
DxD: Heavenly Life

A young man suddenly wakes up in a forest. With nothing but a money-grubbing system for company. Gods? Devils? Angels? Monsters? Humans getting dunked on? "Truly, Poverty is a Shinobi's greatest enemy..." Mutters a voice in despair. Desclaimer: I do not own. Naruto. Neither do I own hush school dxd. Don't forget to comment and suggest.

MechanicalHeart101 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 13: The Report

"Hell is other people." - Jean Paul Sartre.


Warning: Disturbing themes ahead.


[Devils]: The name of most populous species residing in this sector of the Underworld

Humanoid in shape. May come with a pointed tail attached.

Some may have uncommon physical traits like horns however, these are mainly exclusive to the reincarnates, and are mostly traits carried over from their previous species.

A shared racial trait is their blackened, leathery wings different from their Fallen Neighbors despite having a partially shared ancestry. A permanent mark inflicted by their ancestors in an attempt to spite their Creator.


Magic and Sorcery: Devils have a natural affinity for magic, able to cast powerful spells, enchantments, and summon familiars. They fuel these mostly by using an energy called demonic energy.

They can manipulate this demonic energy for various purposes, including offensive attacks, defensive barriers, and healing.

Enhanced Physical Abilities: Devils possess superhuman strength, speed, durability, and longevity, making them formidable in combat and resilient against physical damage.

Unique Abilities: Each devil can have unique powers or abilities, often influenced by their lineage or personal traits. These can include elemental manipulation, telekinesis, teleportation, e.t.c

The most powerful abilities stem from bloodlines unique to the 72 Pillar Households.


Holy Objects: Devils are highly vulnerable to holy objects and weapons, which can cause them significant harm or even death. This includes items like crosses, holy water, and weapons blessed by divine power. Might have to stock up...

Light-Based Attacks: Attacks that utilize holy light or are derived from Angelic origin can be extremely damaging to devils. Light-based magic is one of their greatest weaknesses. Relevant Jutsu are hard to come by.

<< Threat Level: Moderately High. >>

Would usually be higher, however, Devils are... How can i put it?... Let's not mince words. They are Horrible at fights. At least most of them are. They are usually barely more skilled in a fight than the average human. They habitually stand at a distance or fly in the air firing off spells until their target goes down.

Would work for the most part. However that habit would most certainly get you killed eventually.

The greatest threat of this species are the aberrations known as the [Satans].


Fallen:<Tentative> Multiple conflicts still exist, however since the rise of the new Satans, aggression has reduced and occasional trade between both factions began. However, they still remain quite hostile individually.


Prey <Outlawed>

Deal/Business partners. Occasional Peerage recruits. Beyond that? Hostile for the most part.

Yokai: <Unconfirmed>Expansions into Japan are met with mixed results. Negotiations might be underway.

'Still, I wonder how my recent venture has impacted the ongoing discussions?...' Thoughts for later I guess...


Old Satan Faction: <Mortal> A portion of the devil population fragmented and expunged from the current ruling government due to openly supporting the views and habits of the original rulers of the Devil race. A view that is the main reason that the devil race has garnered this much hostility.

Heaven: <Major>, <Decreasing Hostilities between both factions. <strong>Fallen leaders involvement suspected as tentative mediators>.

Almost every other supernatural race: They have an abysmal reputation as a whole. Generally not too well behaved as a species.

Personal Thoughts / Notes:

'Dante was drunk. The Underworld barely bears any resemblance to what was implied. Or maybe the book was a lot more outdated than I previously thought.

Still, is this really Naraka at all?

Where's everyone?

Where is the Shinigami?

I most certainly don't remember there being Skyscrapers, Devilphones, and Hospitals.'

'Still overall? not my favorite species at all. Highly Entitled and Overpowered. A dangerous combination. Judgement?

Potential enemies.

Speaking of enemies, something continuously sends alarm bells ringing through my head...

