
DxD: Heavenly Life

A young man suddenly wakes up in a forest. With nothing but a money-grubbing system for company. Gods? Devils? Angels? Monsters? Humans getting dunked on? "Truly, Poverty is a Shinobi's greatest enemy..." Mutters a voice in despair. Desclaimer: I do not own. Naruto. Neither do I own hush school dxd. Don't forget to comment and suggest.

MechanicalHeart101 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Seal

"In war, there are no unwounded soldiers." - José Narosky

/////// Start //////

First Person POV:


I ducked under a wave of fire, feeling the intense heat brush past me. Ignoring the loud crash behind me, I jumped over another attack, twisting in mid-air in a quick barrel roll.


Using a burst of Chakra and the [Body Flicker] technique, I blurred out of the way just as another firebomb exploded. The blast took out a big chunk of the wall, leaving rubble everywhere and echoing through the manor.

"You filthy human! I'll burn you to ashes!" Rosar yelled, his voice filled with rage as he chased me.

He was fast and skillful. I had to admit, I hadn't managed to shake him off yet.


I ducked as a fireball zipped past me, almost hitting me. It smashed into a door down the hallway, turning it into a pile of ashes instantly.

Bursting through a door, I found myself in a room full of surprised servants. They jumped up from their beds, looking annoyed and confused. Some scrambled to get dressed, while others grabbed weapons from beside their beds.

"H-Hey, you! You're not supposed to be here! This is staff onl—"


I didn't have time to wonder why male servants were in a female dorm. Shifting aside, I dodged out of the way as Rosar, wrapped in flames, crashed into where I had just been, turning the stone floor into molten slag.

Seeing his attack miss, Rosar turned quickly, sending a blast of fire from his hands that filled the entire room.




I used a substitution jutsu, swapping myself with the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Sticking to the ceiling with chakra, I hid and watched as the ten or so servants screamed in pain, burning in the flames.

Their screams echoed around the room joined only by the sound of the plummeting chandelier finally hitting the hard marble floor.



The fire cast eerie shadows on the walls as its victims both living or not, visibly reduced in volume and scattered into the flames. The sight reminding me just how dangerous Rosar was and why I needed to get away.

Checking my Chakra levels, I found them slowly recovering. The effects of the soldier pill I consumed were becoming apparent, yet they stayed low enough that any large-scale Jutsu casting remained inadvisable. I knew I had to end this soon.

The heat from the flames licked at the edges of the room, consuming everything in their path. The servants' screams gradually died down, replaced by the rumbling flames. Rosar's eyes blazed with fury, yet he had lost his target in the haze obscuring the room.

His eyes scanned back and forth, finding nothing alive, yet he refused to assume anything. He continued his search. Thankfully, people often forget to look up.

I needed a plan, and quickly. From my vantage point on the ceiling, I scanned the room, looking for anything I could use to my advantage. The remains of the furniture and personal items provided little help, but there was a window on the far side of the room—an escape route if I could reach it.

I took a deep breath and gathered my Chakra, readying myself for the next move. With a swift motion, I released my grip on the ceiling and dropped down silently behind Rosar. He didn't notice me immediately, his attention still fixed on the burning remains of one of the servants.

He stretched forth his hand as a magic circle with the Phenex insignia appeared. Blue eyes blazing with a different form of fury, he incinerated the still-living form of one of the male servants I had discovered earlier.

"I hired you to maintain the windows! Am I cursed to always be surrounded by incompetence?!" he hissed as his target turned to ashes.

Apparently, he wasn't supposed to be here, I noted idly, torn between amusement and exasperation.

Quietly, I crept towards the window, my feet making no noise as I approached. He continued his search unsuccessfully. Finally reaching my target, I quietly unlatched the lock and...

*Creeaaak!* And I found myself also inwardly cursing the recently deceased window servant.

A gaze snapped towards me.

"There you are!" he roared, a fresh wave of fire surging from his hands.

I dodged to the side, abandoning my escape route and rolling to avoid the attack. I managed with the flames only clipping me.

Like an erupting volcano, flames burst through the wall, pouring outside the manor and dyeing the gradually brightening dawn sky an intense orange.

