

unknown_20281 · Komik
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126 Chs

Chapter 93

Especially someone like Seraph, who bears the name "Sidi" from the beginning, as the eldest daughter of the seventy-two-pillar family of the pure blood demon of the underworld.

She was born in a noble family and did not know the type of suffering in the world. Later, because of her outstanding talent, she grew up rapidly and eventually became a high-ranking demon king in the underworld.

Throughout his half life, he can be called the little Bourgeois among magical girls.

So what does this little bourgeois magical girl need to do after being caught by Su Mu?

Naturally, let her accept the transformation of labor obediently and wash away the soul poisoned by feudal ideology.

There is no demon noble, no pure blood, in this world only labor is the most glorious.


Seraph, holding her maid outfit in her arms, let out a feeble voice.

Her eyes seemed to die in an instant.

Su Mu's words rang in his ears.

"Since you like magical girls so much, you should be well aware of how magical girls will be treated when they lose their battle and fall into the hands of the enemy?"

wdnmd. "zero one zero"

Seraph looked at the maid outfit she was holding in her arms, and maintained a smile that was barely broken.

Then there is nothing to do.

Magical Girl is a children's work, how could there be any inappropriate scenes.

In that case, it would be harmonized.

For the audience of Magical Girl's works, having to work is the most severe punishment, right?

For such an explanation, Seraph forced a smile on her face to express her compliment.

Even if she knew that the other party was playing tricks on her, could she still say that the magical girl works she watched were all Lixiang works that were played late at night?

If someone spreads out about watching magical girl anime late at night, as a demon king, he will die directly.

So angry.


"Why, do such a thing?"

The mood finally calmed down, and Seraph slowly accepted the reality.

Then, he asked in a stern tone.

"I've seen you a long time ago, and your life shouldn't be so painful that you can't wait to shatter everything in the world."

"I don't think you're the type to be addicted to the real guy, why would you do something like this? No matter what the outcome of the war, the casualty numbers in the end will be horrific. Cherish, hate, everything will be The war ruthlessly ran over—"

"So, why do you do this?"

Seraph couldn't understand.

I have secretly observed Su Mu's actions once, although I think this guy's personality is quite bad, but the smile that occasionally appears on his face is not a fake, but a happy heart.

Why don't such people cherish their daily life? Or, why was it so easy to decide to smash parts of his daily life?

"As a friend, Sona, or in other words, Rias and the others had to leave Kuo Academy, shouldn't it be something to be happy about for you, right?"

"Ah, this ah..."

Su Mu glanced at Seraph's question, then smiled helplessly and shook his head.

This expression is like saying...

Why are you asking such a childish question.

What I can tell you is that this is just a simple answer that even children know.

"Of course it's because of need."

Su Mu shrugged and said in a natural tone.

"Even I have something to ask for, and want to gain something by provoking a war. This is a natural thing, right?"

"Although it can't be said to be unhappy in daily life, after all, there are more important things in front of you. You can't have both, so isn't it normal to choose what you want more?"

A very simple and rude answer that even children can guess.

Just because you want it.

However, some of the meaning of the other party's words made Seraph, the demon king, unable to help his body tremble slightly.

When the other party made a devastating war between the three clans and even the whole world, he only weighed the importance of his daily life of good quality and its purpose with a little distress.

——As for what the three clans and even the entire mythological force will become due to the war, and how many victims there will be, it has never entered his scope of consideration, and it doesn't matter to him at all.

It's not cruel or cold-blooded, but she doesn't care at all, and she doesn't even have room to enter her line of sight. Naturally, there is no sympathy or pity.

This indifference makes people feel terrified.

The second is nausea to the point of nausea.

When two things cannot be obtained at the same time, it is only natural to sacrifice things that are less important than those that are not of high importance for what you want more—

This kind of thing is unavoidable, but the unhesitating or even willing attitude of the person in front of her made her feel disgusted and disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

Listening to his words, it was as if spiders and scorpions were slowly crawling into his ears.

"Doesn't your conscience feel guilty for doing such a thing?"

Without considering the fact that she was now a prisoner, Seraph couldn't help showing her blatant disgust.

Even, in the identity of a demon, he said the word "conscience" which was quite ridiculous to others.

However, Su Mu also accepted this disgust and rejection without hesitation.

The faint smile on his face was completely unaffected.

"As the so-called unity of knowledge and action, I act according to my cognition and my thoughts at this time."

"I firmly believe that I'm doing what's right for me. Simply put—"

"In your opinion, these heinous things are actually not against my conscience!"

The voice is gentle, and if you can discern the content of it, you can even say that listening to him is a kind of enjoyment...

