
Meredith Ordinton

I arrive in London. I left Velodra and Duke behind to watch over the girls.

Vali attacking us means we need to move soon. If Kuroka was able to find us, so can others.

I have to meet with her before she accepts the offer by the 'Alliance from Hell'. Since she if she joins them. All that awaits her is a life as a brainwashed, possessed servant.

It would be such a pity if such a talented person slipped through my fingers.

~Meredith Pov

Sigh what do I do?

Do I accept their offer?

I want to take revenge on those bastards (British Royal Family)

But they bribed the members of Golden Dawn to kick me out. Now I'm all alone with no backing. I can't possibly take on the entire British Royal Family all by myself.

At last La Fey left on her own terms.

But the group that sent out the invitation sounds real shady.

Sighh... Why can't things ever be simple?

Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz

A phonecall? Not many people know my number. Wonder who it could be.

I grab my phone. Unidentified Number.

That's weird.

I answer the call "Hello?"

"Meredith Ordinton?"

A young male voice asked.

They know who I am..

"Yes. Who's asking."

"Good evening. I got this number from a friend of yours. La Fey Pendragon. She was quite worried about you. I'm currently on the lookout for talented people to join my team.

La Fey said you had received an offer and had a hard time deciding on whether you should take it or not. So I want to give you an offer as well.

I hope we can meet somewhere. The location and time can be chosen by you. What do you say?"

Another offer.

And if LaFey gave them my number. They can't be that bad.

"Hyde Park. Colicci Cafe. In one hour"

"Excellent. I'll see you there. Beeep"

Sigh I hope I'm doing the right thing.

Ahh~ He didn't tell me his name.


What the hell is wrong with me? I don't even know what he looks like

~ Meeting in the Hyde Park

Ahhh I'm getting super nervous.

I'm pretty sure this isn't a trap. La Fey wouldn't screw me over like that.

But I'm meeting people I literally know nothing about.

I was keeping a close watch on my surroundings. If anyone shady appeared I'm teleporting away.

"Meredith Ordinton" A young masculine voice appeared in front of me

"HUH" I turned to the voice only to find a young blond man with red eyes smiling at me

How did he sneak up on me?

"I am Isaiah. A pleasure to meet you"

~ MC Pov

She is exactly as the Original Material described her. A beautiful girl with a foreign face, with a beautiful face and auburn hair braided with rope and blue eyes. She looks one or two years younger then me. So about 15-16.

Meredith has low skill with Attack or Defense Magic, but she's good at Sealing Magic and Security Magic. That will be quite useful.

Warders are paid a lot. And we will need her if we want our future home to be protected. Because my Ward Swords are apparently useless. I need to study more.

And that holy aura coming off of her. Alphecca Tyrant one of the 5 new Longinus.

While the original had the ability to be able to attack with a nail-like object made of Holy Aura, and also being able to brainwash opponents by making a group of people listen to a conversation for several minutes with a certain fixed keyword inserted in it, it was only limited to Human beings.

Meredith's Alphecca Tyrant retains the ability to attack with nail-like objects made of holy aura and she can rewrite the concepts of those who were struck by the nail made of holy aura, which can also affect Sacred Gear users, which includes even other Longinus possessors as demonstrated when Meredith rewrote Issei Hyoudou's concepts to remove his erotic nature and love for female breasts.

Maybe I should still let her do that. For the sake of all men. Issei is dragging our reputation down to the ground. That stupid Oppai Dragon Show was seen by Millions.

"Well, Mr. Isaiah. You said you had an offer for me. And how did you meet La Fey anyway? Last I heard was she joined some group with her brother" Meredith said calmly while sipping on her coffee. But she was still wary of me.

Good. Some common sense will help her out in the future. People seriously lack that in this world.

"Well I actually met La Fey yesterday. She joined the White Dragon Emperor's team and they attacked me" I reply in the same calm tone causing Meredith's jaw to drop

"They attacked you? And you are OK?" Then her face paled a bit

"La Fey is fine. Only the Hakuryutei was injured" I was a little smug about that

( I like Hakuryutei better, White Dragon Emperor is a mouthful to say or read xD)

But I already established that I am a very strong person to Meredith. meaning I can protect her and help her out with her goals.

"Amazing.." Meredith caught her slip and blushed for a second before pushing the blush down.

"Ehem. And what is your offer?" Meredith tried to cover up her previous slip by pushing the subject forward

"I want to invite you to my team. I'm looking for Talented Individuals that will help each other out. My team is mostly comprised out of Outcasts. Myself included. We are planning to go around the world. Experiencing different countries, and different cultures. And see what Life has to offer.

And we find a place we all like. We can settle down and keep enjoying our lives, None can survive in this World alone. People will always come after you for your strength or talent. So I decided to form a group of like-minded individuals. People who want freedom, but know that doing it alone will get them killed"

Meredith was carefully listening to my words. I could tell she liked what we were planning. But her revenge was more important to her than that

"What do want to do Meredith?" I asked her gently

She was a bit taken back by my question

"I want Revenge." Meredith gritted out

"On who?"

"My Ex-Family" She stared right in my eyes

" The British Royal Family? They have a very strong backing. Do you think you can do it?" I raise an eyebrow

"That's why I'm looking to join strong groups." Meredith was getting angry

"Why are you looking for revenge?"

Meredith's aura exploded

"Because I was thrown out. Even with royal blood flowing in my veins, I didn't become a member of royalty! It's royalty, you understand? Even in this world, royalty is a prominent thing, a chosen human being!

