
3.Tension Between Mateo And Belinda

A few days were passed of me living in Mateo house.one day he took me to a new place where there was a really massive bungalow and this house was of Mateo. I asked about the bungalow, is this your house? Mateo said yes.

I was a bit confuse if he had really a massive bungalow so why he was leaving in a small and shabby house in jungle.

I collected my guts and asked him why did he change his house?

Mateo said me that it was a farm house I often go there to have a small breaks and this my actual home.

The bungalow was so beautiful and big with so many workers doing every single work for Mateo.

As I entered the bungalow from the big and beautiful door there were tow men with a great body build holding the doors for us.

As my first day in Mateo house was kind of good all the workers were so friendly with me they were so kind and sweet while talking.

Mateo left the house saying me to have a good day and not to get nervous and worry about anything if you need help ask the workers. I will be coming late today " he said" and left to work.

I said yes but it was also my first day living without Mateo so many hours but I can manage.

I asked worker about Mateo they said he is a rich business man with no ego, he treats everyone here like a family member at a very going agr his father divorced her mother for an another women and left Mateo and his mother alone but her mother was strong enough from every aspects to raise him.

After a few years Mateo mother passed away because of dealing with dangerous disease, but her mother handover all management to him cuz Mateo was the only child and she believe he was gonna do everything good to make her business and to make her proud, the day she passes away Mateo made a promise to her mother that he will never let this business die and never let her pride go down form that day he has been working day and night.

I thought I am just a burden over him. I should do something to live independently and not lying over him.

I learned many things on earth so I asked some of the worker can I get a


They told you can work in Mateo business as his assistant.

I talked to Mateo about that but Mateo

Refused it but I continuously started asking again and again.

He was so frustrated of listening the same thing from my mouth so he finally told yes.

The another day I know it will be horrible for me.

Mateo came knocked my room door,

I opened he was standing I a black suit I can't stop looking at him he gave me a formal clothes to wear so I can go to his

Work place he was waiting for me so we can eat breakfast together .The clothes that he gave me was looking freaking good at me. I went towards the dinning table he took look at me and I was shocked when he told "this dress looking good at you".... :)

I was so nervous after listening the compliment that I can't say a word bit because of nervousness my ear started getting red and I started flying...Ohh god!!!! Mateo was not shocked cuz he know I was an allien he calmed my self

I slowly kept my foot on the floor and I immediately sat on the chair. I said thank you mateo for your compliment.

He nodded. We ate our breakfast then he gave me a ride to his workplace.

The work place of his was so big that I can't even adjust my eye to see it. He opened the door of the care gor me. I ran behind him so I can be with him so I won't get lost. All the workers stood up to greet us I can here every one whispering about us .

He gave me a seat having a weird

Machine called computer he made me sit there.

It was almost a months working in the office I learned many thing like how to use coffe machine and I learned to make presentation because the computer was similar to our star planet machine.

I adjusted my self at office. Mateo and me became a bit close in this few past weeks....I was very happy working with him:)

Have a nice day cuties!!❤️

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