
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

Praise_Benjamin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Shameless Fatty

Three years had passed since Ethan's awakening, and now the time had come for the Spirit Roots Test in the Azure Crane Clan.

"Let the Spirit Roots Test begin" Richard Crane commanded, and the hearts of all the young participants begins to palpitate with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

"We have been cultivating our breathing techniques and trying to unlock and channel our spiritual energy since age 4, now that I'm 10, I'm confident enough," a young boy among the group of participants said with a fervent gaze.

"Cut the crap, will you? Do you think you are better than young masters Kieran and Rowan?" another disciple said with a scoff.

"I heard that young master Ethan has not been out of his mother, Madam Victoria's room for more than a year now, I wonder if he has also started trying to unlock his spiritual energy." someone asked.

"I don't think so, I think all he has to show off his pretty face, what can he do? Can't you see his elder brother was calling him to trash the moment he arrived?" the viewers and clan members started conversing among themselves in a soft voice but the young geniuses and the powerful elders in the Hall could still hear it.

Kieran's lip curved up, revealing a cold smile as he was enjoying the flattering and how everyone thought Ethan Hastings is nothing good compared to him. He looked at Ethan with an arrogant smile, his eyes saying 'You see, trash? You're nothing but trash.'

Ethan glanced at Kieran with a calm face, he ignored him as he was lost in his thought [This world is surely full of mysteries and wonders unlike my formal world, Earth. I wonder what attributes my spirit root will turn out to be and the constellation that it's gonna show.]

[This damn thing, you dare ignore me? Wait for me, just you wait, I will soon trample you down under my feet] Kieran thought maliciously. If Kieran's looks could kill from a distance, Ethan would have died over and over again.

Elder Felix Harrington, the disciplinary elder suddenly step forward with an aloof and majestic bearing. "Silence!" he commanded in a low cold voice but his deep baritone voice resounded clearly in the ear of everyone in the Martial Hall. "All participants, step forward," he said.

30 young disciples between the age of 6-12 started coming out, moving straight into the front of a special stage that has been prepared with a shimmering pool of water. "This shimmering pool of water will revealed 8 unique colors and patterns of each participant's spirit root. "To avoid cheating and for you not to say that we are being biased against anyone, I have already prepared 30 blank cards on the big table beside the pool, all you have to do is pick a card and then channel the spiritual energy within you to the card. The blank card will reveal your number immediately after you pour your spiritual energy into it.

Note: this is your first test, failure to activate the number in the blank card, consider yourself failed." Elder Felix said with an emotionless face.

"Yes, Elder Felix!!!" the young disciples bow their heads slightly with Ethan still standing tall and straight with a strange smile on his lips. [What is this water? Why is it so clean and clear? Can this water be found on Earth? Hmm...I don't think so.] Ethan thought inwardly.

Elder Felix noticed Ethan's tactless attitude toward him and his face changed immediately, turning cold, but he still manage to calm himself down.

"Step forward and pick a card now, each one of you." Elder Felix said. Ethan and the other participant move forward and started picking their card. Ethan moved closer to the big table and pick a white card which is completely blank, he examined it, took a deep breath with his eyes closed, and he began to channel his spiritual energy. A blue light suddenly appeared and started moving through his right hand to the blank white card. Suddenly, the blank white card began to radiate with a bright azure and a number appeared on it.


"Eh? Why is the light coming from Ethan's card so bright than the others?" Richard Crane and Alexander Crane look at each other with a perplexed look.


"No. 26?"

Ethan looked at the number on his white card and smile wryly. [I wonder who got the first number and the last number] Ethan mused inwardly, looking around. [I don't want to activate my Azure metal in this place now, not in this Martial Hall for now, unless I've determined and know the type and grade of my spirit root with its beast constellation.]

He can't activate the power of the azure metal in his right eye yet because it would cause an uproar if he was caught. There is no logical reason for someone who has not started cultivating any cultivation techniques, for his eyes to suddenly glow strangely. Of course, it's because Stoampeak Province is a backwater area that they do not know of some special prodigy that is born with a unique constitution in the cultivation world.

