
Echoes of Azure and Shadows

In the enchanting world of Etherea, a destiny awaits young Ethan, a kind-hearted boy from Earth. Blessed with wealth and innocence, his life takes a dramatic turn when a bolt of lightning strikes him, snatching his mortal existence away. Reborn into the body of a three-year-old, Ethan discovers a mystical blue flat metal that holds the secrets of unparalleled power between heaven and earth. Guided by the enigmatic Master Li, Ethan embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of his newfound abilities. The azure lightning surging within him reveals the path of the Azure Lightning Steps—a forbidden martial cultivation technique. With each step, Ethan's physical prowess grows exponentially, granting him speed, strength, and agility beyond imagination. Yet, as he masters this power, he unearths an even greater secret—the Celestial Eye of Eternity, a forbidden cultivation technique that grants him a unique eye with extraordinary abilities. As Ethan's Azure Lightning Steps ascend, his body crackling with electric energy, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. But the forbidden Celestial Eye of Eternity propels him into an unseen world. With this eye, he pierces illusions, senses unseen foes, and harnesses celestial alignments to augment his powers. The boundary between light and shadow bends to his will, revealing the Twilight Dominion within his grasp. However, the allure of such potent abilities does not go unnoticed. Ethan's rise draws the attention of dark forces hungry for the ultimate power he possesses. Ancient prophecies awaken, and a web of intrigue and treachery entangles his path.

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14 Chs

Kieran Spirit Root

"There are still some young prodigies with great potential here in the branch family." Richard Crane said, looking at the young participants' test results they were moving forward to take the Spirit Roots Test.

"Yes Esteem elder, I hope we haven't disappointed you so far with their performances." Jonathan Hastings replied politely. Both Richard Crane and Jonathan Hastings with the people from the main clan from the imperial city were sitting at the higher seats compared to the clan elders and the disciples.

"Alexander, what do you think?" Richard Crane suddenly asked his son.

"They are passable!" Alexander Crane replied with a monotonous voice. "But I haven't seen any worth paying my attention to here except this boy called Rowan Ashford." he continued.

"That lad is good. With a good cultivation environment, he would be able to soar." Elder Ashford, the first Elder said smiling widely.

'Tsk!' Alex looked at the first

"Victoria I hope Ethan has a good Spirit Roots and won't disappoint us and be the same way my son has predicted him to be." Precious Hastings suddenly said from a side. Clad in her beautiful green robes, she exudes an air of mystery and bewitching. Victoria looked at her and thought [Mr. Qi poisoned my son and ran but he was first caught with the Soul Corroding poison and after that, he seems to have disappeared mysteriously since then, and not even his slightest trace could be found anywhere again. It was as if someone just made him disappear without a trace of they killed him and clear their traces.]

She has been getting suspicious of the way Precious Hastings and her son, Kieran Hastings glare at her son each time they meet, and her insinuation was telling her that Precious Hastings knew something, especially with the way Kieran seems to hate Ethan for no good reason.

"Don't worry yourself, Precious, my son will not disappoint me or anyone." She answered calmly, her lips curving up while forming an arch, she was smiling coldly.

"Oh really? I wish he isn't a disappointment." Precious replied with a sneer. [Bitch, you think your son's potential will be greater than my child's own? Nah, my son has already been destined for greatness by heaven.] she thought.

"Enough of Ethan, I hope Kieran's Spirit Root will sur-prised us all." Victoria Hastings replied while stressing the 'surprised' in a strange tone.

Precious Hastings smiled gently and then looked at the participants, but rather she was looking at Ethan who was laughing with a young fat boy, a dense killing intent flashed through her eyes but it was well hidden. Richard Crane, Jonathan Hastings, and everyone in the grand seats noticed the tense atmosphere between Jonathan Hastings' first and second wife but they all turned a blind eye to it, pretending they didn't notice anything.

"Participant number 12, step forward." Elder Felix's cold voice sounded again from the grand stage and a figure walked out from the group of participants, heading straight to the stage.

"Oh, it's Kieran's turn? So he picked the 12th card." Ethan muttered to himself while looking at Kieran's figure which was heading straight to the Martial Stage. At the same time, both the young participants and the people of Azure Crane Clans were also surprised and they all heightened both their ears and eyes to the fullest, trying not to miss any details.

"It's young master Kieran."

"What do you think will be the result of his test and what level do you guys think it will get to? The higher the level of a spirit root, the higher the talents and potential of that person." a disciple with a bald head asked from among the disciples.

"He might rival or even break Rachel Ashford's record as the greatest potential from our clan." another disciple replied.