The fact that a single being managed to ban an entire species from saying his name no matter how powerful they are... That is... Frightening.

The requirements for a Jutsu on that scale would be... I will need to continue studies. Preferably on the Angels. '

--------- End notes.


'That should do it for now.'

Raito closed his notepad with a sigh.

Glancing at the now dried scab on his side, he decided he had rested enough. I was time to turn in anyway...

Standing up from his crouched position on the roof of an archaic looking shopping center, after patting off the dust from his body and doing a light stretch, his figure blurred and he reappeared in the streets nearby. Sparing a glance at the malls entrance, he turned the other way and started his journey. 



The Underworld capital of Lilith loomed with its sinister splendor, an eternal twilight city where the boundaries between power and corruption were seamlessly blurred.

A bit towards the outer reaches of the city, a diminutive figure wandered through seemingly aimlessly.

'The meeting point should be over there...' Stopping for a moment in order to navigate himself, he then continued on his journey.

The city pulsed with a dark energy that almost seemed unaffected by the now setting sun, as a result, its towering spires cast unusually elongated shadows in the perpetual twilight.

Raito's destination was an unassuming tavern in the slums.

Close to reaching his destination and leaving the more popular districts, the air gradually deteriorated in quality until it finally became thick with the stench of decay, mingling with the acrid smell of smoke from makeshift fires that sputtered in rusted metal barrels. Shadows moved within shadows as figures huddled around these fires, their gaunt faces illuminated by the flickering flames.

The slum's inhabitants were a collection of the desperate and the damned. They were all devils albeit some reincarnated and some half blood. They all huddled together in rags. Eyes and faces hollow and devoid of hope. A strange form of unity.

'I suppose the discrimination has never truly disappeared even since the civil war all those years ago.' Raito's thoughts wandered as he walked.

Raito kept his hood drawn low, his steps purposeful and fast. He passed a group of children, their faces smudged with dirt, playing a game with bones in the alley. Raito couldn't identify what creatures they used to belong to. At least not all of them...

There was that one humanoid skull nearby being used as a makeshift ball by a child no more than three.

Speaking of which, the child's sibling (as he assumed) noticed Raito's gaze and looked up at him with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion bordering on warning. However, seeing that Raito made no attempt to approach, he then returned to his grim play.

"Meats!! Fresh Cut Meats!!!" A voice bellowed.

Nearby, a vendor with a cart piled high with dubious-looking meats shouted his wares to uninterested passersby.

The vendor's eyes flicked to Raito, assessing him briefly before moving on to the next potential customer.

Raito's eyes lingered on the weapon he had stowed beneath his robes. Taking note of its shape and composition, noting that it was likely the same tool used to butcher these meats in the first place now being reapplied as a self defense weapon.

Raito continued on his way.

Further along, raucous laughter erupted from a cluster of men and women gathered outside a dilapidated shack that served as an impromptu drinking hole.

The women were scantily clad bordering on threadbare, their expressions hardened by a life of hardship. One of the men, his face a web of scars, noticed Raito's approach his eyes lit up and he nudged his companion, muttering something under his breath. Another pair of eyes joined the ones already on his form.

Raito could feel the weight of their Greed as he passed by.

The path grew narrower, the buildings closing in like teeth, casting deeper shadows that seemed to swallow the light. Raito's boots splashed through stagnant puddles, the murky water soaking into his soles.

Raito cursed his choice footwear, idly noting to change them later even if it would incur additional expenses.

The slum's streets twisted and turned unpredictably, each corner revealing scenes of squalor and despair.

Turning the corner, Raito was met with a woman sporting a wild look in her eyes as she ranted to herself, her hands gesticulating wildly. Her voice rose and fell in a discordant melody, the words incomprehensible yet filled with a haunting intensity... And insanity.

Raito skirted around her, careful not to draw her attention.