"Number one, step forward." Elder Felix said and immediately the young boy name Oliver Davis walked out with a card, the number 1 figure visible on it.

Oliver had a round face, with rosy cheeks that often lit up with a bright smile but was now filled with nervousness. He had bright hazel eyes and they are framed by long lashes, giving him a curious and innocent look. His sandy blond hair falls in soft waves, clad in a green robe, he stood at an average height for his age, about 4 feet tall.

"Deep your right hand inside the water in front of you and channel your spiritual energy," Elder Felix said.

Oliver looked at the pool of water, he sighed and deep his right hand into the pool of water, with nervousness and started channeling his spiritual energy into his hand.

Suddenly, the pool of water began to ripple, and within a few seconds, it suddenly glowed with a grey light.

Elder Felix looked at it then he turned to face Richard Crane, "You can go now, the clan will appoint you in dealing with some family business in the city from now on."

Richard Crane said indifferently, looking at Oliver.

"No-no-no, how is this possible that I can't even have an elemental ability? How is it possible?" Oliver cried out with red eyes.

"Tsk...such a waste."

"He had a grey spirit root? He is nothing but trash."

"A grey spirit root is the most common and basic spirit root without any special ability or use."

"What a pity." the people inside the Martial Hall were surprised and started talking about it, some were pitying Oliver while some looked at him in disdain and a gloating expression.

"You can step back now." Elder Felix said coldly, looking at Oliver in disdain.

Ethan looked at Oliver with a calm face [I can't wait to see the kind of element I would be able to control and unlock, it won't be bad though. According to what I read in the Clan library, the Spirit roots are divided into five categories, the Ordinary spirit root, the elemental Spirit root, the Rare spirit root, the Heavenly spirit root, and the Divine spirit root. But the elemental spirit root is more common in the Stormpeak and even in our kingdom.] Ethan thought inwardly, musing on the ongoing spirit root test.

Kieran at the side looked at a small card in his hand and then turned to look at Ethan with a hideous gaze. [I wonder which number this trash got.] he thought.

"Hmm? I felt a malicious gaze on me just now." Ethan muttered curiously and then he turned the owner of the gaze.

"So it's you, Kieran, you sure persistent," he said inwardly, smiling coldly.

"Number two, step forward" Elder Felix's cold voice was heard again, and immediately a young, arrogant boy walked out of the group of participants.

"Look! It's young master Rowan Ashford, the younger brother of Rachel Ashford the daughter of Elder Ashford, the first elder." someone suddenly cried out.

"Whoa... He already has an air of practitioner at such a young age."

"His elder sister is an otherworldly genius. "

"I heard she had a grade 5 blue spirit root and her symbolic motif is a Frost Wolf."

"She is sure a genius." the disciples and the people inside the martial hall were all surprised by how the younger brother of the clan's prodigy.

Rowan Ashford possessed an outward appearance that exudes an air of superiority. With striking features and an imposing presence, he stands out among his peers. Rowan's tall stature for his age hints at the potential for future growth and strength. His face was defined by sharp, chiseled features that lend him an air of authority. His piercing, narrowed eyes are of deep, intense green, reminiscent of the vast azure sky on a clear day.

Rowan's raven-black hair was perfectly styled and combed back to showcase his high forehead. It added an air of refinement to his appearance. His skin, fair and smooth, seems untouched by the hardships of life. A faint, self-assured smile often graces his lips, emphasizing his arrogance and confidence.

In his attire, Rowan wore robes made from fine fabrics, adorned with intricate embroidery and elegant patterns.

"Deep your right hand into the pool of water in front of you and channel your spiritual energy." Elder Felix said. Rowan nodded slightly and deep his right hand inside the pool of water, channeling his spiritual energy, and immediately a bright brown light suddenly glowed after the water rippled.


