
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

Praise_Benjamin · Fantasi
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14 Chs

The Spirit Roots Test (||)

On the back of the Celestial Azure Crane, a group of people was seen at the back of spirit beast, a middle-aged man with a proud and commanding presence stood at the front of the group, his gaze was sharp and stern. He stood tall with an imposing bearing, his silver-streaked black hair neatly tied back in a bun. He exudes an aura of power and confidence, dressed in traditional azure robes adorned with intricate embroidery that signifies his high status.

His piercing blue eyes held a depth of authority and arrogance. By the man's side, a young boy and a young girl stood. The young boy is fifteen years old and he had a sticking facial feature like the middle-aged man at the front of the group. His eyes were sharp and also filled with arrogance as he stare down at the branch family with eyes filled with disdain.

"Father, this is the branch family in the storm peak province that you talk about?" the young boy asked in confusion, his voice laced with thick contempt.

"Yes Alex," the middle-aged man replied, his lips curving up with a shrewd grin.

"What the f#ck are we doing in this backwater province?" Alexander Crane asked in disgust, looking down on Stormpeak Province.

"You don't have to say that Alex, you know it's not necessary and it's rude." Seraphina, one of the females on the Crane let out.

Seraphina Crane is Richard Crane's daughter and the younger sister of Alexander Crane. She's 12 with a beautiful but immature face, with her long flowing silver hair that matches her father's. Her ethereal beauty was accentuated by her piercing blue eyes, which sparkle with intelligence, and her slender figure adorned in elegant azure robes that highlighted her status as an esteemed member of the crane clan.

Alexander Crane turned to face her sisters and said with a smile, "You're too naive sister, this branch family has nothing to offer, they can never produce any talented young genius. They lack resources and the spiritual essence in this place is too thin. So tell me, sister, how are they going to have a prodigy in this damn place?"

"It's true dear, they are all bunch of trash except my brother who is their clan leader."

Richard Crane said with a mocking smile at the end of his speech.

"So what are we doing here then if there's no prodigy to pick to the main clan?" Seraphina Crane asked curiously. Richard smiled and said nothing.


"I can't wait to see who is gonna have the best spirit root in this backwater clan." someone among the three disciples at the back that came with Richard Crane and his children spoke out.

Marcus, Lucas, and Lilian, the three disciples that came with Richard Crane and his children sat at the back of the celestial Azure Crane as it makes its way down to the Azure Crane Clan branch. Marcus is a stoic and disciplined young boy in his sixteen with a lean yet muscular build. His jet-black hair was neatly styled, and his piercing green eyes emit a sense of aloofness and focus. Dressed in azure robes with a long sword hanging on his back. He looks cold and exudes confidence.

Lucas, the second male disciple was a tall and sturdy young man with a strong build, with a look one could tell he is a body cultivator. He had short, black hair that was neatly cropped, and his deep brown eyes exude a sense of resilience and pride. He was clad also in an azure robe with a three-foot axe in his hand. Lillian, the only female disciple among the other two disciples that came together with Richard Crane is a young girl in her twenties. She was strikingly stunning with alluring curves that could make a grown man simp with just a look at her. Her flowing auburn hair cascaded down her back.

Her hazel eyes were shimmering with intelligence and curiosity, and her petite body was adorned with a tight white robe that accentuated her alluring curves.

"Hehe. Lucas, what do you think?" Marcus asked the young man with a strong build with a smile.

"What do I think? We are just going to see if we could pick any youngsters with good potential in this branch clan, as which is a doubt we could even find someone worthy among them." Lucas responded with a cold smile, "Look at them, see how they are staring at us with their mouths wide open." Lucas continued, looking down from the back of the Celestial Azure Crane with a face full of disdain for the branch family.

"We are going to descend now." Richard's voice was suddenly heard.


With a sharp piercing cry, the Celestial Azure Crane flew straight to the ground, descending in the Azure Crane Clan.


The Celestial Azure Crane descends on the ground with a loud thud and lets out a short screech before calming itself. Richard and his group jumped down from its back, Jonathan Hastings, the grand elders, and the clan elders quickly made their way forward to welcome the guest from the Imperial capital.

"Esteem elder, you are welcome to our humble abode." Jonathan Hastings said with his head bowing slightly.

"Ha, Jonathan, I told you to stop with all this, the way you address me as an esteemed elder instead of 'brother' sting me. You should address me as your elder brother and stop putting distance between us." Richard Crane said with a smile, "You are still from the Crane clan after all, even if you've now been evicted." he continued, his voice becoming unnatural.

"I'm not worthy of the Crane clan, esteem elder." Jonathan frowned deeply and replied with an indifferent face.

"Anyhow," Richard replied, his face still laced with a strange smile.

"Uncle!" Seraphina Crane, the daughter of Richard Crane suddenly called out, hugging Jonathan. "Oh, you little girl, you are growing to become a beautiful woman every day," Jonathan said with a face full of smiles.

"Hehe. Where are my cousins?" Seraphina asked.

"They will be here soon," Jonathan replied but then he saw Precious Hastings and her son, Kieran, entering the Martial Hall.

"Ha, Kieran is here!" he said, and Seraphina turn to take a look. "Aunty!" She said waving her hands in greetings to Precious Hastings.

"Young miss is beautiful." Precious Hastings replied to her. Then Seraphina turn to look at Kieran and said with a slight smile "Hey, little cousin Kieran." she said, waving her beautiful jade-like hand to him.