As he neared the heart of the slums, the noise level increased—a cacophony of voices, arguments, and the occasional cry of pain or anger. The oppressive atmosphere weighed bounced off Raito, largely ignored.

Yet, this brief walk was a stark reminder of what the underworld was really like underneath the noble galas and aristocratic families.

Having modern innovation, yet still managing to be stuck in the middle ages.

Finally, the tavern came into view, a squat, unassuming building with a faded sign creaking in the eternal twilight breeze.

It seemed a part of the slums, indistinguishable from the surrounding decay except for the muffled sounds of activity within. Yet it remained a hub of activity including eating, drinking and negotiations secured by sloppy voice filtering spells. It also had a section closed off with curtains at the back Presumably for the more 'Off the Book' transactions.

Raito paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. He then pulled his cloak tighter and pushed open the heavy wooden door, stepping into the dimly lit interior.

Luckily aside from the few inquisitive gazes here and there, no one paid him any mind.

Raito quickly made his way to the back. It seemed that his employer was a secretive one and had paid a bit extra for the closed off section.

A devil stood by the curtains guarding. Raito tuned in his observations.

'A reincarnate? A fairly strong one at that.'

The devil in question gave Raito a quick once-over. Pondering before nodding as if satisfied and then signifying for him to proceed. Raito slipped past without pause or greeting.

Past the courtains, Raito was met with a different sight indeed.

Multiple closed off cells the largest of which was to the right. It had a window facing outside.

His destination was within sight. Heading towards the door of the cell in question, Raito knocked in a specific pattern. There was a bit of shuffling inside, followed by a couple of clicks coming drom the door. A voice called out: "Come in."

Raito adjusted his shroud and mask before pushing open the door.

Change P.O.V:

/////// Change Scene /////

In the far corner, a lone figure sat at a table, his face obscured by a hood. The dim light from a nearby lantern cast shadows across his features, but there was no mistaking his aura. The aura depicted a sort of quiet violence somehow mixed in with a hint of something... Holy.

It was quite inconspicuous considering where he was at the moment.

Raito Uchiha, having his commissioner, now silently approached the a secluded corner. His client was a mysterious one. Despite his aura denoting a form of cleanliness, he most likely didn't have the most noble motivations. A bizarre form of hypocrisy however, business was business.

"Mr. Cao Cao I presume." Raito asked as he reached the table half unsure of how to address this man.

"Ah, if it isn't Hebi." The man known as Cao cao greeted. "It is a pleasure to finally meet in the flesh. How was your commission?"

He stood for a moment, observing his client. The man's hood concealed his features, but did nothing to hide his that striking silver hair or that hint of scheming calculation deeply engraved in his movements.

'Lets get this over with.'

*Puff* A scroll appearing in hand, Raito pointedly ignored the way tin employers eyes raked over his form with a hint of contemplation mixed with something else when he thought Raito wasn't looking. Unfurling the scroll, he began his report.

"The manor was far more guarded than you anticipated in the briefing however, the item you specified has been retrieved and will be given to you after you pay the agreed price."

"The city has been restless all day. Any happenings that I should know about?"

'So the details have not been spread yet huh?'

"The secondary objective was unsuccessful. I met interference from the Phenex Head and was unable to escort the heiress as planned." Raito reported.

"Oh well, it was a long shot anyway..." Cao cao lamented as he nonchalantly slumped in his seat with an air of feigned disappointment.

"The Head of Phenex huh... How did your meeting go?" He asked. His interest growing as his eyes once more raked over Raito.

"As you can predict, a conflict ensued and the manor went down in an explosive conflagration. It ended with the Target known as Rosar Phenex incapacitated." I inform and the previously growing glee gathering at the beginning of my sentence fled from his form, and was slowly replaced by wrath mixed with a cold indifference. He looked on as if regarding some sort of traitor.

"You had the target at your mercy yet, you didn't see it fit to Kill him?" He queried, hands clasped above his nose, elbows resting in the wooden table surface, and tone frigid.

