
Drowning in the Dark

"It was a starry night. I blinked away the moist blur in my eyes and marvelled at the beauty that stretched before me. A small town at the countryside, away from the noise and hassle of my previous life, a new beginning— —Is what I hoped for. I was far from it, I soon realised." Chloe Campbell, a twenty one year old art student, had a very rough childhood and if it weren't for her mother's constant love and support, she might have lost all her will to live. Her sudden death, however, took everyone by surprise, especially Chloe. She was shattered by the news. Left with the responsibility to care for her alcoholic father, nobody noticed her spiral down into the darkness. She was drowning. Suffocated and helpless, until her aunt Diana decided to step in and take her under her wing. Now Chloe lives with her aunt at a country farmhouse, working her way towards her so-called "fresh" beginning. But, what Chloe didn't expect was a fateful encounter with an ethereal being right off the bat. The tinge of melancholy in his emerald eyes hinted towards a dark past and darker secrets. And Chloe felt an enigmatic attraction towards him. She felt like she had to know more about him, even if it meant getting entangled in a centuries old curse that he believes only she can break. This is a love story of two very different people and how they overcome their differences and all the adversities to have their happily ever after.

ZombieCrap · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 6

It was almost past noon when we were finally able to catch a chance to relax after the hectic rush hour from this morning had ended. The entire diner was almost empty now and both Edvin and I decided to take a breather, sprawling down flat on any surface we came across.

Almost like the dead.

It had been a few days since I started working here and every day after morning rush hours, I was spent.

I don't think I can handle this anymore...

I blankly stared up at the ceiling, considering the wisdom in my choice to work here. It's not like farm life was any easier. It's like I signed up for a slave contract as soon as I came here.

I was lying on a three-seater couch in the Bolt's living room. Edvin was there next to me, lying flat on the bare wooden floor. Why? Because, apparently, he felt it was more relaxing down there than the fluffiness of the couch. Something told me he was trying to be funny and maybe sweet but I just shrugged it off, too tired to care about kind gestures.

I was in the middle of trying to figure out how this small town had so many people with enough free time to go around paying good money for breakfast which they can easily get in their own house.

It took me a moment to realise I had dozed off in the middle of my unintelligible contemplations. I blinked up at the ceiling then suddenly shot up. "How long was I out?"

"Barely ten minutes," Edvin answered from next to me, unfazed by my spasmodic movement. He was sitting cross-legged with one hand under his chin, giving me an amused look. "You sleep light."

"Uh, yeah." I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and slowly got off the couch, disregarding the fact that he was just sitting there staring at me as I slept. "I think I should head back now. I'm tired as it is, I could use some shut eye."

Edvin got up as well and opened his mouth to say something but then hesitated, lightly shaking his head like he was about to make a ridiculous offer he knew I would refuse.

Don't tell me he's thinking about asking me to stay over?

I'll just pretend that I did not figure out what he was about to ask just now.

Instead he shifted on his feet and asked, "Would you be uncomfortable if I told you, you could sleep here whenever you like?"

"You think?! " I blurted before quickly adding, "I mean, the farmhouse is just a few minutes away. I think I can manage the walk. Or more like, I could use the walk. Ha-ha!" I laughed awkwardly as I patted my stomach, emphasizing my need to exercise then willed myself to shut up before I could embarrass myself even more.

Why would he even ask me that?! I thought he was hesitating for a good reason.

"Are you sure?" he asked again. He looked like a kid asking his mum to give him more candies even though he knew they're bad for him.

"Pretty much, yeah," I nodded, turning around to grab my bag that was resting by the side of the couch but then, without warning, Edvin caught hold of my wrist before I could. I turned around to look at him, surprised by his sudden impulsiveness.

Looking into his brown eyes I suddenly felt unprepared for what was about to come.

He looked back at me with a bafflement mirroring my own but he didn't let go. Instead he stared at me like he was searching for something.

"W-what?" I stuttered, tugging my wrist from his grasp.

Mrs. Bolt made an uncanny entrance right then that made me jump and Edvin finally let go of my wrist, looking away as he scratched the back of his head.