Why only me? Why did I have to experience something like this? The others...the children of different mothers were royalty by birth!" Meredith screamed out

I'm glad I put a Muffling and Illusion Array as soon as I arrived. But i need to stop her

"ROYALTY means absolutely SHIT. In this world only POWER matters. If you are STRONG. Then entire factions will mean nothing to you. You aren't looking for revenge because you didn't become royalty. You are looking for revenge because you were abandoned and that deeply hurt you"

Meredith looked like someone slapped her, she kept opening and closing her mouth but the words didn't come out

"What were you planning on doing? Killing them all?" She had nothing to reply to that.

"If you don't want to kill them than that means you don't hate them enough. You probably want them to suffer, and feel sorry for abandoning you, for still continuing to mess with your life and denying you happiness"

Meredith nodded tearfully. Everything put in front of her like this is like someone stabbing her heart.. probably.

"Then there is no need to do it now. Take your time. Get stronger. Experience life. Be happy. Do what you wanted to do before they interfered. Let them sit thinking they are safe. And when the right time comes. Take everything they hold dear. Their Money. Their Nobility. Their Prestige. Reduce them to homeless beggars"

Meredith sat there with tears streaming down her eyes

"The British Royal Family. Centuries of Prestige and Honor. Reduced to homeless beggars. I really like the sound of that. You are right. I don't want them dead. Death is too kind. I want them to suffer.

But looking back on this year. As soon as I was kicked out of Golden Dawn by their manipulations I only thought about revenge. I was miserable for a whole year. I don't think I even stopped to go out on a cup of coffee like this."

She looked down at her hands. Holding the coffee cup. Realization struck her. That if she kept going as he was doing right now. She would be miserable for years to come.

"When the time comes. Will you help me take revenge" She asked in a hopeful tone. As if the notion of someone attacking the nation for her was impossible

I just grin at her "Yep~We Will. Our group has a lot of talented and powerful individuals. We will be constantly targeted. That's why it's important to stick together. I don't care about age, race or any of those things. I only want Loyalty to the Group. When times are rough. I want us to stick together and help each other out. Think you can do that Meredith?" I ask in a serious tone.

(Plz tell me I didn't screw up to much.)

"Yes I can. I accept your offer" Meredith said with confidence

"Great. Welcome to the team. Grab your stuff. Because as soon as we group up we start traveling."

Meredith nodded "I need like.. an hour. Yeah, an hour sounds good. Meet up here again?"

"I'm fine with that" I nod at her.

Meredith teleported away to grab her things.

Another talented individual joins the team. I'm pretty good at this.

~ MC's Apartment

Its been an hour since I brought Meredith.

And surprisingly the girls really hit it off. And I mean hit it off. They are doing their hair now together.

Women. I will never completely understand their thoughts.

It was getting time to time to start getting ready to travel. But I dont want to break their 'bonding'


A Fallen coming straight at us.

"Guys we have a guest. We will have to hold off on the celebration" I call out. They each got ready for an attack

"He doesn't seem to have any bad intentions. Did Azazel already gather all the stuff?" Veldora was confused

"No Azazel would have called me"

Knock Knock

I opened the door a young skinny man with silver hair stood there. On second look one of his bangs was purple.

"Yes?" I asked him.

He just yawned. Totally relaxed, "Hey. I'm Dino. Your that guy right? Kiba or Isaiah."

I felt a tic mark forming. What is this fallen doing here? He was Low Ultimate. Pretty strong for a fallen. Why did Azazel send him here?

"Yes that's me. Did Azazel send you here?" I ask carefully

"My Old Man? Nah. I was lazing around but Grigori got too loud. Especially with Cockabiel always running his mouth about war. So I ditched Grigori. Can I come crash with you guys? You look like fun. HAaaaahhh" He scratched the back of his head while yawning again




Is this dude for real? And he is Azazels son?

You know I can see it. That lazy smile and his overall aura.

"You know I can't trust you just on that right? Especially after the Hakuryu brat attacked me."

"Oh Vali was here? Considering you are standing without an injury I'm guessing he lost" Dino said with a small smirk

"I cut off his arm, and stabbed him in the gut. Made a deal with your dad to let him live." I deadpan at him

"Nice~" Dino gave me a thumbs up

Okay. I'll give him a shot

"Sword Birth. Sword of Truth." A small short sword appeared in my hand. It had a green handle and some purple inscriptions on the blade.

"This is the Sword of Truth. If somebody is telling a lie and is guilty the sword will cut him. If he is telling the truth and is innocent. The sword will shatter harmlessly"

I point the sword toward him

"Cool~" Dino said in awe as he approached the sword. "Man this would be so useful to Grigori. Do you know the amount of Spies lurking around that place?

So you are going to test me with this? I'm cool with that. I left Grigori to relax and find interesting places to chill at"

The dude has some balls of steel I'll give him that. Or he is just a natural airhead

"Okay. Since you are a Fallen. This shouldn't even kill you anyway. It will probably leave a deep gash if you are lying" Not that it matters. If he is lying I'm killing him

I swing my sword at him.

*CRACK!* *boom*

The Sword Cracekd apart and exploded into countless tiny shards

"Awesome~. Can I go and chill inside now?" Dino smiled lazily

"Welcome to the team Dino." I smile at him as I let him walk inside,

Things are going great.

Two people in one day. Both are amazing talents. Lady Luck is on my side. For now.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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