The heat was intense. It singed my fire-resistant cloak, and I could feel my skin prickling from the proximity. Springing back up into a crouch, I moved swiftly, my hands flashing through a rapid series of hand seals. This time, I put a bit more effort into it, feeling the chakra surge through me, crackling like static electricity.

"Raiton: Shibai no Kanden! (Lightning Release: Fourfold Electrocution!)"

The air hummed with energy as the jutsu activated. His eyes widened as the attack struck true and he witnessed the power inherent in an A-Rank Jutsu first-hand.





The impact was explosive, launching Rosar through multiple walls with a deafening crash. Each wall shattered in succession, sending clouds of dust and debris cascading down, the rumble echoing through the surroundings like distant thunder and throwing up clouds of dust.

'That should stun him, at least.'

For a moment, I allowed myself a brief sense of victory. Turning on my heel, I chose a route and prepared to evacuate. But then with a 'Vroom', flames exploded out of the dust, forming a line and cutting off my designated escape route. It left an immolating wall in its wake.

Through the settling dust and rubble, I saw movement. Rosar emerged, shaking his head, disoriented but far from defeated. He stood up much too quickly for my comfort, the smirk on his face more menacing than ever.

"Shinto..." he growled as he advanced, stopping at a short distance away from me. A stare down ensued.

"I should have known you pathetic Principal Exorcist Clans would eventually over-reach. Ever unsatisfied, daring to stretch your dirty mitts even into the underworld." He stood on his moral high ground, gritting his teeth with anger.

"Speaking of over-reaching..." I finally spoke, my voice cutting through the tension. His eyebrows perked up in surprise.

"I do recall seeing some of your kind skulking around the barriers of Kyoto attempting abduction operations. Some from your house, sporting the same insignia."


If we were to attempt listing races that were "innocent" in terms of instigating conflict, regularly attempting to one-up and take advantage of others, we would never be able to mention the Devils.

Their usual antics made the Ayakashi seem tame in comparison.

To brazenly conduct abduction operations on the Clans' territory while still sporting their respective Pillar House Insignias... Even a novice wouldn't make such a blunder. Were they too prideful to throw away anything that would link back to them as evidence? Are they so assured that they would get away with it every time?

In all honesty, it doesn't truly matter to me. I will simply continue doing as I have.

"The thief speaks..." He chuckled in amusement, which then turned into irritation.

"And such audacious things he says..." The fire around him grew in heat and intensity as he continued.

"We devils and you humans exist in entirely different realms of existence. You should be honored to dedicate your short and worthless lives to us, your betters." His tone suggested that he was almost baffled with the fact that he had to explain such a concept at all.

Like explaining that the sky is blue to a fifty year old. Or purple in this case.

"Hmm..." I mumbled in response. I wasn't surprised. My Sharingan rapidly glanced around as I planned my next moves instead.

'Whatever. I still need book it. Dawn's approaching fast.' I made for the trees at a brisk pace.


I stopped in place as a wall of fire cut off my path. The heat radiating from the flames made the idea of jumping through them a suicidal notion.

"Leaving so soon?" he sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "We haven't had enough fun yet. Yes, we have barely gotten started." His voice took on a sadistic edge.

'Speak for yourself. My body's currently nagging me to take a break,' I inwardly complained as I dashed towards another opening at the side.

But then...

"Come to think of it, you Shinto have been getting awfully impertinent for such an inferior species. Blocking our extensions to Japan." He puts on a thinking face, his gloved hand on his chin, as if pondering a prospect.

"Perhaps a more... rigorous campaign is in order," he decides, nodding in satisfaction at whatever plan he just came up with. I feel a stillness in my gut at that.

Holding a monopoly on possibly one of the most precious commodities in the supernatural world, the Phenex do have the political weight to pull something like that off. At least instigate a serious attack against the Clans I'm currently working for... This could be trouble.

"Such a reaction... only for a few Phenex tears?" I question in hidden bafflement. No one important was harmed during this conflict. No matter how much I look at the situation, the loss of such an action would outweigh the benefits from the Phenex point of interest.

"You'd potentially cause a war for your own ego?" I question, trying to keep my voice steady despite the rising tension.

