
Massacre of Uzushiogakure no Sato...

Renji was covered in blood, looking at the tombstone, that his lady made by her own hands, she didn't let him help her

He just hugged his Little sister while she cried on his shoulders, but for him, what could he do, where should he hug, whose shoulder should he cry on. He was just as frustrated as Kushina, but one look at his lady, he stopped, The Matriarch of the entire, Royal Family of Uzugoshio, didn't shed a single tear.

She kept staring at the Tombstone, without a single show of emotion, she caressed her husband name, again and again, she loved him with everything he got, yet...yet he....WAAHH...WAHHHH


From that day onwards, Renji stopped being a ninja, his genin team is gone anyway, and besides, his lady falls sick after that day...

But she was very strict in Renji's training in Fuinjutsu, despite her condition and despite his work-load, they train in Fuinjutsu arts for hours, before he has to do his training

Day by day she drowned in sorrow, Renji couldn't do anything but watch her drowning in sorrow right in front of his eyes


Her condition worsens, she can't do anything other than lying on the bed. She is conscious but she is too weak to move around

Doctors said that it's the effect of great shock, Renji lips trembled, for he knew, why once such a strong woman, the great Matriarch of Royal family, get such a great shock to go into Paralysis shock

Servants have to work and they still don't get their salary

With its patriarch gone, it's matriarch becoming nothing but waste, and their Heir is nothing but a mere little girl, Royal Family is in the declining state. They are finished

The Servants are disappearing, they are Leaving once great Royal Family of Uzugoshio, Renji didn't

He stayed with them, despite not getting a single dime, he cooks for his lady and Lady Kushina, He brings medicine for her, He taught Lady Kushina for she was not receiving the personal tuitions, and he still has to work train in his earth elemental Jutsus, and Fuinjutsu arts

Kushina always looks at Renji from far away, for he is always busy, and the thing is, she can't ask him, to play with her anymore, She knows that if Renji-nii wasn't there, their family will get drown over-night

She knows that He can not shoulder everything all alone, she knows that she is not good enough to help him yet, so she works exceptionally hard in everything, she was taught by Renji.


Kushina was standing in the training field with chakra paper which is turning into a damp

"Aara...Aara...Lady Kushina, you have water affinity, congrats", he said smiling

But Kushina made a pouting face, "I wanted Earth Affinity like Renji nii"

"Lady Kushina has the water affinity, because Lady Kushina is gentle, unlike me, who is just a Burish", Renji caressed her head for he knows that these are the few moments, he got with her.


He carried her to the graveyard, he never let her walk because she can not

He stood in front of the tombstone, looking sad when two arms suddenly hugged her from behind, he can't believe her paralysis is being cured, he was happy, he was about to turn around but his eyes widened for he could not sense his lady anymore, despite him being Natural Born Sensor...

He knows She is dying, He is unable to accept it, but what could he do? He is not a god, who could decide Life and death...and he hated it.

"M-My Lady, you should Rest I will bring you back"

"You should cry more", came a whipered near his ears


"You are trying too hard Renji, you should cry more, rest more, you should enjoy your Youth more", said the gentle and caring whisper

Her chakra is getting harder and harder to keep track of...Renji is trying desperately to hold on to that last bit of chakra...but that's a lost cause...she is dying

These are her very Last Words

She turned him towards her... meeting eye to eye

Renji... I am sorry to leave you with so much responsibility, please protect your little sister, that's all, this dying woman can ask, but I know you can handle the responsibility, after all, you are an Uzumaki, and Uzumaki's can handle the hatred of the world", said a dying beautiful red hair woman, as she put the hand on the cheeks of the crying kid in front of her, "Renji can you call me mother this one time"

*hic*hic mother

The women giggled and she died smiling in that state, she fell onto his body...as the boy kept crying

He is Orphan once again...


"Waaa waaaa", a red hair child was crying in the arms of 7 years old as the boy and the girl bury their mother while the girl kept crying the 7-year-old didn't even shed a tear as he kept singing the lullaby to the girl in the arms

"Shhh, don't cry lady Kushina, you have your Renji-nii with you, I will protect you and I will always be there for you...always"

There he made a vow that he won't let any harm come to her before passing through him even at the cost of his own life, he won't have her as she was the last remaining family he has.

