
DxD: The Lustful Gamer

When I died away as a consequence of making my first poor choice, I did not anticipate being reincarnated in a world inhabited by Yokai, Devils, and Angels as well as Fallen Angels. I had no idea that I would end up being the "main character" of the story. I didn't anticipate that my life would turn out to be a game. Despite that, I'm going to try to find the silver lining in this strange circumstance. There will be 18+ contents. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
99 Chs

Chapter 9: Quest! & Aika Kiriyuu

"Ah! Issei Hyoudou. You can now proceed."

My train of thought was cut off by a pleasant-sounding husky voice, and when I looked up, I saw Aika Kiriyuu coming toward me.

She was striding forward with a subtle sway on her waist, an amused smirk on her face, and her eyes were filled with intent that was not so innocent.

Sincerity compels me to admit that I was taken aback because I had not anticipated her coming up to me so quickly.

I thought she would approach this new "me" in a few days, but I guess she's more brave than I gave her credit for. I was expecting her to do it in a few days.

I smiled warmly at her and nodded in her direction before doing so. "Good morning Aika-san. You have a very nice appearance today. How can I be of service to you?" I beckoned to her and indicated that she should take a seat on the bench that was next to me.

After I gave her the compliment, she smiled triumphantly and eagerly complied with my request. It did not come as a surprise to me when she sat down next to me so closely that our legs were touching and her shoulder was barely brushing against mine.

My mind and body both experienced a delightful tingling sensation when she inhaled the aroma of fresh wildflowers.

As Aika stared directly into my eyes, she flashed me that seductive smirk of hers. "I would like for you to ask me one thing right now. Is it true that your name is Issei Hyoudou? It's not that I have a problem with the new you; nonetheless, I find it difficult to accept that in such a short amount of time, you have undergone such a significant transformation."

I gave a little shrug of the shoulders. "Like I stated to Matsuda and Motohama. During the break, something occurred that opened my eyes to the ways in which I had been behaving inappropriately toward girls in general. I realised that I needed to change these behaviours. That does not mean that I will cease being a pervert; we are both aware that this is an unachievable expectation. The thing is that I will approach it with greater discretion going forward. And, indeed. I am Issei Hyoudou. At the very least, based on what I am aware of concerning my own person," I said it in a tone that was only slightly facetious while giving her a smirk.


Lie successful!


Aika gave a thoughtful hum, and then she nodded her head. "I see. If that is the case, then my heartfelt congratulations are in order for you. I must confess that I have always considered you to be a handsome gentleman; nevertheless, the fact that you are so obviously perverted and silly is a major turnoff for me." She then moved forward, put her hand on my leg, and smiled broadly before continuing.

"It's easy," she added. I inhaled deeply of her fragrance, and although she caught my attention, I managed to conceal the grin that was on my face. "On the other hand, I'm really digging the new you.

If you can convince me that you are going to make a genuine effort to alter your behaviour, I will reward you with a date, and if you do a good job, I will reward you with something even more exciting."


Quest Alert!

The Hypocrites with a Perverse Agenda Attack!

Aika Kiriyuu is going to waste no time in pursuing a romantic relationship with you since she finds your new personality to be indescribably lovely. Demonstrate to her that the shift you've made in the way you behave is not a one-time occurrence and that you are dedicated to making changes for the 'better.'

Reward: 2000 XP. A date with Aika Kiriyuu.

Increased familiarity and intimacy with Aika Kiriyuu.

A secondary goal is to make a good impression on Aika Kiryuu if you do end up going on a date with her.

Secondary Reward: Your relationship with Aika Kiriyuu will become much more intimate. Kinky sex with Aika Kiriyuu. New quest!


I decided to complete the quest in my head, and I smiled broadly at her as I did so. I teased her by saying, "You've got yourself a deal, Aika-chan," and I even managed to say her name in a sexy growl, which, judging by the way she shivered, she absolutely adored. "You've got yourself a deal," I told her cheekily.

She whispered into my ear, "Definitely like this side of you better," she said, right before planting a passionate kiss on my cheek.

After that, she rose up, and while maintaining her sneer, she informed me that, "Remember. Issei Hyoudou, I'll be keeping an eye on you. Don't disappoint me." After said that, she turned and walked away while maintaining the same slight sway on her hips that she had utilised when she had approached.

I watched her go for a few seconds before leaning back and looking up at the sky. During that time, I stared for a few seconds at her great perky ass, which was noticeable because of the short skirt she was wearing.

I gave a smirk that was almost condescending.



The day ended with nothing more of note occurring before or after school let out. The last classes of the day proceeded in the same manner as the first ones before lunch did, with the teachers droning out on their plans and objectives for their respective subjects, and with me ignoring everything they say and thinking of ways in which I can become stronger. This was followed by lunch.

When I got back to my house, I saw that Issei's mother had left a note on the kitchen counter stating that she had gone shopping.

I had been wondering how she made money because I remembered her as a housewife; but, if her getting a divorce from Issei's father is any indication, then she could be toiling away at an office and I wouldn't know it if I tried to kiss her luscious ass.

When I next see her, I'm going to use the upgraded version of my Observe ability on her so that I can learn more about her and prevent her from asking questions to which she doesn't want the answers.

Aside from that, it would be much more handy if she was not now at the house at this time. I hastened inside my room and stuffed anything and everything that had to do with ecchi into a box, which I then stored in my inventory.

After that was finished, I went ahead and showered and changed into some more comfortable clothes, which consisted of a plain blue shirt, black pants, and sneakers.

After that, I penned a note to Issei's mother, in which I informed her that I would be returning before eight in the evening and that I would be getting rid of the inappropriate items in my room.

I was also given a quest that, if I completed it and arrived by eight o'clock in the evening, would earn me experience points and bring us even closer together.

I, of course, accepted it before setting off in the direction of Matsuda's house, which I had already highlighted on the ostensibly permanent little map displayed on my 'HUD.'

It didn't take long for me to get to his house, and when I did, I gave the doorbell a ring before taking a few steps back, crossing my arms over my chest, and waiting.

After that, I opened the box that contained Issei's pornographic items, making sure no one was looking of course, and waited some more.

Matsuda's face suddenly materialised not more than a minute later, and it was distorted into a shocked expression. I suppose he didn't anticipate the fact that I would have been serious.


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