"No, no, no, it's not about my ego, foolish one..." He refutes, shaking his head and pointing a finger as if lecturing. His eyes gleam with a cold, calculating light.

"It's about putting you humans in your place," he admits his goal and then continues as if explaining. "If we don't, you start to have... ideas," he says, and I suddenly understand what this is about. The corners of his mouth curl into a sinister smile, a smile that does not reach his eyes.

'Oh. How disappointing...' I inwardly complain at his thought process. Somehow this was even worse. He should have just gone with his ego as a reason.

"You humans are truthfully nothing special. A species like you should have been dominated long ago if you hadn't hidden behind the skirts of your deities." His voice drips with disdain, and his words are sharp, like knives.

He then gains a long look in his eyes as he mumbles the next part of his monologue, almost as if speaking to himself.

"I still wonder what HE saw in you to bestow you such undeserved powers." He fumes with a hint of... envy? Embers spark off his hair in response to his agitation, flickering like tiny, angry stars.

But then he suddenly calms down, causing me to inwardly add reading up on whether bipolar disorders were common for devilkind. His rapid shifts in mood are unsettling, to say the least.

"But no matter. All will eventually fall into our hands." He shrugs nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather.

"The reincarnates at least have the sense to offer what is rightfully deserved back to us. Serving us for eternity." He mentions, and I could confirm that he was talking about [Sacred Gears]. His voice is now filled with a kind of possessive satisfaction.

"But I will give you your props, an invasion would be detrimental to devilkind." He acknowledges, and I was beginning to think he had changed his mind. But then the next sentence dashed those hopes.

"Or, perhaps I will settle for compensation instead. A Clan heir serving our house would be good for prestige..." he drawls. "So which one?..." he questions out loud for a moment and shrugs.

"Ah, since when do we have to choose? I'll try for all. They are good specimens as far as your species goes." He mentions, and I stilled when he smirked and said in amusement.

"Perhaps one of my sons would appreciate the Himejima heir." He confirms, his eyes lighting up with cruel delight.




His words hung in the air, and I took a moment to consider the pros and cons of my next move. Rosar Phenex had just established himself as a threat.

His ability to deliver on his promise was... doubtful to be honest. There were just too many factors in play. They are mot powerful enough to succeed in such a task unless one of their Satans was on board with the idea.

Yet, at the same time, in battle nothing is a certainty.

A toddler could successfully kill an adult if they were lucky enough, and I would not hang my hopes on the character of someone with a title Satan even if thy were confirmed not to be the real one...

So whats the best course of action?

I glance at my opponent. He still had that confident smirk on his face.

I wanted to wipe it off, but mission comes first.

'An Ultimate Class devil and head of a pillar house, harming him excessively would undoubtedly lead to serious repercussions. A successful assassination of a Pillar in their own territory and manor could significantly change human and devil interactions.'

Thus, I could ignore him and move on since I already had the tears...

'Rosar Phenex...' Truthfully, there was a Job requesting for his death in particular. However, the client was shady enough and I didn't want to do more than necessary.

Some hesitation must have leaked through because Rosar grinned and approached slowly, his eyes burning with anticipation of bloodshed. This tipped the scales of my decision.

Something told me that if I didn't make a point now, it would become a real problem in the future. With just over a year left, I couldn't afford any disruptions. I was so close.

"Where do devils go when they die?" My question floated in the air, causing him to pause.

An odd question, but I elaborated, "I mean, we human Shinobi meet the Shinigami and reside with him. Have you ever had the chance to see him in person?"

Rosar shifted uneasily, his hair bristling in warning. There was something eerie in my statement, and he could sense it.




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"Even now, at this moment, our Fourth Hokage is currently crucified upside down in his belly. An elevated spectacle for all to see and admire amidst the chorus of screams and moans. Exceptional just as much in death as he was in life..." Ignoring the spike of pain caused by allowing the relevant memories back in, I remarked offhandedly, recounting to him some of my experiences in that dark, dark place.

'Wife's missing though...' I inwardly add

Rosar shifted at the image, now visibly uncomfortable. Still, I continued.

"Your death was requested by the client anyway... So when you meet him..." I drawled, letting my words hang ominously.


