
Echoes Of Rain: A Tale Of Dreams And Secrets

An rpg inspired web-novel portraited with anime scenarios. This novel plays out like an anime series. Caution: Tackles severe themes, a story not suited for minors. Strange occurrences in what appears to be an ordinary world. With each chapter the mystery evolves. Follow Moore on his journey as his world changes.

Ronell_Rayn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Shadows Of Solitude

The classroom buzzed with the quiet murmur of students, each eager for the final bell's liberating chime. Moore watched his classmates pack up, envy prickling at him as they effortlessly transitioned from the classroom's confines to the freedom beyond. Alone amidst their laughter and chatter, he remained seated, reluctant to confront the chaos awaiting him outside.

The final bell chimed, a liberating sound that jolted the students from their seats. Moore whispered a quick thank you to the teacher, his voice lost in the cacophony of chattering classmates. He let the noise fade into the background, seeking solace in the ensuing silence as he remained seated, reluctant to confront the chaos awaiting him outside.

Alone in the now-quiet classroom, Moore slumped over his desk, exhaustion seeping into his bones. His blonde hair, neatly combed to the side, caught the light of the afternoon sun, casting a gentle glow that highlighted the hidden depths in his rich mahogany eyes. Wearing the same uniform as any other student, he presented an outward appearance of conformity, yet an air of quiet individuality surrounded him.

As he closed his eyes, he allowed himself to escape into his thoughts, the weight of his worries pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. Each passing moment seemed to deepen the pit of uncertainty in his stomach, leaving him feeling more isolated than ever before.

Outside, the world bustled with life, but within the confines of the classroom, he found a brief sanctuary. In these quiet moments, he allowed himself to reflect and escape the relentless pressures of his daily existence, if only for a moment. But even in his sanctuary, the shadows of doubt lingered, threatening to engulf him once more.

As the shadows lengthened and the day drew to a close, he knew the tranquility of the classroom would soon be shattered by the demands of reality. With a resigned sigh, he straightened up in his seat, steeling himself for whatever challenges awaited him beyond the school walls.

Just as he gathered his belongings, a familiar voice broke the silence.

"Hey, Mori, still here?"

He looked up to see his sister, Ronell, standing in the doorway. Her presence was a welcome interruption to his spiraling thoughts, the soft click of her shoes against the floor echoing in the quiet room. Her shoulder-length blonde hair caught the light, framing her face like a halo, the shade of her irises mirrored his own, and her freckled cheeks glowed warmly.

"Yeah, I just lost track of time," he replied, a hint of remorse creeping into his voice, the sound barely louder than a whisper in the stillness of the room.

She stepped inside, her presence warming the empty space, the faint scent of her perfume filling the air. "You know, Mom's going to freak out if you're late again."

He sighed inwardly, knowing she was right, the weight of her words settling heavily on his shoulders. He hated to cause his family unnecessary concern, but sometimes the weight of his thoughts was too much to bear. As she moved closer, his mind raced, piecing together that her club activities probably ended early, allowing her to check on him. "I know, I know. I'll head home soon."

Her gentle smile softened her words as the warmth of her hand on his shoulder grounded him. "You're always off in your own world. Sometimes I worry about you, Mori."

The pang of guilt that twisted in his chest felt almost palpable, its ache spreading through his body like a tangible weight. He despised burdening his sister with his troubles, yet the solace her concern provided was undeniable. "I'm fine, Ron, really. Just school stuff."

She reached out and ruffled his hair affectionately, a silent reassurance passing between them, the touch a balm to his troubled mind. "Alright, just don't forget to come up for air once in a while, okay? We've got your back."

With a reassuring squeeze of his shoulder, she turned and headed for the door, the sound of her footsteps fading into the distance, leaving him alone once again.

As he watched her go, his chest tightened with gratitude, his lips curling into a subtle smile. The warmth of appreciation filled him, a silent acknowledgment of Ronell's unwavering support. Despite his tendency to retreat into his own thoughts, he found solace in the assurance that his sister was always there to anchor him back to reality.


As Moore and Ronell approached the entrance of the school building, a lively chorus of laughter and chatter enveloped them, emanating from a cluster of Ronell's friends gathered nearby. Ronell, with her infectious smile and easy demeanor, effortlessly navigated the social atmosphere, drawing others into her orbit. Moore, however, felt like a lone island amidst the sea of animated faces, his quiet presence stark against the backdrop of their exuberance. Despite Ronell's attempts to integrate him, he couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in his own sister's world.

"Hey, guys, this is my brother, Mori," Ronell announced cheerfully, nudging Moore forward. "He's a bit on the quiet side, but he's pretty cool once you get to know him."

Moore offered a tentative nod in greeting to Ronell's friends, their boisterous energy a stark contrast to his own reserved demeanor. Despite their efforts to include him in their conversation, he struggled to find his place amidst their lively banter, his mind drifting back to the sanctuary of the classroom he had left behind.

