to someone else."

"You—" she started, her face red with anger. The next thing I knew, she relaxed her face. Sharon was calm again. "Don't worry. I'm about to leave." She said sweetly.

I almost shuddered at the creepiness in her voice.

"I'm just gonna ignore you." I said, not giving her another look.

Ten seconds in and the class began to roar, chanting a name I was all too familiar with. Tyler, the most handsome boy in the entire school, who was the captain of the basketball team and the only boy I wanted as my first boyfriend had just walked into my class. I've been dying for him to notice me, but unfortunately, even though we'd had many classes together, he still didn't see me. Rumor had it that he preferred to date college girls. But he was in my class today, which meant my prayers had been answered.

My lips curved into a smile. I adjusted my uniform, glad I was wearing the shorter skirt today. I raised my head, and almost stopped breathing when I saw him walking towards my desk. The entire class cheered on.

I couldn't believe it. Tyler was coming my way. He'd finally noticed me. I wanted to squeal. To shout at the top of my lungs. But I composed myself. This was my time. And the best part was, Sharon was here to witness it. I almost took my eyes off Tyler to look at Sharon. She was probably kicking herself right now…

"Hi Sophie." He smiled.

I almost melted into a puddle.

"Hi Tyler." I felt like I was floating.

"Hey babe. Ready to leave?"

It took me a few seconds to come back to planet earth. And when I did, I almost fainted.

Tyler was standing beside Sharon, her hand in his own. She had that evil smile going on.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Tyler had just called Sharon babe…

What about everything they said about him never dating a girl from his class? Was that a lie? And even if he wanted to date, why Sharon? Why her of all people? Why!!!

"Where will you be taking me?" Sharon leaned closer to Tyler, her mouth in a pitiful pout as she spoke. Tyler brushed strands of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, staring into her eyes, his smile growing.

I hated looking at them. I've never wanted to be blind as much as right now.

"Don't you have a class right now?" He asked after placing a Kiss on Sharon's cheeks.

The entire class cooed. I almost puked. I was barely holding it in. My stomach was in knots.

"I do. But I'd rather be with you."

"Okay. How about we go to the basketball court. We'll hide out there until school is over."

"What if we get caught?"

"We'll make a run for it."

Sharon smiled. "I like that idea."

"See you later Sophie. I hope you have a good last period." Sharon smirked before walking out of my classroom.

I wanted to look brave. But my eyes were beginning to sting. The worst thing that could happen to me right now was if the entire class saw me crying. How would I explain it?

With hurried steps, I rushed out of the class straight into the bathroom. Once inside a stall, I let my tears run free.

Seeing Sharon one-up me had never been this painful or pitiful. I wasn't such a sore loser that I would cry over something so small. It's just… I really liked Tyler. Because I was waiting for him, I never opened my heart to wanting anyone else. I've had a crush on him since I was fourteen. And I honestly thought our love was going to be another cliche novel…

I couldn't believe I'd been so gullible. Of course Sharon had something up her sleeve. I should have known the moment she couldn't stop smiling.

Wiping my tears, I stood up from the toilet seat. Sharon wasn't worth this. My day had started perfect, and it would continue to be perfect until the end. Besides, the worst had already happened.

I rinsed my hand and tapped under my eyes in front of the mirror. After drying my hands, I returned to the classroom. To my surprise, Mrs. Glen, our history teacher had already began the class.

"Why did she say it was cancelled if she was still going to come…" I mumbled under my breath.

The minute I stepped into the classroom, she turned her attention from the board to me.


I stopped on my track, looking at her.

"Go to the principal's office. She's been looking for you."

I nodded. I turned towards the door, stopping when she spoke again.

"Go with your belongings."

I looked at her for a split second before going over to my desk and packing up.

The principal's office wasn't very far from my class room. In a matter of minutes of cat walking, I was there. Her secretary immediately ushered me in.

"Take a seat, Sophia."

"Is something wrong?"

I had to ask. Miss Laura had that expression when something was wrong.

"Uhm… the police department called… I don't really know how to say this… uhm—Sophie, your father is dead."

There were two things that I wasn't so good at. The first was acting. I suck at acting. Pretending to be someone else… the idea of someone else's words coming out of my mouth, I just wasn't created for that.

And the second thing I wasn't so good at, is being alone. To me, choosing to be alone was a strength I didn't have. No matter how fake the friends I surrounded myself with were, I'd rather pretend to be oblivious than confront them and risk losing them. The only reason why I was able to leave Sharon was because I'd grown beautifully and become popular and a lot of people wanted to be around me. If I had continued to look like the nerd I'd been for most of my life, Sharon would still be in my life and I would still condone all her degrading and derogatory statements directed at me…

"Sophia… Sophia…"

Now I had no choice but to be alone. My dad was gone. He'd promised never to leave me but he was gone. I'll never see him again.

I grabbed my bag and stood up, walking out of the principal's office while she called my name. My heart felt like it was squeezing together and it wouldn't stop until the weight on it had been lifted.

I held my tears. They fought to come out, but I held them in.

"Not here". I told myself. I didn't want to look pitiful. Not here.

The second I jumped into my car and closed my door, I released my hold on my tears. I'd never felt pain like this before. It was beyond excruciating.