
edegion chronicles lockt´ar the green fist

brothers united by battle come closer, I will tell you the legend of the great green fist, the one who dominates, the lord of the ancient clans, the first and the last in battle, the one who brings unity and many other glorious titles I am talking of course about lockt'ar the great warrior Here in front of you I have his diary, where he recounted his entire life with his own handwriting before he died. Let's listen brothers, the life of the greatest orc that ever existed, exists or will exist now you will hear the chronicles of the big green fist

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training the brothers

The next morning at dawn I left the tent and saw the two brothers sitting there waiting for me when they saw me they got up and waited for instructions I waited a few moments before starting

what are your two names?

The eldest of the brothers who had a two-handed tomahawk was about 2.20 meters tall he was completely bald with two 6-centimeter yellow fangs protruding from his lower lip he was very muscular and wore nothing more than a Greek-style skirt old cast with the skin of a red animal that he could not define

my name is grootmol

the younger brother who was 2.00 meters tall had a bald head except for a ponytail that rose about 5 centimeters and descended to his neck he had eyebrows much thicker than most orcs and his fangs were much higher white's that his brother wore a skirt identical to his older brother's, but his chest was not completely bare he had two leather shoulder pads with a strap that formed a cross on his chest and his weapons were the two one-handed axes he carried yesterday

my name is frimbut

well, leave your weapons inside the tent and follow me

They both obeyed me and in silence we left the village and I started running and told them to follow me and they did so in silence for a few minutes until they realized that we were not moving away from the village and the older brother was not could avoid asking

lockt'ar where we are going

I laughed a little

haha, we are not going anywhere, we are just running to activate the body

And how long will we have to do it I usually run two hours, but today I slowed down to adapt to yours and slowly adapt them to mine

Grootmol felt offended because he thought I was making fun of him, that I was telling him that he didn't have as much strength as me but in the end 45 minutes passed and both he and his brothers were practically out of breath and his rhythm began to drop

when we ran for an hour, I stopped them and with a smug smile told them

They want to run another hour, but this time I won't let them slow down

when we stopped both brothers fell to the floor breathing heavily grootmol didn't answer me he just grunted a little frimbut he just raised his head and shook his head

Well, you have 5 minutes, and we return to the village to continue with the physical training

Frimbut exclaimed in surprise

continue? Is there still more?

That if there is more, we just started guys

I could see how his skin lost its color quickly and his soul escaped from his mouth, I couldn't help but laugh softly

Well now you have to do three sets of 25 push-ups and three sets of 20 squats and two sets of 15 push-ups

They looked at me as if I had spoken to them in an ancient and incomprehensible language.

frimbut I speak first and ask

Abdominals, push-ups, squats? What's that?

Are exercises to gain strength in your arms, abdomen and legs

excited grootmol exclaimed

And how do you do these exercises?

Simple grootmol for abs first lie on your back to the floor raise your knees until the soles of your feet touch the floor frimbut put your knees on their feet and hold their knees with your hands that do not move

the brothers positioned themselves as indicated and looked at me anxiously

ok now grootmol lift your chest until your face reaches your knees

I don't understand how I raise my face to my knee?

Look like this

I got in position and started doing crunches

do 20 seconds and for 10 seconds then do another 20 and for 10 seconds and then do the last 20 then switch positions and have frimbut do the same

after they finished with the abs they continued with the push-ups and the squats, I had to teach them everything, but they didn't complain after that

After 5 minutes of rest I put them to practice tai chi grootmol was with a completely twisted face of embarrassment as we practiced right outside the store the other orcs could see what we were doing

frimbut was enjoying the activity not because he wasn't embarrassed but seeing his older brother acting so embarrassed could only put a smile on his face

at one point I thought that grootmol would get out of here insulting me since some girls passed by and started laughing at us

I could almost see a vein pop on his forehead in anger and shame.

