
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

And We Meet - Part 3

I knew to whom those blue eyes belonged to. I didn't care if he saw me in this state. I knew somewhere, my decisions were not correct, but this man was responsible as well. If he hadn't taken me back with him to that village, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

He stared at me with the eyes of a hawk. I couldn't look at him with that much intensity. The way he stared at me felt as if my strength was being sucked out, making my head feel dizzy.

His eyes moved to look at my arm where the bandage was soaked in my blood as the wound had reopened, and they travelled to the wound on my stomach before looking at my face again.

"What are you doing here?"

I didn't want to answer any of his questions. I looked away, hoping he would stop with his inquiry. Hadn't he already gotten me checked from that girl or was he still suspicious if I was a slave or not? I didn't understand what he wanted from me.

"I asked you a question. What are you doing here? And with that Hunter?", I was getting annoyed. I wasn't usually like this. It was just, something like this had never happened before. I was much of a calm person and I believed getting angry on someone wasn't a good thing; it was rude but I think now that it was inevitable. With a man like this, it was surely hard not to get irritated and wanting to run away where he wouldn't be able to find me. But look what happened? It surely wasn't a so-called coincidence that our paths happened to meet and he found us in this mess, looking like a hero who saved the civilians.

"I.. You didn't expect me to live in a place like that, did you?", He frowned, taking a step back which made me try to move away and he noticed it but he didn't stop.



He didn't reply straight away. He squatted down next to me before he looked closely at the wound on my lower abdomen. It felt as if he was looking beneath the dress on me, making me want to squat away from his predator-like eyes.

"Stand up", He was ordering me like I was his servant who wohld obey his every command. He stood up and waited for me to get up. I tried to get up with my left hand, trying not to make use of my right hand as it would cause unnecessary bleeding due to the injury which had reopened.

I flinched when I tried to move my leg. This man was staring down at me, not having any of it in him to offer his hand for help nor was I expecting help from him. It was hard but I somehow managed to stand half way and just as I was going to trip again, I quickly grasped on the branch of tree next to me. Phew- it would have been a hard fall and I think my insides would have been broken if I had fallen down again a second time.

Cabel as I should address him, watched me with keen eyes, not leaving me for even a second. I mean, I knew I was in a messy state but he didn't have to judge me like this. I checked with my leg if I could move it properly, and when I looked above to look at Cabel's face, I felt my balance shaking since I was standing with my one leg which was hurting a little.

I was expecting a fall, but I guess my body moved faster than my mind since I had quickly held the possible near thing- which was clearly the other person's arm. I felt the pain rising from my right arm and when I noticed, it was my right arm as I had exerted pressure to hold Cabel's arm and it had started to hurt.

I moved my hand, and my body leaned forward until I felt my forehead touching something soft yet hard at the same time. My eyes widened, I was about to step as much back as I could to maintain a prepped distance between us when I was pulled away from my left arm and heard him say,

"You can't even stand properly by yourself", Right after I was pulled away, I was flying in the air. I was picked up by Cabel. My hands were on his shoulders and I didn't even notice. My eyes were wide due to his unexpected actions. I thought he going to let me fall since I touched him without his permission but he proved me wrong.

"W-What are you doing Mister? Please put me down. I-I can walk on my own. Please", I pleaded which was ignored by him as he didn't even blink at my pleas. It was embarrassing being picked up by a man who was a complete stranger despite the fact that I knew his name which wasn't even told by himself but someone else.

"You can?"

I nodded, wanting him to put me down because I wasn't comfortable being so much close with a man whom I was only meeting a second time. What I didn't expect was for him to actually put me down. He stared at me for a while before he started walking away.

"Stay here if you want to be the meal of some wild animals. And if you change your decision and decide to value your life, let me know", I heard him say without turning his head. What? I did ask him to put me down but what now? I moved, trying to walk but instead, ended up hurting my leg. I looked up but Cabel didn't even turn around.

"Ca-Mister, ...w-wait", I felt utterly embarrassed. I was worried about my privacy without thinking about the consequences. I knew I should be thanking him that he even stopped to help me or else, I would surely have been turned to a wild animal's food.