
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Perfect Cell

Cell's figure was looming and his form was completely different. I could feel his ki, it was ridiculous. It had to be in the millions, Gero created this just to kill Gohan? Was he serious?

Gero was most certainly not sane to create such a monster. "Do you feel it? My power?"

Gohan shook his head, "What is wrong with Gero to create you."

Krillin dropped to his knees in silence and mumbled shaking his head. My eyes tried to follow Cell, but he moved to fast. He grabbed Gohan by the throat, I looked to Piccolo's downed body. I stumbled, and tried to signal Krillin to grab Piccolo and run.

I fired a beam of ki at Cell and he flicked it away with his hand. "That won't work you know."

"Put Gohan down, he gave me all his ki, you want to at least test your perfect form right?"

Cell smirked and Gohan struggled, "Run Eins... Its not worth it."

Cell tightened his grip on Gohan, "You can't provide me a challenge, best I fulfill ultimate purpose instead. That way I can move on to having some fun."

Krillin and Yamcha were flying off out of sight, but Cell leaned over, "I'll kill your friends soon enough. So run along and maybe you can train some before I destroy earth."

It hurt, but he was right. We couldn't fight him in his imperfect form, he was toying with us. Even with absorbing Yamcha's and Gohan's energy I was barely on par with him then.

Gohan gave me a sad look, "I'm sorry Einstein... good luck."

Cell then crushed Gohan's neck and it snapped. He dropped Gohan, and his head sat at an awkward angle. Cell smirked, "Take my advice, go train some. I am gonna go have some fun before the end of the world."

Before he flew off I asked, "Why? Why would you destroy the planet. Cell have a light shrug, "Why wouldn't I?"

He then disappeared. I couldn't help but frown in shame.


"We should check on him right?" The voice came from Krillin. He had saved me. If he hadn't we would've lost the dragon balls.

I shook my head, "Eins will be fine. Yamcha, you said he had an idea. If he has one he perfecting it, his sense of duty won't let him fail."

Krillin looked down, "Yeah, but won't he go insane in the hyperbolic time chamber? Specially with his current thoughts."

Kame clicked his cane on the ground. "He's used it plenty of times before, its how he kept up with Piccolo. Eins is a strong child with a good head on his shoulders. He will have his plan we will have ours."

Krillin sighed, and Yamcha returned from Korin's place. "Alright I think I know what we can do."

I looked at Yamcha, "Let me guess find Gero and hope he has an off switch like 17 and 18?"

Yamcha shrugged, "That and I kind of just want to beat the shit out of him."

Kame looked at us, "I thought 17 and 18 killed Dr.Gero?"

I sighed, we never filled him in. "No, Gero played them. The guy was planning on uploading his brain to a super computer. So technically he's dead, but technically isn't."

Kame shook his head, "Ridiculous, first that monster and now you are telling me Gero isn't dead. We are well and truly doomed."

I shrugged, "I'd have said we were fucked, but yeah."

Kame shook his head, "Piccolo, I'm not one to use foul language."

I gave a shrug, "Have you thought about fusing yet?"

Kame shook his head, "It won't help."

Yamcha leaned on a tree, "Where's Mr. Popo?"

Krillin pointed, "I believe he is looking into other option in the otherworld."

A silence overtook us and due to the recent events we couldn't relax. I sat down and breathed in. It was time to meditate after all it was that or worrying.


I may have forced everyone to comply. However I hate to say it, but they didn't have the ability. Each one had something holding them back, but I didn't. I pushed myself to the limit.

I squeezed every bit of energy from my body and restored it. Over and Over again, my plan required me to do this. After all it had three parts. The first was simple compared to the next two.

It was to complete the process for second mortal art. The second step was to practice a designed attack. An attack I'll name Cell Crusher. As the name implied it was built to kill Cell in particular. however specifically it would attack his cells. Like a contagion it would pass through his body and shut it down on the Cellular level.

It would destroy him inside out. An attack built just for him, the problem was I had come up with it while he was in his imperfect form. When his DNA was most likely still unstable. In his perfect form it may not work at all.

The third part of my plan, was the lump of ki. I needed to know figure it out. I thought I could use it previously, but instead I just blacked out. It likely kept me alive, but...

If that was all it did it would be a hindrance since it meant it would prevent me from basically using everything I had. If I was unconscious on life support I couldn't kill Cell and protect Earth could I?

I breathed in, and I went over the plan again. With a new coat of pain however, I debated everything that I could. I had to make sure everything was clear before I started practicing the Cell Crusher, because once I started I would have to leave once I finished it.