Kieran stepped forward and said with a bow, "Uncle, big cousins, you all are looking good."

"You're not bad either." Alexander Crane nodded indifferently.

"Humph, will you be nice for ones?" Seraphina harrumphed while looking at his brother. Alexander smile slightly and said nothing.

"Oh yeah, where is your younger brother, Ethan?" Seraphina suddenly asked while looking at Kieran.

Kieran face darkened immediately and his eyes flashed with a cunning light when he noticed Ethan hadn't been there yet. "Maybe he is still in his room, he might not really wanna step outside because of fear of being called trash, or he might not even think you guys are worthy of him coming out for," Kieran said maliciously, trying to sow discord and give the people of the main family from the imperial city a bad impression of Ethan.

"Haha... Maybe he is just useless"

"Poor boy... He might still be afraid of getting poisoned again... Haha," Some disciples that wanted to fawn over Kieran started murmuring in a low voice but it was still heard by the people inside the grand hall.

Jonathan's face darkened immediately when he heard what his first son said, "Don't take what he said to heart, esteem elder and lords, he is just spitting rubbish, he is but a little kid." he quickly said when he noticed Richard's and his group's expression turning cold.

"You know it's never a good thing to say such bad things about someone when they have no idea of what you're saying or what you even knew nothing of its cause with so much confidence, elder brother Kieran." a pleasant and cool voice was suddenly heard and everyone in the hall went silent.


Footsteps were heard and two figures walked inside the Martial Hall, a beautiful and enchanting woman with a young boy at the age of six. But everyone was staring at the boy with their mouth wide open and some ladies in the hall started blushing.

At the age of six, Ethan's azure right eye began to exert its influence on his outward appearance, revealing the remarkable power residing within him. As his azure eye radiated a vibrant glow, its captivating aura extended beyond his gaze. The transformative effect reached his hair, causing his once-ordinary locks to take on a mesmerizing shade of azure. With each passing day, his hair continued to deepen in color, becoming a striking contrast to his other features.

Ethan's azure locks flowed with an otherworldly sheen, catching the light in a way that seemed almost ethereal. They shimmered like strands of precious gemstones, hinting at the immense power residing within him. The azure hair, combined with his radiant azure eye, accentuated his already charming features, enhancing his youthful allure.

People couldn't help but be drawn to Ethan's presence, captivated by his enchanting appearance.

He was so handsome that only one word could describe him.

"Oh my God, is he still human?" someone suddenly cried out.

"Young master Ethan is too beautiful... No-no he is a boy, he is too handsome. Damn," another person said.


"How can someone be so cute"

"Look at his hair, I remember they were black when the young master was still three, but now they are azure with young master's eyes."

"I can't look at his right eye, it seems as if I'm sinking into an endless abyss."


Everyone started clamoring with a stunned look as they look at Ethan. The ladies were also stunned and quickly remind themselves that he is still too young, clearing any nefarious thoughts from their heads.

Alexander Crane's eyes narrowed when he looked at Ethan and a strange light flashed in the depth of his eyes. Even the disciple from the main family was stunned.

"Damn... Why am I not handsome...argh?" Lucas said in frustration.

"Haha," Lilian laughed,

"Why are you laughing huh?" Lucas asked with a bitter face.

"You are too stiff, you can't be as handsome as him," Lilian replied with a laugh and Marcus smile slightly, shaking his head.

"Damn it!!" Precious Hastings cursed under her breath, her face gloomy. [I should have killed him, killed him long ago. Damn you, Mr. Qi, you will not have a peaceful rest in heaven.] She continued cursing inwardly.

[I have to put an end to this damn son of a bitch, otherwise, they will end up taking it all while my son and I get nothing.] she thought inwardly, trying to formulate a plan.

"This bastard" Kieran was so angry that he started trembling when he realise nobody is paying any attention to him.

[I want him dead!] he stared venomously at Ethan.


"Uncle, big cousins, and everyone, I trust you are all doing well," Ethan said with a nod.

"INSOLENT!!!!!!!" Kieran suddenly let out in a pitched voice, "How dare you greet your Uncle and elder cousins with just a nod from you. Do you think they are nothing in your eyes? Do you think everyone is trash like you?" Kieran shouted at the top of his lung.

"Eh?" Ethan was surprised at first but then his face turn cold when he realise the devious scheme Kieran is trying to pull.

Jonathan also frowned while Victoria Hastings said coldly, "Watch your mouth boy."

"What? Did he lie, is not proper for a young boy to greet his elders with honor and respect?" Precious replied, smiling coldly.

"Ethan, quickly bow and greet your elders very politely," Jonathan said, giving Ethan a stern stare but on a closer look, his face was filled with pride and satisfaction when he look at Ethan.

"Don't worry about all these pleasantries, how are you doing boy?" Richard asked with a smile on his face but Alex's eyes flashed with a strange light.

"I'm good, Uncle. Trust you've been good too?" Ethan replied with a slight smile.

[He is so calm and collected] Richard thought inwardly.

"Ethan, wow, you are so handsome," Seraphina said, looking at Ethan's face.

"You are beautiful too," Ethan replied calmly.

Seraphina's smile widened and she said, "Come and give your big sister a hug." then without waiting for Ethan's response, she drew closer to him and hug him.

[Why is this girl hugging me like this? I'm an adult for God's sake] Ethan grumbled inwardly.

"Let the spirit root test begin." Richard Crane said and every one of the young participants started moving forward, hope, fear, and excitement filled their eyes.