Raito fought off the urge to raise an eyebrow at that.

"I made the attempt, however I was met with interference from the Knight from the peerage of Lucifer. The Okita Souji." I conclude the report.

His eyes flashed in anger mixed with hate at the mention of Okita Souji however his expression swiftly schooled. It was impressive how fast he could temper his mood. It was the best I have been able to observe so far. At least the accusing look vanished.

"Yes, I suppose it couldn't be helped then..." He sighs helplessly before all but straightens up.

"You escaped..." His eyes gain a glint as they roam once more.

'I wish he would stop that.' There wasn't any lust in the gaze, just an intense form of Curiosity. It was unpleasant nonetheless. Reminded me too much of a particular Snake.

"By no virtue of mine I assure you." Raito blandly retorts fighting the urge to rub at his newest scab. It ached at the memory if the encounter.

"But you survived nonetheless." Cao cao laughed as he stood up, his chair scraping as it shifted.

"You live to fight another day." He began a slow walk towards Raito's direction.

"You got out of it stronger." He arrived by Raito's side. He was only a teenager. At most a young adult. Yet, the height difference was appalling.

"You wont make the same errors the next time." he passed by and made his way towards the window.

"Because that is how Humans have survived." His voice contained a sort of conviction mixed in with a bit of pride and accomplishment as if he had raided the manor and downed the Phenex Head himself. Then there was the endless Ambition.

He arrived at the window and looked outside his back exposed as Raito remained in place following him with his gaze.

He looked relaxed right now, however there was still a palpable intensity in the way he held himself, as if he were coiled and ready to strike at any moment.

He half turned at Raito his grinning gaze containing a knowing look as if informed of something Raito didn't know.

"Isn't it glorious?" he questioned, gesturing outside to the city slums buzzing with activity.

A child, the same Raito had seen earlier. The elder sibling if he wasn't mistaken. Happily tossed his winnings up in the air. Making his way along. Tossing a few particularly shiny objects on the way to wherever he was going.

Raito was unaware of the value of those bones. They remained worthless for him however, it seemed for some, that was not the case.

"lived here for a portion of my life." Cao cao continued as they both watched the spectacle. Already half aware of how this would end.

In one moment, the boy was dragged into a nearby alleyway. His blackened wings stretched for a moment flapping wildly in a noisy struggle. However it was useless. He was deceptively stronger than his form would suggest, however in a fight, numerical advantages and weapons matter very often.

After a few moments he lay quietly in a dumpster as his sibling played on in the distance oblivious of what just transpired. His blood slowly flowed down as if to nourish the hellish vermin hiding in that pile of trash.

"I was worse than they. They live outside, as a human, I lived in a slavers cage." He recounted and compared an aspect of his origin. Yet, Raito remained un-phased questioning where this demonstration was headed.

The culprits hid their faces however, they were to inexperienced to hide their forms. Raito recognized them at a glance even as they ran from the scene. They were his friends. His previous playmates.

Snapping to attention in an instant, Cao cao abandoned the view of the window and turned to fully regard this mercenary who had been the object of his curiosity for the past year.

"I am not like them. You will be paid in full." And he moved his hands.



At this signal, a large briefcase fell out of some kind of hole in the void landing with a thud in between them.

"Here is your gain. A 100 Million Ryo as promised."

Ignoring that display and adding one more item to his list of threats, Raito touched the case and performed a quick modified Diagnostic Jutsu.

Confirming the contents, he pulled out a scroll under his employers inquisitive gaze. Unfurling it and placing it on the Briefcase, they both vanished in a *puff* of smoke.

"Interesting." A voice mumbled in the background and Raito pointedly ignored the other person in the room. It was of no relevance to him.

"Now the Tears." Cao cao's expression displayed no obvious sign of interest in Raito's secrets.