"Please offer my greetings. He'll know me. Just say the one who somehow escaped."

"You..." he growled, and I allowed myself a small smirk.

I fully unsheathed my Ninjato and pointed it at the Lord of Phenex in challenge.

"Commencing assassination of high-profile target: Head of Phenex: Rosar Phenex," I declared.

Those words ignited the metaphorical powder keg.

"I will send your ashes back to your gods in an envelope!" he roared.

"Blaze Burn!" And the fire Flowed.

An inferno erupted with unparalleled fury. Flames surged like a tidal wave, consuming everything in their path. The wooden beams above crackled and splintered, sending fiery shards raining down. The walls blistered and blackened, stone crumbling under the relentless heat. Furniture ignited in an instant, turning into roaring pyres. The air itself seemed to ignite, filled with a hellish roar that drowned out all other sound. The manor was swallowed by the blaze, a sea of blue fire engulfing it from floor to ceiling, the very essence of destruction.

The previously solid earth turned to slag as the area that made up the entire Phenex manor spanning at least a couple of blocks, turned to molten Rock. An attack with potency firmly in the rank of Ultimate-Class.


The heat was scorching even as it passed by.

I simply could not afford to get hit directly. Thus I made for evasive maneuvers.

My hands rapidly flipped through a series of seals as the Jutsu took hold, and from the corner of my eye, I could make out the forms of a few people in the distance, hiding behind a magic circle sporting the same Phenex insignia, only a slightly different shade of color from Rosar's.

But all this didn't matter at the moment.

It was what I did next that mattered....

Change P.O.V Third Person:

Moments later, the figure known as Rosar Phenex reappeared from within the blaze. He was clearly winded, yet much more proud of the destruction he had wrought. Glancing around in satisfaction tinted with a little regret about his manor.

As the dust settled, a whisper tore through the haze, catching everyone by surprise

"Raiton: Kaminari ni Kakureru Jutsu... (Lightning Release: Hiding in the Thunder Technique...)" The voice announced, belaying the prelude to an ominous spectacle.

Rosar Phenex was caught off guard. His eyes widened as he attempted to back away. However, it was much too late.

There is a concept common in the supernatural realm...

Just as a son can bear the consequences of his fathers sins...

A father can carry the sins of his daughter.

A rather complex manipulation of Karma.

[Seals] made it easier.

A hand reached out, making contact with his unguarded chest.

"Bond of Five: Seal!"

An inky matrix appeared on his torso and he immediately felt his regeneration slow.


The blade was drawn.

"Konoha-Ryū: Meimuken...(Leaf-Style: Illusion Blade Technique)"

From Rosar Phenexs' perspective, the sword was like a phantom, multiplying and moving unimpeded towards its targets. The blade wove, carving an art-like pattern with each stroke.









There were so many swords.

There were so many that he couldn't count them at all. How many swords were there in total?

How many swords were stabbing at him. Which were real and which were false?

"What kind of trick is this?" He gritted out as he attempted to evade. His mounting exhaustion impeded his efforts.

Rosar Phenexs' eyes moved around wildly in an attempt to find an attack pattern. His efforts were in vain.



Covering his mouth, Rosar Phenex let out a wet cough and the eyes of the spectating crowd widened.

A voice in the crowd, distinctly female screamed.


Some guards roared in anger and fear as a majority of them disregarded previous orders and rushed towards the scene.

He felt something flow out of his throat. It was warm, tasted like metal, and slowly trickled into his hands.

He looked down, and watched the Red gradually spread over his expensive coat.

For the first time in the encounter, Rosar Phenex felt... Fear.

'Yes, there it is...' I inwardly note as I flick my sword to the side, getting rid of the residual blood.

The look...

"Lord Phenex!" A few voices some distance away screamed in horror and disbelief.

It was a distinct look. Very unique in form. It has appeared at countless scenes throughout history.

Julius Caesar who once claimed to be divine, made the same face as he looked down at the dagger piercing his chest.

Rosar Phenex wobbled on his feet. A bit unsteady, and then bodily tilted to the side.

Adolf Hitler who once claimed to be immortal, made the same face as he stared down the barrel of a gun.

Eyes wide open in disbelief and with a thud, Rosar Phenex made contact with the tainted dust that made up the underworlds land.

