
Echoes Of Rain: A Tale Of Dreams And Secrets

An rpg inspired web-novel portraited with anime scenarios. This novel plays out like an anime series. Caution: Tackles severe themes, a story not suited for minors. Strange occurrences in what appears to be an ordinary world. With each chapter the mystery evolves. Follow Moore on his journey as his world changes.

Ronell_Rayn · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Echoes Of The Unknown

The morning unfurled with the familiar cadence of their routine, each step echoing the rhythms of countless days before. Moore, as punctual as ever, found himself waiting for Ronell, a patient sentinel in the quiet of their home. Her habitual tendency to oversleep, a byproduct of late-night activities, was a common occurrence that Moore had grown accustomed to over time. With a resigned exhale, he chose not to delay any further, deciding to forge ahead on his own path.

As he treaded the familiar route to the train station, the distant timbre of Ronell's voice caught his attention, a hurried apology mingling with the ambient noise of the morning rush. Moore couldn't help but marvel at her uncanny ability to race against the clock and still manage to catch the train, a testament to her boundless energy and resolute determination, qualities that stood in stark contrast to his own measured pace.

On the train, Ronell once again disappeared into the sanctuary of her book, her focus ensnared by the fictional realms nestled within its pages. Moore settled beside her in silence, a silent observer to the blur of passing scenery outside the window, lost in the labyrinth of his own thoughts.

It wasn't long before Ronell broke the silence, her voice tinged with urgency as she shared her need to make a brief detour to her part-time job at a local cafe. With their first class looming on the horizon, Moore took it upon himself to extend a lifeline to his sister, offering to excuse her tardiness to their teacher. A silent agreement passed between them, an unspoken understanding of the support they offered one another in navigating the complexities of their daily lives.

With a nod of comprehension, the teacher accepted Moore's explanation, granting Ronell the precious minutes she needed to fulfill her obligations. As she hastened off to her responsibilities, leaving Moore to chart his own course through the remainder of the lesson, a sense of solidarity lingered in the air, a silent testament to the bond that bound them together through the ebb and flow of each passing day.


The school day unfolded in its usual monotony for Moore, each lecture and assignment blending seamlessly into the next, a haze of routine that enveloped him like a shroud. Despite his friends' attempts to draw him into conversation, his mind remained distant, tethered to the haunting memory of the scream that had pierced his dreams.

As he sat in class, his thoughts drifted back to the chaotic scene that had unfolded in his mind during that fateful bath. Images flashed before his eyes, fragmented and surreal, yet one figure remained vivid amidst the chaos.

In the recesses of his mind, he saw her: the girl from his dream, her features obscured yet hauntingly familiar. But when a collision in the crowded hallway brought her into sharp focus, Moore found himself momentarily stunned by her presence.

Falling onto his backside, he shook his head to clear away the fog of his thoughts, his heart quickening as he gazed up at the girl before him. She apologized profusely as she gathered her fallen books, her voice a soothing melody amidst the cacophony of the hallway.

The girl exuded an aura of ethereal beauty, her features captivating yet enigmatic. Her hair, dark as midnight, cascaded like a waterfall of silk around her face, framing eyes of crimson that seemed to pierce straight through Moore's soul. There was a depth to her gaze, a flicker of hidden knowledge that left him spellbound.

With a grace that defied explanation, she moved through the crowd, her presence commanding attention without the need for words. Moore couldn't shake the feeling of deja vu that washed over him, a sense of familiarity that left him questioning the nature of their encounter.

As he watched her disappear into the throng of students, a nagging sense of curiosity tugged at Moore's mind. Had he seen her before, or was she merely a figment of his imagination? The memory of the girl lingered in the recesses of his thoughts, a puzzle waiting to be unraveled.


Once Moore stepped out of the confines of the classroom, a sense of liberation enveloped him like a warm embrace. The decision to skip his last class was impulsive, a rebellion against the suffocating routine that had come to define his days. He yearned to break free, to taste the sweetness of freedom and let the world unfold before him.

As he wandered through the streets, the sky overhead darkened, heavy with the promise of impending rain. But Moore paid it no mind, embracing the cool droplets as they danced upon his skin, a refreshing baptism cleansing him of the monotony of everyday life.

Upon reaching a central park, the heavens opened, unleashing a torrential downpour that sent most people scurrying for cover. But Moore remained undeterred, a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he found himself drawn to a deserted swing set.

Moments earlier, it had been occupied by a young girl, her laughter ringing through the air as she soared through the sky. But now, as the rain intensified, her parents ushered her away, leaving the swing empty and inviting.

With a sense of childlike wonder, Moore approached the swing and took a seat, the rain washing over him in a soothing cascade. Gripping the chains with a newfound sense of freedom, he pushed off from the ground and began to swing back and forth, the world around him melting into a blur of motion.

In that moment, as he soared through the rain-soaked air, Moore felt truly alive. The worries and uncertainties of the day melted away, replaced by a sense of exhilaration and joy that he had long forgotten.

Higher and higher he swung, reaching for the sky with each arc, the raindrops merging with his laughter as he surrendered himself to the moment. And as he embraced the freedom of the open air, Moore couldn't help but wonder what other adventures awaited him beyond the confines of his comfort zone.


Making his way back to his locker to retrieve his forgotten backpack, Moore couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of his mind. He had hoped to slip in and out unnoticed, but as he turned the corner of the hallway, he found Ronell waiting for him, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Hey, where were you?" she asked, her voice a mixture of curiosity and reproach. "It's not like you to skip school."

Moore's heart sank as he realized he wouldn't be able to keep his absence a secret from his sister. He hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words to explain himself.

"I was just..." he began, but he knew there was no use in lying to Ronell. She had always been able to see right through him, as if she could read his thoughts with just a glance.

"...Promise not to tell mom and dad?" he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ronell's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes as she nodded in agreement. "It's alright, Moore," she said gently. "Your secret's safe with me."

Relief flooded through Moore as he followed Ronell out of the school, grateful for her unwavering support and understanding. As they rode home together, he explained the events of the afternoon, knowing that he could trust his sister to keep his secret safe.


As evening approached, Moore settled into his room, the familiar comfort of his bed offering little solace from the turmoil raging within him. The weight of the day's events pressed down on him like a heavy blanket, suffocating him with its relentless grip. Weariness seeped into his bones, dragging him down into a restless state of mind.

Even in the quiet solitude of his own space, sleep remained elusive, evading his grasp like a fleeting dream.

The weight of his secret hung heavy on his conscience, a nagging voice in the back of his mind that refused to be silenced. Keeping his absence from school a secret from his parents was a foreign concept to him, a deviation from the honesty and rule-following that had always been his guiding principles.

As he lay in the darkness, tossing and turning in a futile attempt to find peace, his thoughts turned once again to the mysterious girl he had encountered earlier. Her image lingered in his mind like a puzzle waiting to be solved, her crimson eyes burning with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

Who was she, and why did she seem so familiar? Moore puzzled over the question, his mind racing with possibilities. But the answers remained elusive, tantalizingly out of reach, leaving him with more questions than before.

And as the night wore on, the mystery of the girl and the weight of his secret weighed heavily on Moore's mind, casting a shadow over his restless thoughts and leaving him longing for the solace of sleep.