In another puff, a basket containing five vials of crystalline liquid appeared and was quickly handed over to the employer.

Cao cao swished the contents one by one before nodding, seemingly confirming their validity and then the basked vanished into another similar portal.

"Transaction Complete." Raito informed as he wrote something down. This time on a notebook. Clasping it shut, Raito made a quick and respectful bow towards his employer before turning on heel and walking away in one swift motion.

"Wait." His employer called out.

Raito stoically watched as Cao cao's hand vanished into another portal as he fished for something hidden in the void. Pulling out a card, he handed it over.

"If you ever feel the need to do something more meaningful than just mercenary work. Give me a call." Raito took the card and within a moment, it was tucked safely in his sleeves. He then immediately resumed his exit.

As he walked away, the feeling of being watched prickled at the back of his neck, but he did not look back.


Cao Cao P.O.V:

"You should have let me handle him." A voice complained next to him as another figure walked up to him from the corner in which he had first appeared.

"Sigh... Georg not now." I massaged my brow as my fellow Human, Magician, Longinus wielder walked up to me. Questioning once more.

This is the problem with the Scientist types. They are far too logical to pay attention to the more intricate parts of interaction often completely overlooking the Human Factor.

Georg crossed his arms, his expression as impassive as ever. "What makes this one so special? We could just brainwash him if he doesn't agree," he suggested. To Georg, people were variables in an equation, and if one didn't fit, you simply forced it to.

"No... Not this one." I have to insist.

"Why though...?" His companion asked and Cao cao found himself clamping down on a surge of annoyance.

"His kind in particular require more... Finesse to deal with. Else it would be a loss."

It was one of the earliest lessons Indra had ever taught him. How to read people.

People who couldn't be read properly were bad news, plain and simple. 

"Always work with the assumption that if something can go wrong at all, it WILL go wrong eventually." I informed Georg.

He gave a slight *huff* of indifference. However, I know he would follow what I said.

"I'll handle the accounts. like always..." He sighed as a portal opened before me. Leading back to base.

I felt bat for our funds however, a conflict right now with such an... Interesting individual wouldn't do at all.

I stepped through the portal, feeling the familiar tug almost sighing in relief as it pulled us both away from that filthy, filthy place.

'<[The soul that sinneth must perish...]>' I could feel it gently yet firmly insisting.

The True Longinus had protested may things the entire hour of being in that environment, intensifying as we watched the crime go on. However, in the end I am still the wielder. I'll use it exactly the way I want.

'<[...]>' I felt its displeasure, however, the [Presence] within remained compliant like always. After all, a gift should not influence how it is used.

Another victory in my books.

As the portal closed behind, sealing off the decayed world we had just left. I banished the encroaching thoughts of pushing harder and instead remained focused on the future.

'We will eventually have our chance.' I conclude as the portal closes behind me.


Change P.O.V:

Raito moved out of a nearby hiding spot as his clone approached.

It handed over everything it needed to, and then wordlessly disappeared in a *Puff* of smoke.

'That one was always the quiet one.' he sighs helplessly. It was really useful back in ANBU at least.

'Well... Time to head home. Hopefully the coast is clear...' With that, he made his way to the Dimensional Metro Station





Suddenly diverting on his course, he turned a corner and entered a particularly dark and narrow alley, he made his way to a dumpster where a bruised and broken form lay quietly about to face its fate.

*Swish* Forming a few hand-seals, Raito began his task.

*Groan* He shifted as the Jutsu completed its work. Wounds closed and blood stopped flowing. He then snapped to attention almost immediately and Raito had to take a moment to admire this species resilience.

"Don't misuse this opportunity. Go back to the place you have to go. You have someone waiting for you." were the parting words Raito left the now awake but stunned devil.

With that, Raito made his way back on course and made his way into another alleyway across the street. when a sudden movement caught his eye. His stalkers had finally made their move.

A moment later, he was being ambushed. Figures emerged from the shadows, surrounding him.