And Just like that, He was back being the orphan but this time, he had a sister with him.

Kushina can't become the matriarch of Royal Family till she is 18, for he was nothing but a mere Servant, and for she is the real heiress of the great Royal Family...

But what both of them not know that He is the 4th Uzukage


His training continues, this time under the direct supervision of Lord 3 Uzukage, Renji wasn't an idiot, he knows something is wrong, why he was trained in fuinjutsu and Earth Ninjutsu, so much...

And finally, he knows the truth...he now knows that he is the next Stand in lord Uzukage

Even then nothing changes though, he serves Kushina, and he still trains hard, his time is really precious...


(2 years Later)

Today was the destined day...When the great massacre of Uzumaki happened...

Renji was spinning on playground swings watching a handful of redheads running around a merry-go-round and some fighting kids. But he lost quite a bit of his cool when he recognized one of the kids fighting as Uzumaki Kushina, apparently, she had beaten everyone fighting, it was quite a display of strength. He immediately apologized to the moms of the kids and brought kushina away.

After they were far away, Renji gave one stern look to Kushina, and she started confessing everything.

"Renji nii those guys were bad mouthing you", said kushina looking down acting as a meek girl

"Lady Kushina how many times have I told you as an aspiring shinobi you mustn't lose your cool", said Renji sighing

Kushina just looked sideways pouting which Renji thought were cute, as he brought her back to the empty mansion

It was then an adult ran towards them, carrying a child and attempting to flee, but was cut down, along with the little boy.

what was 'right' and what was 'easy' fit together at that moment? This was not something Renji could fight and those damn kids didn't deserve to be cut down, nor did an attacking shinobi deserve to have the slaughter of orphans on their conscience. He spun and dashed towards the group of kids faster than he had ever run before, grabbed the first two arms he reached and yanked the terrified children towards the wild trees scarred and gnarled by seawater with Kushina and another boy each dragging another kid behind them. Two more kids caught on and raced after them while the others ran towards the village, calling for their family; Renji led the group through the woods and to the docks where someone left boats painted with seals.

But to make the matter worse, Kiri Shinobi caught on, there was no way; if all of them kept running towards the boat no-one will stay alive to portray the tale.

He shoved Kushina and whoever is there towards the boat while he stood his ground


"RUN, MY LADY, RUN, AND NO MATTER WHAT HAPPEN DO NOT LOOK BACK", he shouted and with the smiling face, he turned his face back, "My Lady...I will be just behind you, Go"

And she ran, along with other kids she ran as fast as she could, without even once looking back, all One could see were the tears that were falling of her face.

The Kiri shinobi saw the brave kid with a look that just said you are too weak...and he threw a Kunai Ready to kill the Red Hair Kid.

Renji smiled, and he closed his eyes, not caring what his fate would be like, at least he saved her, his little sister, "Kushina Stay well", was the last words he muttered.

The kunai came to slice him


He magically brought out his worn out looking sword out of no-where and deflected the Kunai

As he ran towards Kiri Shinobi...

"Tch, You just got some skills boy don't think you are my match", Due to his pride of fighting against a child he refused to dodge as he makes the hand signs before the boy could come close

Tiger → Ox → Tiger → Rat

Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu)

After kneading chakra in his stomach, the Kiri Shinobi expels a large quantity of water in the form of a powerful torrent aimed towards the kid.

"Fuinjutsu Shinobi Art: Doton: "Doryūheki" ( Fuinjutsu Shinobi Art: Earth Style: Earth Wall)

An earth wall with tremendous speed popped up from the earth, but the earth wall was different from the existing earth walls

The Earth wall was covered entirely in seals, which makes the jutsu entirely different level, considering Renji was defense and counter specialist, all the while fuinjutsu expert, the Kiri Shinobi had no idea, he underestimated a godly genius...


Renji was within the striking distance, as he swung his sword


Startled, he jumped to dodge the attack

Kiri shinobi got scared, for he underestimated his opponent and the kid is within the striking distance...though it's not like he could not defeat the little child....he was high chunnin for a reason

At that moment...


The trap laid down beforehand by other Uzu shinobis, turned the Kiri shinobi into dust itself, as the Kiri shinobi landed right onto it...This was just a mere luck

He fell onto his knees, he hates killing more than anything, his senses got overwhelming emotions, and he always cries even for killing enemies, like he could understand the pain of the one he kills


He turned his head towards the center of the village, this voice he remembered, it was the voice of the gentle and caring teenager, the orphanage matron.