Amidst the introductions, one of Ronell's friends tilted her head curiously. "Mori? That's kinda cute," she remarked with a grin, earning a nod of agreement from another friend. "Yeah, it suits you," they chimed in, their compliments mingling with the surrounding chatter of their group.

As the conversation buzzed around him, Moore felt increasingly disconnected from the lively energy of Ronell's social circle. Despite his sister's popularity he couldn't shake the sense of isolation that gnawed at him from within.

Once they reached the station, Ronell bid farewell to her friends, promising to catch up with them later. Turning to Moore, she flashed a warm smile, her brown eyes radiating with affection.

"Come on, let's head home together," she suggested, linking her arm through his.

With Ronell seated beside him, absorbed in her book, Moore found solace in her quiet companionship. As he peered out the window, observing the cityscape rush by in a blur, a sense of tranquility settled over him. Though he remained a silent observer amidst the vibrant tapestry of his sister's social world, he took comfort in the steadfast presence of the one person who truly understood him.


As Moore and Ronell stepped through the front door, the inviting aroma of simmering miso soup and grilled fish enveloped them, a comforting reminder of home. Their parents' smiles welcomed them to the dinner table, where lively conversation flowed alongside bowls of steaming rice and plates of assorted side dishes.

After sharing the events of their day, Moore sighed with resignation, knowing it was his turn to tackle the dishes. As he scrubbed away remnants of their meal, he listened to Ronell's laughter floating down the staircase, a stark contrast to the solitude of his chores.

With the dishes finally washed and put away, he retreated to his room, seeking solace in the peace and quiet it offered. The soft glow of his computer screen illuminated the room as he immersed himself in his favorite game, momentarily escaping the challenges of the day.

Minutes passed slowly until the sound of running water signaled Ronell's departure from the bathroom. He paused his game with anticipation, eager for his turn to relax. He entered the warm steam of the bathroom, indulging in one last attempt to defeat the elusive boss in his game before surrendering to the soothing embrace of the bath.

As the water enveloped him, he found himself lost in introspection, allowing the tensions of the day to wash away in the gentle tide of the bath.


As he drifted off to sleep in the warm embrace of the bath, his mind plunged into the depths of a chaotic dream. Images flashed before his closed eyelids, disjointed and surreal, leaving him feeling disoriented and unsettled.

In the swirling maelstrom of his subconscious, Moore struggled to make sense of the fragmented scenes unfolding around him. Colors blurred together in a kaleidoscope of confusion, shapes morphed and shifted with each passing moment, and voices whispered on the edge of his awareness, their words elusive and incomprehensible.

But amidst the chaos, one voice rose above the rest, piercing through the fog of his mind with a quiet intensity. It called out to him, calling his name with a sense of urgency that sent shivers down his spine.

As the voice echoed through his consciousness, Moore's eyes snapped open, the sound still reverberating in his ears. For a moment, he lay there in the silent aftermath, his heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to regain his bearings.

Then, like a bucket of cold water thrown over his head, the realization hit him. He had fallen asleep in the bath, the water nearly overflowing the edges of the tub. Panic surged through him as he scrambled to turn off the tap, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he emerged from the water, his face pale and clammy with fear.

It was a sobering reminder of the dangers lurking in the most mundane of moments, a wake-up call that left Moore shaken to his core. Wrapped in a towel, he steadied his trembling hands and leaned against the bathroom counter, his mind racing with a mixture of relief and dread.


"Are you okay in there..?" The gentle rap of a distant knock jolted him from his reverie. With a quick exhale, he swiftly got dressed, the fabric of his clothes rustling softly against his skin. Closing the bathroom door behind him with a soft click, he felt his mother's concern linger in the air like a gentle breeze, a weight on his shoulders that he couldn't shake.

As he made his way back to his room, the muffled strains of his sister's music seeped through the walls. Despite the lateness of the hour, Ronell's playlist continued to echo her vivacity. The music acted as a poignant reminder of her vibrant spirit, a steady accompaniment to his introspective musings.

Settling into his room, he couldn't help but marvel at the differences between them. While Ronell thrived in the hustle and bustle of social interactions and extracurricular activities, He cherished the peace of his own thoughts, embracing the serene refuge his room offered from the clamor of the world beyond.

She was popular, with a wide circle of friends and a full schedule of club activities and outings. He, on the other hand, preferred the company of a few close friends, if any at all, and often found himself retreating into the safety of his own world.

But despite their differences, Moore couldn't deny the bond that existed between them, the unspoken understanding that transcended words. As he listened to the steady rhythm of Ronell's music, he felt a sense of gratitude for the sister who had always been there for him, even when he struggled to find his place in the world.

With a weary sigh, Moore sank into his bed, the events of the day weighing heavily on his mind. Closing his eyes, he let the music wash over him, the familiar melodies providing a sense of comfort and familiarity in the darkness. In that moment of quiet introspection, he couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring, and whether he would ever find the courage to step out of the shadows and embrace the light.