After two hours we finished, and it was time to eat Groama came out of the tent with food for the three of us, well, four of us, since my father joined us to eat while Groama returned to the tent.

frimbut was smiling from ear to ear but grootmol was in a very bad mood my father only watched them out of the corner of his eye while he talked to me calmly however grootmol could not contain himself for long

Lockt`ar I don't want to disrespect you, but what use is that ridiculous dance that you made us do, apart from humiliating ourselves in front of the whole tribe

my father growled and looked at grootmol like he was an idiot.

Shut up kid you can't even see what you're doing how you know it's no use for fighting and don't ever tell him it's a dance

grootmol lowered his head, but I could see he wasn't convinced, so I decided to change that

Grootmol finish eating quietly, and I'll show you what that ridiculous dance is for

the brothers looked at me confused, but they hurried and finished their meal in 4 bites

when they finished eating, they got up and looked at me impatiently

ok frimbut start dancing in a ridiculous way please

my father smiled but pretended not to see it and continued

I started dancing with him so that he could follow the steps more easily and once he adapted, the demonstration began.

Now I will start to hit you, and you will do the same movements but faster and thus you will deflect my blows you understood

frimbut shook his head desperately while I answered him

I'm glad you understood

and I started to hit, to the surprise of the two brothers, Frimbut deflected my first blow. His movements were somewhat rough, but he successfully deflected it. I kept hitting and was able to deflect two more blows before he landed a punch in his face.

Grootmol was surprised

brother, how did you do that, you were able to deflect three blows in a row.

Frimbut didn't know what to say, I didn't know if he was disoriented from the blow to the face or because he couldn't believe that he had deflected my blows.

I don't know, brother, I just moved instinctively. It was that strange dance, just faster. To be honest, I didn't think about what I was doing, I just reacted

the brothers were excited, they stopped eating immediately after that and began to practice

After one more hour of tai chi, I began to teach them basic techniques of submission and grips

Seeing how they crouched and simulated leg grabs or practiced basic jiujitsu movements, both brothers progressed quickly, it was obvious at first glance that the orcs were a warrior race.

In the middle of the afternoon, a group of young orcs approached and when they saw the strange movements of Grootmol and Frimbut they began to laugh at them, but this time Grootmol did not get angry.

When the group of young people left, I looked at Grootmol and with a smile I told him

I see that this time you controlled your temper. Didn't it affect you to make a fool of yourself in front of the young people of the tribe?

Grootmol looked at me strangely

huh? When did we make a fool of ourselves? We were just training, if they don't understand our training and laugh, it's their loss, in the adulthood ceremony they will regret it

my father started to laugh

Hahaha you're right boy. When they see how strong the humiliated will become, they will be

frimbut approached after finishing the repetitions of the exercise he was doing and asked

with which we continue lockt`ar

For today that's all in a while it's going to get dark. Go back to your tent eat rest and come back tomorrow at dawn

Having said that, the two brothers grabbed their weapons and returned home. I did not imagine that they would continue training at night, the tai chi movements, it was a surprise that I was quite pleasant to be honest with.

Shortly after dark, Groama began to cook our dinner and left the tent to fetch water for my father and me.

When she returned, she informed me that the two brothers were outside their tent practicing next to a bonfire.

When I finished eating, I went to see them, and they were still training next to the bonfire. I approached them from behind

tch tch tch this is not the left arm higher, the right foot a little further back and grootmol you are very rigid. The movement must be more fluid, make it slower

The brothers jumped and turned around quickly.

Friends, I told them to rest more than anything because they have not learned the movements correctly. The idea of this training is that the movements of the ridiculous dance remain engraved in their bodies, and they do not have to think about them but rather execute them instinctively, that is why it is practiced slowly but if they don't do it correctly they won't help at all

the brothers lowered their heads indicating that they understood and frimbut apologized

sorry lockt`ar we didn't mean to disrespect you or your teachings

nothing happens frimbut but keep in mind what I told you, do not practice without supervision until you have perfectly mastered the movements you have understood

both brothers answered energetically

we have understood lockt`ar

Well now go rest because tomorrow the training will be worse than today and believe me, I will not have mercy hahahaha

both brothers looked at each other helplessly and returned to their tent, the next day, hell would break loose on them