
Dressing for Revenge

They say that there are five stages of grief, well I'd like to add one more...revenge. I may not be Cruella or any other villain that ended up in a cruel faith of love to say that, but after spending a total of eight years in destroying the life of the man that took everything away from me, I know that it was time that I take his most valuable possession. His family. The rage and the betrayal that he has left had led me to the plan of killing his family the same way that he killed mine. But because of that very same plan, I became the hypocrite of my own words. I only have one target left at that time. His youngest son, Zayn Harold. Zayn is a successful man with multiple rising businesses spread across the country, but behind that successful man that has been on the covers of Forbes magazine multiple times, I know that he has a weakness. His only daughter, Maya. After disguising myself using a fake persona, I offered to be his tyke's piano teacher so I could slither my way inside his home to poison his life just like what his father did to mine. This girl? She doesn't get sad, she gets even.

Illicit_affairs · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Tie, door, and flashdrive


The only word that has the ability to describe what I feel at the moment as I walk in Zayn Harold's multi-million mansion.

I thought that I had robbed him so well.

I really thought that I did.

I always make sure that I take at least two million dollars out of all of his bank accounts that I have access to every time that I feel like donating to charity. It's a very casual thing that I do— similar to grocery shopping every week.

But I guess that I have to take more next time.

The unbelievably high ceilings, the vintage chandeliers hanging everywhere, the interior design, the furniture, and the location of the property itself is enough to convince me that I didn't rob him dry.

There's still more to take, and I didn't even knew it.

"If you don't mind me saying this, I thought that some hacker has been taking a lot of your net worth since the past three years," I said, starting a conversation with him. "Have you had any trace of her yet?" I asked.

Zayn raised his left eyebrow at that.

A gesture that he always does when he's confused, or in a state of questioning.

"Her?" he asked, making me slap myself mentally after I realized that I just made a stupid mistake.

I've been anonymous for half a decade now, and I can't get in trouble just because I said the wrong word to the wrong person.

That would be just embarrassing.

"Just trying to use a single pronoun," I shrugged, trying to cover my mistake.

He hummed at that.

"Sure thing, darling," he said. "Now let's walk you to your office." Zayn added, stopping midway to look at me. He walked the short distance between us, and then put his hand behind my back before he guided us to his incredibly luxurious mansion.

We walked almost every single perimeter of the property since Zayn doesn't want me to get "lost." He said that he wanted me to familiarize every part of the house so I wouldn't run to Maya.

Yeah, I know.

He's totally dramatic.

"And this is your office," he said, making me snap out of my thoughts. "It's not as typical as your usual office, but it's good." He added playing with the key.

Tilting my head to the side, I looked at the unecessarily tall door that was basically hovering me.

Being only five foot tall, I find tall objects very insulting. I just wonder if that was Zayn's intention for putting that thing in here.

"Well can you open it?" I asked glancing at him.

Smiling, Zayn attached the key to the keyhole and pushed the door wide open. And almost immediately, the fresh smell of lilacs welcomed me.

"Welcome to your new office, Sabrina," he said, stepping aside so I could walk past him into the room.

Once I had a peek of what's inside the room, I knew that he was right.

This wasn't my typical office.

This is a fucking hotel!

"Why is there a bed in here?" I asked as my blue eyes wandered around the delicately made bed. "Don't blame me if you ever saw me sleeping. I did not asked for this." I added, turning around to face him.

He laughed at that.

"That was kind of the point, actually," he said clicking his tongue as he entered the room, and closed the door behind him. "I brought you all the things that you need to pass the time whenever you're not working. There's a TV, a couch, a bed, a shower, a dresser, a bookshelf, and a piano and a guitar." He added, pointing at all the things that he was talking about.

"All of that just to avoid me having contact with Maya?" I spoke sitting on the bed.

Zayn sighed at that.

"Look, I'm just trying to do what's best for my daughter. It's nothing person—" He said, but I quickly cut him off by standing from the bed and walking towards him.

"No, you don't have to explain," I said as I walked towards him, making the stressed look on his face falter away. "I know what you mean. I'd probably do the same thing if I were you. Thanks for the tour and the office, though." I added as my eyes wandered around the room appreciatively, making him smile in an instant.

God, I want those dimples.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it. I prefer that you work here because I don't want anyone to know that you work for me," he said. "I really want to track this culprit down, and I can't do that if they know that I hired you to take them down. We have to move anonymously." He added.

Knowing that I was the culprit that he was talking about, I refuse to smile in front of him. Even though I really want to.

Let's not give him suspicions, Sabrina. I thought to myself.

Despite all the money that he has left, Zayn seemed really frustrated about the things that I've done.

And somehow, that convinced me that I'm still ahead of my game.

He's not ruined yet, but he's on his way there.

After I snapped out of my daze, I realized that Zayn was still in the room with me. He was just standing there quietly as his eyes roamed around the room.

