
DxD: Blaze, Fire of Lust! (18+ Smut)

"I will not just watch as your church commits such crimes! Prepare to fight me, wicked priest!" "Ha, boy! You cannot even reach the altar! You are a mere commoner, how will you fight the church?" "I will find a way! Do not accuse me of blasphemy, I do not care! The MC fights bravely against the mighty Church, trying to save the victims of its sadistic crime! He is decried as a heretic, but he responds with angry vengefulness against the church. Witness a battle that shall shake the Heavens. A reincarnator DxD fic.

AngelFromSpace · Seram
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13 Chs


The priest was raping the nun.

She screeched as he pinned her heavy clothes to the altar, and pressed her young, firm body into an arched position against the bottom of the apse.

Unthinking, as if by complacent habit, the priest drew off his crucifix necklace and used its cross to violate the nun's throat. This silenced her, and he thrust himself harder into her backside until her head was bruised from colliding with the gold-encrusted wall.

"You should be proud," Priest Evol said. "A short time ago, you were just a young lay girl in the nave. Now you are the main feature of the altar."

She screamed, horrified, although almost choking on the priest's crucifix.

"And when you bear my child, then he can watch us through the leper window, squinting to get a glimpse of this holy place."

Nogi Tsune walked in, and as he saw the priest he was filled with a righteous anger. But he could not reach the altar, so he simply watched from a distance, crying like a wuss.

He was strangely aroused as the priest beat the nun's head down, until she was leaning forwards against the altar, and began to penetrate her vagina from behind. Although she would occasionally struggle, the priest seemed spurred on by her writhing and draped himself sloppily over her. Nogi wished that he was less of a manlet, so that he could get a clear view of the elevated altar above the thin rood screen.

As the priest's hands fondled across the nun's body, she gagged and moaned loudly. However, this was not enough to drown out the sound of Nogi ejaculating wildly across the aisle. The priest took a casual glance at the voyeur, but then shrugged and turned once more to the nun. He wrapped an arm around her neck, and began to choke her as he kept thrusting. Her suffocated moans were music to his ears.

Through a heroic effort, the nun managed to squeal, "You! God hears you! How could you work such abomination in his ears!"

The priest kicked her head, until she was flat against the ground. He then knelt down beside her head, but she didn't see him as she was still dizzied by the suffocation. He began to penetrate her delicate left ear, while thrusting a dagger into her adolescent vagina. Blood flowed from both orifices, and pooled beneath the chancel's high figure of the crucified Jesus, as if the blood of the lamb.

"Your body is a temple. How dare you try to keep God's mediator away from it," Priest Evol snapped. "No, I say, give in to me and let your body become as the body and blood of the dead Christ."

As he choked her, she screamed in pain, and this encouraged him further. He stood her back against the crucifix, and raped her until she was almost passed out. Sensing that she was too weak to resist, he placed her delicate, shaking fingers upon his penis, and she compliantly stroked him to ejaculation as if in a hypnotic trance. As he deposited his ejaculate inside her, she passed out.

"Well, then, are you impressed by my performance, peasant boy?" the priest proclaimed loudly across the Church, in a similar tone to that which he used when performing sermons. He bowed slightly.

Nogi was crying bitterly, but he responded, "I hate the Church! I hate your Christ! You are all fiends and rapists!"

"Do you vaunt against the name of God?" the priest said. His measured voice echoed across the Church. "Foolish is that layman, who seeks to cast judgement upon God almighty! Repent, or you shall perish."

"No! What you are doing is wrong! She is only 14 years old, for Christ's sake!"

"Take not the name of the Lord in vain, young man!" the priest said in shock. "I say, upon the crowing of the cock, God shall strike you down with bolts of lightning. It is your punishment for sin!"

"I don't care about your empty threats! In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing, but because I understand now the nature of all of your evil clergymen! You are rapists and have violated the children, even a delicate, lovely child such as this nun - whom you haven't even addressed by name! - and it a crime of you and God! Your God is obscene, and witness the heavenly body which you have despoiled in the name of Heaven! I wish that you let me join in - I mean, it is a crime, a tort that I accost your religion of! Your God shall not scare me into letting you -"

Just then, the priest's genitalia made a loud crowing noise as he summoned the last reserves of semen and deposited them into the young nun. Her unconscious body shivered as it filtered in.

A loud sound resounded through the Church, as a burst of lightning struck Nogi even within the aisle. The priest was unmoved by the thunderclap, but knew that it might alert his congregation. Expertly, he dropped the nun's body into a shallow trapdoor in the altar, then locked this. He drew up his trousers, and wore a large, ceremonial robe.

Although some of his flock flowed in, it was difficult for them to make out what had occurred, since the altar was at a high elevation. However, they marvelled at the dead body of Nogi.

"Witness the wrath of God!" Priest Evol proclaimed across the church. "You see that I could not have reached this man. Yet he has been struck down by the almighty, for his blasphemies and for taking the Lord's name in vain. It is a punishment. Have ye thought what it means to burn in hellfire? To writhe and scream in the abyss of fire and brimstone? That is the doom in store for all who are denied grace: the witch, aye, and the traitor, and the scoffer of the true religion, the mouther of blasphemous oaths, he who plays the whoremonger, and she who plays the whore, be warned!"

The congregation gossiped quietly amongst themselves, and confirmed that Nogi was known for his public blasphemies, and for oftentimes decrying God Himself. Indeed, one of the flock, a lay religious artist named Athan confirmed that, upon watching Athan's powerful morality play about the justice of God, Nogi had sworn most distastefully and cursed the name of God. Indeed, Nogi had put on a great spectacle of his hatred for the Church, and not relented until the laughter of the crowd was loud enough to drown him out.

As such, they believed the priest's declaration, and nodded pensively as they contemplated the mightiness of God's wrath.

"But, know this: ye can be saved; ye can find joy and grace in heaven! I tell you that grace can be found by perfect obedience to the will of god. I tell ye that I, and such as I, can offer ye the gift of grace. Ye can be saved! Ye can be saved!" the priest proclaimed, and walked out of sight. His voice resounded loudly across the church, and the laypersons were in awe at this mighty proclamation. They were impressed at the power and piousness of this priest, that God Himself had stepped in to intervene on his behalf and punish the young upstart.

As the priest left the altar, he sighed upon realising that he had - of necessity - left the girl to suffocate in the small, compressed space beneath it. That meant that this might have been his last chance to have sex with her while she was still lively and would charmingly struggle and cry. Her screams echoed in his mind, and he was instantly aroused. Alas, though he regretted this circumstance, he realised that he could still violate her once she was dead.

He could check on her state after he had given his evening sermon. It would only be a few hours.