There were five of them, all armed, last one was holding a sack. They didn't even bother concealing their faces.

'I guess security patrols don't extend here. Like at all...' Raito reasoned

The leader, a burly man with a scar running down one side of his face, stepped forward, brandishing a rusted but lethal-looking blade.

"Well, well, well, What's a pretty little thing like yourself doing in our neighborhood without paying the toll and so very alone?" He questions a mocking grin at the edge of his mouth.

'Toll? I wasn't informed of such an expense.'

Finding a direction of appeasement, Raito attempted to diffuse the situation.

"Doesn't matter. Hand over everything you've got," the leader growled, while waving Raito's questions off, his voice rough and menacing yet containing a hint of Greed.

"Or we'll make sure you never leave this alley."

Displaying their semi-maintained weapons and their broken, tattered wings in an attempt at intimidation.

The Leader then took his time to observe his target more closely.

"Human? How rare.."

'Young. I don't sense a hint of magic...' His Avarice almost visibly multiplied.

"On second thought, A pretty little face like yours would sell quite well. How about getting in here?" He demanded, snatching the sack from his companion on the left and opening it.

"A bit of a shame that you are male, but don't worry, buyers are often into THAT. We'll make sure you're well Taken Care Of. Hehehe..."

Glancing at his companions, he laughed as they joined in affirmation. Rambunctious laughter echoed off the walls of the alley.

The noise attracted a few passers-by most of which turned aside and left in hurried steps. Some stayed to watch the spectacle and out of the corner of my eye, I could make out a few figure watching from their windows.

'Of course...' Raito sighs internally giving up de-escalation.

Turning to meet the gaze of their leader, Raito partially unsheathed his ninjato, its blade gleaming faintly in the dim light.

"I don't have time for this," he said, his voice cold and steady in its warning. "Leave now, and you might live to see another twilight."

*Shiink* The full length of Raito's blade was released from its sheath.

"Easy there with the pointy stick brat. You could hurt yourself. Don't want you damaging the merchandise." He mocked and then gestured to his companions.

They moved in from both ends of the alley. Faces... and lower bodies betraying hints of excitement.

The course was set. Only one thing could be done now.

"Let it be known that you willingly chose your own ruin." The Ninjato flourished, there was movement, and then there was chaos.

/////// {A few moments later} /////////





With a thud, the leading devil fell on his back with a copious amount of vital liquid as his eyes widened in shock and then dimmed. His last action in the land of the living being to paint the filthy ground a different shade of Red.

Swinging the length of his blade, Raito removed the residual blood coating its edge, and sheathed it back in place.

Screams and wails echoed through the area as the nearby peanut gallery retreated in fear and once more, Raito was alone.

Well, not exactly alone...

Raito stood for a moment and impassively watched the scene, searching for more threats and finding only the occasional curious onlooker watching from the windows of the nearby buildings.

There was one more person.

A familiar looking butcher passing by the same alley and eyeing the corpses on the ground. Eyes glinting with a hint of avarice which swiftly intertwined with fear as he was reminded of Raitos presence. It seemed that the potential for danger was unable to convince him to abandon his greed.

Therefore he waited, unmoving from his hiding spot. Like a hyena, waiting for the hunter to abandon his prey.

Raito granted him his wish. He turned his gaze away and walked out to the delight of the one behind.

His expression Colder than usual, he continued on to his destination.

Only one thought occupied his mind at this moment..

It was lacking the distinct fire and brimstone. It had it own artificial sun, it even had the occasional modernized infrastructure and its own railroad systems. Yet, one thing remains the same...

The People.

'Forget what I said. No matter how whitewashed, in its own way... This is indeed [Naraka].'

////// End Chapter/////

Was a bit difficult to write this chapter, however I hope you liked it.  

Don't forget to stone and comment.

A little late, but here's the monthly chapter.

Till next time.