Mrs. Bolt started talking as soon as she saw me, completely oblivious of the atmosphere, "Ah, your still here? Perfect! Dave just sent over a few men with your stuff. Why don't you go with Edvin and make some room for yourself in the studio?"

I just held my wrist, nodding and fidgeting at the same time. Edvin seeing that I was having a difficult time speaking, took over and said, "Where did they put her stuff? I'll go bring them in."

I was silently dreading the prospect of us being alone together later but at least he had the decency to give me some space. I gave him a curt nod before turning around saying, "Then I'll go clear up some space."

I went upstairs to his room. I had been there before.

Three days ago, he had brought me over to show me around his work space. You could say I was little more than surprised by what he had to show. It was without a doubt the most mesmerising collection I had ever seen. It was such a waste that he kept such an amazing talent stashed away from the world in a room only he had access to.

His studio was basically a storage room where he kept all the photos he had taken over the years. It was attached to his bedroom, only separated by a partition. So in other words, no one could get to his secret stash without going through his bedroom first.

It was a large square room with its two walls covered with windows spanning their entire length. The other wall was pushed in to make an alcove which was lined with cameras and editing equipments.

The rest of the room was haphazard in its arrangement, with just a couch and an end table in its middle whereas the photos he took adorned the walls and gathered in stacks at the corners.

There was a door at one end that led to the dark room where Edvin developed his films.

I pulled the timber partition to one side and stepped inside, admiring the magnificent works of art that stood before me. For a moment, I felt a tingle of jealousy.

I had always wanted to create something that would enchant others the same way his pictures enchanted me. I looked at them and all I saw was passion and his love for nature and the beauty it held buried within.

That fleeting beauty that he managed to capture in every single one of his shots, it was like the world itself became beautiful around him.

Now I was a part of his world. Standing in the middle of this room, I felt excitement bubbling within me. I'm going to be working with such exquisite art surrounding me. That idea alone was overwhelming but it also gave me a new purpose.

I wanted to surpass him.

With that as an objective I set to work, trying to clear up space around the right window. I always liked working next to the window. It felt like freedom, practicing my passion in the sun next to where I could see the sky and its vastness.

As I was making room for my things, my eyes caught sight of one photo sitting in a corner. "I think I've seen this picture somewhere before," I spoke to myself looking at the framed photo a bit more closely.

"Of course, you have," someone said from behind me and I jumped. I turned around to see Edvin smirking down at me.

I gave him the hard glare and grumbled, "I swear to God Edvin, the next time you sneak up on me, I'm gonna punch you in the face."

He just laughed and said, "But the look on your face is priceless every time I do that."

"I'm sure your face will be just as priceless with a black eye and a broken nose."

I ignored the scowl he gave me and looked back at the photo. A little girl was hugging a Collie, her face buried in its fur. The animal nuzzled the nook of her neck, lovingly and she returned the embrace just the same.

"Where did I see this before?" I mumbled to myself.

"You don't remember?" he said, still looking at me.

I gave him a confused look, "Should I?"

For a moment, it looked like he was hurt. "It was one of my first photos. I took it when I was eight. I entered it into a contest and it got chosen to be on the cover of 'Nature's Weekly'."

I just looked at him in pure awe, "Wow! That's just... wow." I lost words for a moment but quickly regained composure. "That explains why it felt like I'd seen it before."

"Yeah," he said, simply and scratched the back of his head, looking... dejected? Why was he looking dejected? Ah, is it because I forgot?

I stood on my toes and ruffled his shaggy hair which was a lot harder than I thought considering his height. "I'm impressed, Edvin! Already made the covers at that age. You should be proud." I smiled sweetly at him as he brushed his hair away from his eyes.

He just looked at me for a moment before snapping his head to a side with an unsophisticated 'hmph,' saying, "Gee, thanks." with red ears hidden behind his hair.

He looked endearing with that shy expression on his face. Looking at him now, felt like even I was no longer immune to his charms.

"You are an amazing photographer, Ed. So much that I feel overwhelmed by your talent." I spoke, barely louder than a whisper.