But at this time, Seraph felt that the words seemed to be maggots struggling to penetrate the brain along the ear canal, as if the soul was being tainted by the willful values.

Su Mu raised her hand and gently stroked Seraph's cheek, watching her trembling eyes.

"evil ways--!"

Containing negative emotions such as fear, disgust, and resistance, Seraph's eyes wavered.

The previous demon king girl had always been quite unhappy with Su Mu, but this was largely because of her sister Canna.

If not, she might have quite optimistic feelings towards this young human powerhouse.

On weekdays, this guy may have some bad tastes, and occasionally he seems daring, but it doesn't really make people feel disgusted, but mostly favors.

But at this time...

She felt that this guy should not continue to exist in this world, or that it was not a disaster and monster that this world could breed.

"Although I won't be angry because of this accusation, your excessive self-indulgent attitude is not in line with your identity as a loser." Su Mu said, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the fluctuation of magic power formed ripples slowly towards floating outside.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the study was opened from the outside, and Rebel Phoenix in a maid outfit walked in.

"Master, what's the matter-"

Rebel, who had just opened her mouth, immediately widened her eyes when she saw Seraph who was holding a maid outfit in her arms.

The words that I was about to say just now burst into pieces like a Hokage hitting the earth.

"Say, Seraph-sama—"

Why is Serafel here?

Moreover, she was still so downcast, holding a maid outfit in her arms, like a maid who had just come to the door for an interview...

At this time, isn't the underworld in a fierce battle situation? During this time period 4.6, why does Lord Seraph...

Rebel stood dumbfounded at the door, staring at the stunned Demon Lord Serafel.

"Rebel, this is the new maid Seraph, and you, as a senior, will assign her work."

"Ah, ah, ah?"

No, calm down first—

Rebel temporarily gave up thinking about what was going on.

The most important thing now is to arrange maid tasks for Seraph as Su Mu said.

Seraph, who is the only female demon king, has a large number of fans in the underworld, which naturally includes Rebel.

"Don't worry, Seraph, I will try to avoid embarrassing you..."

"Ah, thank you—"

I don't know what's going on, but try not to embarrass Seraph-sama... Just leave the easy work to her.

Then, she heard Su Mu's voice.

"By the way, Rebel, don't let her take it too easy."


"Lord Seraph, since this is the case, it's up to you to clean the toilet."

Seraph: ? .

One hundred and fifty-eight chapters appear here

Try not to embarrass me, do you mean sending me to clean the toilet?

Looking at the demon girl in front of her speechlessly, Seraph didn't know what to say.

In the end, he sighed, took heavy steps, and passed her with the maid costume in his arms.

At the beginning, Mingming was still thinking about whether there was a chance to pull this girl who was also a demon to his side.

No matter how bad it is, it can also facilitate some of your actions.

No matter from which point of view, this monster is best not to come to harm the world, the best way to deal with it is to let him return to dust as soon as possible.


Seeing how the little princess of the Phoenix family was obedient, she knew that no matter what she said, it would be useless, and she would even be reported back to Su Mu in a blink of an eye.

The female demon king named Seraph has never tried to fall in love because of her identity, nor has such thoughts arise.

But I still understand how blind the girls in love are.

But that doesn't mean she will give up.

This kind of monster, don't come to scourge this world, it is best to return to dust as soon as possible.

But, after all, this is nothing but an illusion.

She had already realized it from the brief battle with the other party just now.

Leaving aside other things, if they fight head-on, this guy will definitely not be weaker than the Transcender, that is, the two highest combat powers in the underworld.

What's more, there is a very dangerous fact that cannot be ignored.

For this extremely dangerous guy who is planning to drag the three clans and even the whole world into the abyss, the underworld even has a good impression.

No matter how bad it is, it is regarded as an irrelevant person in this war, an existence that does not need to be concerned or prepared.

This kind of trust, not knowing whether to call it bold or blind, may become a sharp sword in his chest.

The cruel and gloomy guy, like a viper, rhythms his tail slowly and hides in the dark, manipulating conflict and hatred behind his back without everyone's knowledge.

If the mastermind behind him cannot be found out, the war will only intensify.

It is basically impossible for the situation to gradually subside after feeling the personal pain as many high-level officials of the three clans hoped.

The end of this war, I am afraid that it can only end with angels, demons and fallen angels unable to support due to the scarcity of remaining personnel.

Therefore, judging by her status as the Demon King, she felt that it was absolutely necessary to stop this situation at all costs.

At the very least, you need to report the information you know to the underworld, so that Sazex, Ajaka, etc., who are companions, have a minimum level of vigilance.