And now, another falls to arrogance...

The look you make when you finally realize... That you are but a Man.

The look of a man becoming aware of his own Mortality.

My opponent had fallen to the ground yet I frowned.

'Guess an Ultimate rank will always be a pain to deal with...' I inwardly sighed

My blade only nicked his heart. He somehow shifted at the last moment.


Doesn't matter though. I lift my Ninjato once more in order to finish the job.

But then a sudden chill ran down my spine and the sword changed courses from offense to defense in an instant.


I heard it before I felt it.

Whoever this was, he was fast.

And strong too. In that one exchange, I was sent flying into the air at breakneck speeds.

Finally my Sharingan regarded the new attacker.

He had shoulder-length silver hair and striking blue eyes, a Katana. Curved, slender, single-edged blade. The blade is of standard length, around 70-80 centimeters of dangerously sharp polished metal. All these factors gave him a unique and distinctive look and I instantly recognized him.

'What is Okita Souji from the Lucifer peerage doing here?' I wonder in alarm.

Without a word, he dashes after me as I orient myself and then the blades rained down.






My Ninjato struggles to keep up even with assistance from the Sharingan and am tossed about like a leaf on a very windy windy day.

I still manage, albeit with a new gash on my side. His sword had somehow slipped through and all i sould do was mitigate the damage.


We disengage and I land in a crouch. He watches on, a look of surprise and approval on his face that was previously not there. But then he frowns in contemplation as he looks at his blade and than glances at his opponent.

"A human child?..." He mumbles in slight confusion.

"Rosar!" By this time, the peanut gallery had finally caught up.

"Talk to me Rosar!" His wife drapes herself over his still form as she weeps and yells, uncaring of all the blood and dirt staining her gorgeous and no doubt expensive dress.

"Regenerate! Why won't you regenerate?!" She desperately demands of the now unconscious body. There is no response.

The crimson puddle grew larger...

She then pulls out a vial form somewhere and dumps it on her husbands form.

The wound does not heal.

She screams and clogs his wound using her hand and emits fire in an attempt to cauterize.

It somewhat works. The blood stopped flowing out. She minutely sags in relief and mild exhaustion.

However, how wasn't the time to relax. Okita Souji reminds her accordingly.

"Lady Phenex, I must implore you to retreat." He says as he once more readies his weapon. He was about to attack again but then,

*Shiink...* I sheathe the Ninjato and roll up my sleeves.

In the next moment, countless Kunai fill the air as they race towards the fallen body of Rosar Phenex. His wife exhausted, desperately covers him with her body in an attempt at defense, however it was unnecessary.






He frowns in irritation at the targeting of a fallen victim and in an elegant display of swordsmanship, they are deflected to the sides all missing their mark. However it was of no significance.


Smoke wafts off some talismans attracting his attention and he only has time to shout in alarm as he recognizes the kanji for [Explode].

"Lady Phenex!" He rushes to their defense as the trap triggers.




The earth briefly shook and after some time, the dust settled. Okita Souji found no other attack forthcoming and his opponent had disappeared into the haze.

"Sigh... its over Lady Phenex." He informs his ward who was hidden behind a flickering barrier.

The barrier flickers and disintegrates. the particles fly off into the air and join the remaining flying dust, eventually vanishing.

"Is he gone?" She asked in trepidation, half her attention still on her unconscious husband. 

"Yes." Okita says. "Sigh...Yes, he's gone." Simply thinking of the impending aftermath of this entire debacle caused a kind of exhaustion in him that the previous battle hadn't caused.

Briefly looking off into the forest, he gave up chase and went to attend to his wards. Duty first after all.


'Why did the reverse summoning fail?'

A figure questions as it makes its way through the shadows cast by the rather dull-looking trees of the underworld forest, Carefully avoiding the rays of dawn sunlight now trickling trough the shade.

'Yup! I'll be feeling this one in the morning.'

The escaping thief grimaces while clutching a new wound at the side,as he dashes off into the distance.


Aaand there we go guys, Chapter Complete. Took a while yeah?

Apologies. Been busy lately.

Don't forget to comment your thoughts.

Mecha Heart Out!