I didn't followed his gaze, though. My eyes went down to the matching tie of the suit that he was wearing. It was one of those expensive suits that he usually wears, but the tie wasn't properly tied.

Me, being the OCD bitch that I am— walked towards him and carefully fixed it.

There are no strings attached to that gesture. I literally just want to give that tie the justice that it deserves.

"Yeah, I don't know how to tie that thing," he chuckled. "Maya ties it for me. But you know—she's five, and her hands are tiny." He added as I just hummed in response.

Once the tie was fixed, I stepped back and admired my perfect work.

Now he looks presentable.

"Now you look presentable," I blurted out.

"I actually prefer the word handsome, but okay." He said with a joking smirk. "Well, if you ever need anything, there's an intercom system on your desk. Just ask anyone who's up." He added, dusting his suit off as if it was even dirty.

"Yeah, thanks," I said, walking him out of the door.

"Well, I have to get going now. My meeting's at five. I'll see you around, Sabrina." he said, waving me off before walking down the hallway.

Once he disappeared from my sight, I immediately turned around and went back to my new office.

I'm a workaholic kind of person, but in an environment like this?

I'd love nothing but to take a break.

After rolling in the bed for god knows how long, I finally manager to walk over to the fairly organized desk and started doing my work.

Zayn Harold's security system was pretty easy to navigate, so detecting the two pathetic "hackers" who tried breaking into the system wasn't that hard.

I also checked all the devices that were connected to his network, and aside from a few existing vulnerabilities in some of them, I found nothing.

It wasn't long before I was laying on the bed again.

As I was taking in the comfort that the queen-size bed was giving me, I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep. By the time I was back conscious, two questions had already made their way up my mind.

One, why the hell didn't I lock the door? and two, why the fuck is she here?

"Maya?" I spoke wide-eyed as the child who used to be a part of my plan sat in front of my computer with her hands randomly pressing on the keyboard.

There are a thousand ways on how this thing could go down from here.

And Zayn finding out that she was here today was one of those things.

"Good morning, Sabrina," she greeted, kicking the rotating chair to face me. "What's the difference between a computer keyboard and a keyboard anyway?" She asked.

"You mean like piano-keyboard?" I asked, scratching the back of my head.

She nodded her head at that.

Standing up from the bed, I drowsily walked over to my desk with my brain pounding on my head.

God, I needed that nap.

"There are two obvious differences between them, Maya. The piano keyboard creates music, while the computer keyboard types letters, numbers, or symbols that appears on your computer monitor," I explained. "Now let's get you out of here before your dad fires me." I added, reaching out for her hand, but she just simply shook her head no.

"But I want to stay here," she whined. "Niko doesn't want to dress like a dinosaur." She added, throwing her head back in frustration.

I sighed at that.


"But Maya," I reasoned. "Your dad doesn't want you to be here. He's going to get really mad. Not just at you, but he's going to get really mad at me too." I added, trying to convince her that this is a bad idea.

With a long huff, she hopped off my chair and started stomping her way out of my office. Although I'm not a big fan of kid's fashion, I think she looks adorable with her double pigtails, brown leather boots, and her terno top and skirt.

Her expression while she was storming out of the office was something that I couldn't help but laugh at too.

I just wondered how did this sassy little girl ended up with a hot dad that any other girl like me would want to bring into bed?

As soon as she disappeared from my sight, I turned my chair around and faced my monitor screen. I have done almost all the work that I have for the day, but there's still one that I haven't really touched. After letting out a tired yawn, I started looking at my desk in order to find the flash drive that contains Zayn's very sensitive information. I'm sure that I left it here before I passed out and I was surprised that it wasn't there anymore.

Where the hell did that thing go?

Totally confused, I began looking almost everywhere.

I know that I can't lose that thing. I can't. I'd be doomed if I do.

As I was rummaging through the cabinets, I heard tapping coming from the wide open door of the room. Seriously though, I have to remember to lock that thing.

"I'm busy!" I hollered loud enough for whoever's outside to know that right now isn't really a good time to approach me.

But although I said that, the tapping on the door continued. I tried to ignore it at first, but it was just irresistible.

And when I turned around to see who was the idiot who couldn't take a hint, I saw the flashdrive.

Well— I saw the person who took the flash drive.

"Too valuable to lose, don't you think?" Maya teased as she leaned on the doorframe with a smirk on her face.

My eyes widened at that.

Oh no.

"Maya, give that back to me," I said. "This is not a game." I added slowly, although my heart literally felt like it's about to explode any minute from now.

Shoving the flashdrive in the pocket of her skirt, Maya stood up straight and gave me a mischievous grin.

"Don't worry, I will," she said, turning her back to me. "Only if you can catch me." She giggled before running down the hallway.

Groaning out of annoyance, I stood up from my chair and rubbed the sleep off my face.

This is going to be a long day.