And he began to run, towards the center of the village to protect the matron.

It was another Kiri Shinobi, who was killing left and right, as he lifts his hand to throw, the senbon to kill another kid like it's no big deal.

Renji who was running Got afraid, he was slow, and could never reach there on time. He used basic fuinjutsu seal to increase his speed

With that, his speed soared as he ran towards the matron...

Matron closed her eyes as the senbon came on to her, but at that time a shadow came onto her and took all the senbon attacks on his back.

With a series of messages coming in front of his eyes, he smiled a bloody and soft smile as he ran his hand towards her head like he was coxing a child, this would have some effect but the one doing it, it was a boy less than 10 years of age, and the one who is getting patted was 20 years of age.

"My Lady, Run, Run and no matter what, do not look back"

"B-But R-Renji Y-You"

"My Lady, No matter what happens, No matter how much pain you are in, No matter whose scream you hear, Go to shore, take a boat and catch the boat with Kushina and all the other kids...Go!!! I will *Cough*Cough* stay here, and take responsibility like an Adult"

"YOU ARE A KID DAMMIT", despite that the matron ran and as Renji asked her to, she didn't look back at all

"You are not going anywhere", said the Kiri shinobi as he makes the hand signs in a blurry manner

Ox → Monkey → Hare → Rat → Boar → Bird [These are not even quarters of the signs]

Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu)

The matron heard the voice but she just kept running forward like she was asked to, despite her being afraid she kept running without looking back at all

Renji jumped in between her and water dragon and he got tossed around like broken wooden doll...

He was about to strike matron again but...he saw the kid standing back...


His wounds were healing, with the naked eye speed, this is what he got from his mother, the great strength and the great healing powers...Combined with Uzumaki Genes he was deadly...

Kiri Jonin was shocked but apparently put everything onto some sort of bloodline...he was about to strike again, and this time put the boy down for sure when...

But 2 Uzumaki chunins ambushed him, killing the Kiri shinobi on the spot, before getting busy once more...

Renji ran again, there is something very important...the Royal villa...his house

when he reached the house, he immediately opened the secret door, that only he knows out of the people who are currently alive, even lord 3 doesn't know that, and once Lady Kushina was to take the position, he would have told her the secret room.

When he reached the cold dark basement...he saw a scroll...a huge scroll...he just grabbed it and ran, but strangely, a voice of a gentle warm inside of it called him

"My Contractor, after 1000 years you finally arrive..."

He looked here and there...he found nothing...he was sure he heard a gentle voice of a woman...was it his imagination?...what contractor...what 1000 years, he is 9 years old this year...

Renji shook his head, he doesn't have time for this. There are countless things to do, and he is on a tight lease...

He doesn't know why his Lord told him about this secret place, and also told him, to take the scroll should anything happens to the village.

He doesn't know what's inside the huge scroll, and what is so special about the seal, that no one should know about this...

He stumbled back...and went to the master bedroom, he took two wedding rings from one of the drawers, these are the wedding rings of their parents, he will give one to Kushina, he decided

He stumbled again as he comes out of the Villa...

What he didn't notice was a huge pair of vanishing eyes seeing him, as the seal on the scroll was disappearing...

"You are here after 1000 years, You are finally here, the boy in the prophecy is finally here"

Renji stopped, the voice he heard it again...he turned back, only to see nothing...

'Am I Going Insane', thought Renji as he again shook his head...

The big seal on the scroll got broken...

Suddenly there was an earthquake...

He fell

The Huge scroll mysteriously disappeared in the thin air...

When he begins to get on his two feet...He saw the entire village is burning, Kiri...Iwa and Kumo shinobis are killing left and right...

He only got 2 choices, one to look for the scroll, second to save as many people as possible...It wasn't a choice, to begin with...

The scroll can be damned...

He has to save these people, there is no other choice, for they are innocents...for they are Uzumaki....for he holds life more than death... For he does not want anyone to die


A Mysterious and ghostly figure of a woman, came behind Renji as she looked at him running

"The child in the prophecy from 1000 years, my contractor, take care, for we will meet again" before the ghostly figure of the woman disappeared.