
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasy
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24 Chs

And We Meet - Part 2

I turned around, with a wounded body, I didn't know what and where I was supposed to go. For now, I sat down by the wall of The cave which looked dark from inside and I didn't want to go inside because I wasn't aware if the cave was safe or not.

I didn't get to note the time since Jeremy had left and he still wasn't back. It turned me worried. He had told me not to step out of this place and stay here without trying to find him but it was unable to stay still knowing he wasn't safe himself. I didn't know how I would live my life with the guilt that someone died because of my carelessness. I wasn't being selfish, it wasn't for the reason that I won't be able to get out of this forest unharmed. But the time we spent together, I had come to know Jeremy was a kind man and he didn't mean any harm towards me, not towards anyone. He was a good man. All I knew was that I didn't want him to die. Not because of me.

I was thankful that only my stomach was hurt and not some other body parts. Since my arm was already injured, it wasn't hurting that much but the pain which I felt from my lower abdomen was piercing, I felt as if something was constantly being ripped apart inside of me and me trying to walk my way out of the cave made it even more worse.

I couldn't just sit here and wait, not even knowing if the person I was waiting for was going to return or not. I walked for a distance and suddenly, i heard a blast from the other side. My eyes went round and as I turned around, horror filled my face.

It was a Monster. Its movement was fast as it climbed over a tree before pouncing on, on- It was Jeremy. The eyes of a monster, large enough to cover an entire by human, the pupils moving madly inside the large eyes. It was a monster with a large head and an overall bizarre appearance. I wanted to avert my eyes yet I couldn't. It was my second time witnessing a Monster. The first time being the one when my parents died.

I felt helpless, not being able to do anything. It wasn't the work of single man to defeat such a big monster. I desperately watched and when the monster opened its huge mouth which allowed us to view its dirty and pointed teeth. I gasped again as I placed a hand over my mouth but that wasn't able to hide it. Jeremy turned his head in my direction, a look of confusion passed his face.

He shouldn't have looked my way, it took only a second of distraction which was enough for the monster to take control. Jeremy fired an explosive and a loud blast was heard, moving the air in a shockingly fast speed and as it hit me, my steps staggered.

The ground beneath me shook, and another blast was heard. But I was looking. The one which Jeremy shot, it had hit the monster in the eye yet it was able to stand again and attack him again. But the second one was not done by Jeremy. The rock on which Jeremy was standing, shook before it broke into two and I saw Jeremy falling down.

A large shriek was heard and the monster's blood splattered all over the ground. Although they were away from me, the black and thick blood of the ugly monster reached to where I stood, some of the stains falling on my face and dress. Two more shots came in a row and the monster lay on the floor, shaking.

It had made a tremendous noise.

I wasn't able to shake the fear and shock out of me, my feet moving about themself and my feet tripped over a small rock causing me to fall down, hitting the hard ground with a thud. As if the excruciating pain from my arm and lower abdomen wasn't enough, my bottom and back was now hurting as well.

Tears filled my vision and my eyes turned moist. I-it was all because of me. Nothing would have happened if I hadn't taken help from Jeremy in the first place. The situation wouldn't have reached to this point, only if I had been a little quick, a little observant about our surrounding but I had completely put my guards down.

I wasn't able to stop the tears which flowed down like a water fall. My chest felt heavy and with pain all over my body, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. If only I hadn't left the slave establishment. Nothing as such would have happened.

I tried to get up, using my left arm which I suppose was the only part which wasn't injured as my legs felt weak as well. Maybe they were hurt after all which I hadn't noticed before as I was picked up by Jeremy- At the mention of his name, I wanted to cry again. I was surely a stupid person. Someone who wasn't even capable of protecting myself. My luck was cursed, which brought disasters to the people close to me. Because of me, I never thought someone would die.

At this point of life, every decision I made seemed to have been reflected back in my mind. Was every decision I made in my life wrong?

I heard some voices again but it wasn't in my mind to look up to see what or who it was. Maybe it was another monster who had come with its fellow monsters. I didn't care if I was going to die anyway. It was better to die than live a life while carrying the burden of someone's death. I wouldn't be able to live a peaceful life.

I placed a hand over my stomach, trying to close the wound. Thw cloth which Jeremy had torn from my dress was lost in all the frenzy and I wasn't caring about it as well. Some of the blood had dried up, but I still felt the waem liquid on my fingers. I wondered how I was able to live until this moment despite the loss of blood from my body. I was a human after all.

I heard the voices again. Something clicking on the ground before it came to a halt, it was followed by a thud, then someone's footsteps until they stopped a few steps away from me. How pathetic it would be for someone to look at me in this state? I wanted to laugh right now.

"What are...

This voice—


I finally raised my head.

"It's you."