
2. The Journey Of Finding The Spy Girl

As the girl who helped me to escape seems to be disappear with her UFO machine. I searched every corner of that place where the girl has crashed the UFO machine but I can't find anything but I found a gun which was from my star planet so I thought it maybe of the girl who helped me but the gun was having a sign of the planet which has conflicts with star planet.

I flew upward and used my power to go back to the planet but then the men screamed and dragged me towards the ground.

In anger I shouted and asked him what do you want?he was so scared and stunned to give the answer.

He was panicked so much that he stood up and angrily asked me where are you from? And how can you fly ? Are you a allien or something?

I just told him that I am not going to harm you and I appreciate for the help and will never forget your help and I was not having time for further more conversation I flew in search of her.

The men keep shouting 'hey come back'

But I just flew to find that spy girl.

It was dark but I can't find her then I remembered the person who saved my life would have seen her so I rushed back to his house and knocked the men opened the door then man was afraid and tried to close the door by I hold The door tightly he told me to get away from his house.

The men told me that I was going to harm him while holding the door. I told him genuinely that I am not going to harm anyone I just need to ask something.

He finally allowed me to entre his house and then he told me to ask the question and leaves fast. I asked him about the girl if he Had seen her he nodded and told yes

He started telling the whole thing that happened when I was passed out. He told me that right after I felt in his arms I was whispering about the spy girl I was continuously telling to save the girl so he first help me to lay down on the bed then he went to his backyard to see if there was the girl or not then he saw a girl wearing a unique style of clothes and heading towards me she was badly injured but some how she managed to come near me and asked about me if he

has seen me he said yes then she handed him a small cylindrical types machine and told him to handover to me.

So I immediately asked him ,where is the machine and the girl?

He told that the girl handed him the machine and told him to go back to his house very aggressively he tried to help her but she pushed him and then

suddenly a strong wind shut his eyes and the girl disappeared, then he told me that he returned home and saw me shivering in pain so he called one of his female friend to treat my wounds and change clothes.

He told me that his female friend saw some anonymous things on my body and told him that the features of my body is different from the human body but I don't gave a thought on it and let me to have some rest.

Ooh about the machine here it is "He said"and handed over to me.

He asked my na me, I told my self 'Belinda' then he introduce his self his name was 'Mateo' it means gift of god and for me he was just gift from god.

I was just staring at the machine that the girl gave me I don't know how to used it. I ask Mateo did that girl tell you how to use but he said no.

Mateo ask it's get thing dark would you like me to drop you home.

I reply I don't have any home, so can I be here for just few days I will no be a burden on you as fast as I finish my work

I will go immediately. So please can you manage for few days.

Mateo said Ooh! dumb me how can I forget you are an allien how can you have a house.

Oh my god! what?

Yee yes you are an allien I saw you flying

What the heck I am going to faint.

Please leave me alone "He said"

I told him just be calm I am not gonna do anything with you.

Yes I am an allien but I don't hurt humans so chill.

He trusted me and gave me some space in his house he was too kind person and as well as handsome. He gave me some food to eat he told me not to worry and he said me if I don't hurt anyone so I can stay in his house.

I started living in Mateo house.


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