
DxD: Blaze, Fire of Lust! (18+ Smut)

"I will not just watch as your church commits such crimes! Prepare to fight me, wicked priest!" "Ha, boy! You cannot even reach the altar! You are a mere commoner, how will you fight the church?" "I will find a way! Do not accuse me of blasphemy, I do not care! The MC fights bravely against the mighty Church, trying to save the victims of its sadistic crime! He is decried as a heretic, but he responds with angry vengefulness against the church. Witness a battle that shall shake the Heavens. A reincarnator DxD fic.

AngelFromSpace · Horror
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13 Chs

The Quest for Revenge!

On opening the trapdoor, the priest saw that the young nun was still alive, but only barely.

She could barely breathe, and had withered away during the hours of imprisonment.

However, as he saw her, he was inflamed with a sense of lust at her familiar skin crawling beneath the altar.

He threw himself immediately upon her, suffocating her small frame as he violated her vagina in a lecherous frenzy and clawed across her fragile face. The violence of his molestation grew with each moment, and soon her genital area was a mess of blood. He felt a strong bolt of satisfaction as she let out a clear cry, like the cry of a nightingale, which echoed dimly across the church. However, she was generally too exhausted from the time spent under the altar, with barely any air, and hence she could not say much. The priest soon gave up on hearing her beautiful voice again.

However, a more robust, even slightly ugly voice boomed out from the stairs beside the chancel. "Stop! I will not let you do this! How dare you ruin her future!"

It was Nogi.

The priest did not react, but shoved the young female hastily into the trapdoor and locked it once more. He turned to Nogi and made eye contact. Nogi squirmed, under the unfeeling gaze of the priest's black eyes.

"Do you have no heart?" Nogi cried. "How could you do that to such a young girl?"

"She is a part of my flock, my sheep," Priest Evol calmly replied. "As a Welshman, what else am I expected to do?"

"Never touch her again, or I will kill you!" Nogi's hand trembled over the long sword which he had been handed before reincarnating.

It had been given to him by a creature who looked like a red imp, with a long, pointed tail and holding a pitchfork. The creature had greeted him as soon as he woke up after death, surrounded by what seemed like a black void. It had handed him the sword, and then chirped, "Good luck." A few seconds later, he found himself back in the church, but now besides the altar.

"I see now that your wickedness has overflown its cup," the priest replied. "It is my duty to purge the world of your unfaithful spirit, no matter how many times the devil shall reincarnate you. If you will not stay in damnation below, then I shall be your damnation."

Grunting angrily, Nogi raised the sword and charged wildly towards the priest.

However, the priest merely stood in place and said, "God forbids such violence in a church."

As Nogi neared the priest, he felt a numb emptiness in his hands - the sword had vanished. His heart sunk as the priest raised a right fist and punched him heavily in the face, and his face broke into bleeding wounds due to the priest wearing brass knuckles.

"You are a hypocrite!" Nogi screamed.

"You blame me for this?" the priest retorted incredulously. "Blame not me, blame your own damnation! Those wounds are merely the burning of the fire below, which you have courted with your own impiety. The flame sears! It rends ye with such pains as ye have never known! Do not double your blasphemies by accusing me of violence in this sacred ground."

"No! It was you! I saw it!" Nogi put a hand to his ear, which was bleeding heavily.

"Jeremiah 5:21, 'O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear.' Fool, the Bible itself denies that a heretic like you could have seen anything! Do not test my patience!"

Nogi looked around for any sign of the sword, but saw nothing. He tried to lunge towards the priest, but the priest's brass knuckles knocked him out.

When he awoke, he saw that he had been stuffed in the same trapdoor as the young nun. He was placed carefully to one side of the cramped space, and she was on the other. He saw that the priest had covered her in semen, which flowed over her body as she writhed on the verge of death.

What could he do, when in the company of such a divine, soft-skinned martyr? He tried desperately to kick and writhe his way towards her, with the intent of raping her. Soon, she was dead, and he felt a renewed ambition on realising that she could no longer resist. However, there was scarcely any air here, and he began to pass out frequently from inability to breathe. With still a foot between him and the object of his desires, he died.

Soon, he awoke, once again in a black void.

"Ha! What a pathetic noob!" came a voice from above him. The imp descended on its wide wings, laughing raucously. "You looked so comical, running at him like that, were you trying to star in a movie or to fight? You are a fool, you are like a girl -"

"I had no choice! He was a villain, an abhorrent -"

"Shut up. But OMG, you looked like, like just this sucker with a lump in his throat, like a chump."


"Like a chump!" the imp repeated emphatically.

"Can I go back again?" he moaned. "If the priest has left, maybe I can find the nun and -"

"Ah, the young whore? To have sex so loudly, at her age! What a foul slut."

"No, it's nawt troo -"

"It is. Now, her corpse is likely gone for the moment, the old priest will have taken her to his residence. He will keep her as a concubine until her body rots. But, listen, why do you even have a Sacred Gear? It's such a waste."

"Sacred Gear?"

"Well, it's what they're called. I don't know why, honestly. I'm Satan, but I have a Sacred Gear - Satan is sacred? Go figure. But yes, your Sacred Gear means that the lust and sins of your days shall give your weapon strength. Until the priest has banished the spectre of your sins completely, you shall continue to revive. So you have that long to get revenge."

"How long is that?"

"Ah, a long time. Now, it was foolish to simply rush at the priest like that. You must know that the power of God is strong in a church, and weapons of devils will simply vanish when wielded by someone so incompetent as you. You should have snuck up while he was cavorting with the nun."

"I had to stop him immediately, I couldn't bear what he was doing to that girl!"

"Look, he will soon move on to his next target. She is a young girl, but renowned as a budding soprano. He shall render her unable to sing, once he is done tearing through her mouth. He shall bring her before the altar in about an hour, because she wishes to pray before the Christ in order to atone for her pride in her singing. This pride, indeed, has occasionally led to her acting haughtily and taking risks on impulse, such that she gambled away much of her parent's money - though they think that it was stolen."

"Alright, I'll save her instead!"

"Very good. I shall leave a sword for you to fight with."

There was a loud clang as Satan dropped a heavy, iron sword. Somehow, it seemed to reach the ground, even though Nogi did not see any ground and only saw a void stretching in every direction.

"What shall I do for the hour?"

"Practice your swordplay, it is pathetic! But it doesn't matter what you do for the hour, honestly, you will always be a noob." Satan laughed, and then took off into the air on his mighty wings.

Looking up, Nogi saw that Satan no longer resembled an imp, but rather appeared almost like a human-headed dragon spiralling the skies. Soon, Satan had vanished from sight, high above.