"Deep your right hand inside the pool of water in front of you and channel your spiritual energy." Elder Felix recites the instruction again.

Kieran nodded and deep his right hand inside the pool of water immediately the water started rippling vigorously and then it suddenly shunned with a grey color and then changed to Brown and then it changed again to Green color, it was so bright that some weaker disciples had to close their eyes.

'Doing!' 'Dong!!' 'Dong!!!' 'Dong!!!!' 'Dong!!!!!' 'Dong!!!!!!' 'Dong!!!!!!!'

A loud dong sound was suddenly heard seven times and everyone went silent immediately. They were all stunned and then it came an uproar.

"Ah? Am I dreaming? What did I just hear?" someone suddenly said.

"7 times, the bell sounded seven times. Hahaha."

"Wow, young master Kieran is a genius, a heavenly genius."

"How is this possible?"

"My God!!!" cries of surprise filled the air as everyone inside the Martial Hall was surprised by the strange and miraculous that just happened.

"Yes!! That is my son." Precious Hastings cried out in excitement, looking at Kieran with a proud look. Jonathan was also happy, he was smiling and nodding while looking at Kieran on the stage.

'Roar!' 'Hiss!'

Suddenly, a roaring and hissing sound was heard, and a projection of a brown bear and a serpent appeared, looking down on everyone with cold gazes as if a king was looking at his subjects. "Look, it's an Ironclaw Bear and Shadowfang Python" someone exclaimed.

The Ironclaw Bear is a spirit beast that possesses immense physical strength and endurance, a formidable melee combatant.

Its red eyes were cold, with transparent golden hair that covered its body. The Shadowfang Python on the other end was transparent golden hair that covered its body. The Shadowfang Python on the other end was a sinuous serpent with jet-black scales and glowing, crimson eyes. It measured around 10 meters in length and its eyes were pitch black like an endless abysm.

'Roar!!' 'Hiss!!'

Both the projected spirit beast hovered above Kieran, roaring and hissing arrogantly at the people inside the martial hall.

Alexander gazed narrowly as he watched the projected spirit symbols.

[What a lad! This boy is truly a prodigy.] he thought inwardly. Elder Felix's cold eyes had also undergone a dramatic change as he watched the bright pool. [My God, a level 7 Green spirit root? Great!] he cried inwardly, clearly surprised.

"Congratulations young master," he said with a radiant smile.

On the honored seats, Richard Crane's face lit as he kept saying "Good! Good!!" He looked at Kieran and nodded.

"You are truly a son of your father, you're good Kieran," he said.

Kieran watched as everyone was fawning and praising him with a cocky smile, he then turned in Ethan's direction while looking at him with arrogance and contempt. "Ethan, can you see that I am better than you? What do you have to show off in front of me? All you have is your useless handsome face and painted hair, fool like you shouldn't even talk." he said silently without anyone hearing what he said but Ethan heard everything.

Ethan looked at him and shook his head slightly, he continued watching and scrutinizing each participant.

"How dare you shook your head at me, Ethan?" Kieran suddenly roared in a loud voice and everyone in the hall went silent. They all turned to look at Ethan and Kieran while waiting for a good show between both brothers, some were looking at Ethan with pity and scorn.

"Served him right that he has been targeted by young master Kieran."

"Hahaha... I can't wait to watch the show." Some jealous disciples and sons and daughters of the elders started laughing mockingly while looking at Ethan.

"And how do you assume quickly that my movement is towards you, do you have a functioning brain, or its empty skull you got there?" Ethan replied unhurriedly while looking at Kieran with a playful smile on his face.

"Ethan, you bastard! Who are you calling an empty brain?" Kieran was enraged as he let out in a loud voice.

Jonathan and Victoria's faces darkened immediately. Jonathan looked at Kieran and was about to reprimand him but Victoria has already beaten him to it.

"Watch your manner and uncultured mouth boy or else..." Victoria said coldly.

"What do you mean Victoria?" Precious Hastings stood up immediately and asked with a cold smile.

"Mother!" Ethan's voice was suddenly heard and everyone looked at him, "Leave the mother and son duo, let them flaunt around, and you Kieran you're so dull huh! I'm not saying you're stupid, but you are giving the word 'Stupid' a bad name." Ethan suddenly said and everywhere went deadly silent.

They all stared at Ethan with their mouth wide open. The people from the main family were also thunderstruck speechlessly, they looked at each other and they could read what each of them was thinking.

"A good show is about to unfold, hehe," Lucas said with mischievous laughter.