A doing sound was suddenly heard four times and everyone in the Hall went silent before they suddenly burst out in uproar.

"Oh, my God! Young Master Rowan's spirit root is grade four, the bell sound sounded four times."

"Yes, the sound was heard four times, wow!"

"Hmm?" Richard Crane was also surprised, he looked at Rowan and said with a smile. "Well done boy." Rowan was ecstatic and he quickly bowed his head. "Thank you, esteem lord," he said. Richard Crane nodded slightly and Rowan Ashford stood up, walking back with an arrogant look.

Ethan looked at Rowan Ashford curiously and a disciple beside him asked, "Don't tell me you don't know him."

Ethan struggled his shoulder and turn to look at the disciple but he was stunned immediately and almost let out a cry saying 'Why can't you just go to the gym and reduce your meat' but then he remembered that there was no such thing as a gym house in this world.

The fellow was a young fat boy with a silly smile on his face, his face was like a meatball, it was round, chubby, and healthy. His two eyes were reduced to a slit when he smile. Adorned in a fine brown robe, he exudes an air of a spoiled youngster.

"Oh, from how you're looking at me like one of my fans, I can't help but admit that I'm indeed handsome. By the way, I can tell from your look that you don't know him."

Ethan was stunned and then he looked at the fatty in front of him with a strange expression. [what the hell? Who's your fans?] he thought inwardly.

"I have heard a lot about his elder sister though, I haven't been out for a long time so I don't know most geniuses of our clan," Ethan replied calmly.

"Eh? That's right. I almost forget that you are the all-handsome Ethan, Rachel Ashford is truly a heavenly child, she is beautiful and extremely talented, an ideal wife for me." Fatty said with a radiant smile but then he noticed how Ethan was looking at him like someone who has just seen a ghost.

"What is with your look? Why are you staring at me like that? Oh I know, you are also interested in h..." he was still babbling when all of a sudden;


"Ahhhh" Fatty suddenly let out a scream and then turned to Ethan. "Ethan, what the hell is wrong with you? If you want to marry her let me..."


"Ahhh... Wait, it's painful." Fatty let out a scream again.

"You little fatty, you are still 8 and you are already thinking about a woman? You are still a kid." Ethan cried with an incredulous face.

"What is so strange about it? I'm mature enough" Fatty said shamelessly, then he reached out his chubby hand to tap on Ethan's head but Ethan quickly evade his hand.

"What...what the..." Ethan was speechless.

"Hehehe" Fatty laughed and move closer to Ethan, Ethan was frighted and he immediately move away but Fatty followed him closely.

"You damn fatty, what do you want?" Ethan asked in frustration.

"We can be brothers, we are already brothers now don't you think so? We kinda resembled each other, though I'm more handsome." Fatty said, disregarding the strange look that was being cast on him when he said '... I'm more handsome'


"What did this Fatty just say"

"Damn it, this Fatty face is thicker than my whip"

"Who the hell is deceiving him, telling him this?"

"Wake up Fatty... Haha" Everyone started laughing when they heard what Fatty said.

"What? You guys don't believe it? Shit! I almost forget you all still not mature enough to have a functioning brain, yeah, that should be the case." The Fatty said innocently, shaking his head slightly.

The disciples were first stunned and immediately loud curses and enraged voices could be heard. "You damn fatty, what did you just say?"

"Shit, did you just say I'm brainless?"

"Fatty, where did you think you are going, come back here."

Fatty immediately ran up to Ethan, he hold his hands with his chubby hand and said "Little brother, are you not going to help your big brother?"

"Who the hell is your brother?" Ethan replied, trying to shake off his hand but then he noticed that Fatty has already clung tightly to him.

"You..." he was speechless.

Both Ethan and Fatty were still playing around when they suddenly heard Elder Felix's voice. "Number 16, step forward."

"Hmm?" Ethan was stunned when he saw the figure that walked out immediately after Elder Felix's voice sounded.