
Dragon Ball Ultimate

A die hard dragon ball fan dies after 107+ years of living and love for dragon ball, he died peacefully and because of the good and pure life he lived, is allowed for reincarnation and is reborn into dragonball with a pushup training system???

MigatteNoGoku · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 3

It only took an hour and thirty minutes before they arrived at the Kame house and the first person to come out was Master Roshi and Piccolo who were able to sense this domineering energy from miles away. Actually anyone with a decent KI sense could sense it from a good distance away considering how rambunctious and oppressive the aura felt. Following behind them was Krillin who felt the strong pressure as well and bulma who only knew that Goku would be coming. "Wow what type of training did Goku do in these few years...it feels as if he ascended as a God or something" Krillin commented in astonishment. "No...there's two other sources on that nimbus. One is significantly smaller but the second one is extraordinarily powerful. Whoever Son Goku brought with him this time...lets just hope they wont be a problem in the future." Piccolo said correcting Krillin's assumption.

As the nimbus came closer into view for Piccolo could see his eyes widened greatly, "ITS A KID?" which caused Roshi and Krillin to also have dinner plate eyeballs. The nimbus finally landed on the Island and Bulma immediately rushed to Kakarot, picking him and up snuggling her face on his. "Awnnn look at him~ He's a splitting image of you Goku! Isn't her just the cutest!! And who is that other cute little guy" she said putting down Kakarot who had no reaction and looking at Gohan but he hid behind Goku legs.

On the other hand while Kakarot looked around the Island and Goku explained to everyone that these were his sons, (Which should be obvious tbh) the Z-Fighters could not take their eyes off the mini goku over there who could seemingly oppress everyone with a word alone. "Goku, your son...HOW IS HE SO POWERFUL" Piccolo yelled in confusion and disorientation. "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN FEEDING HIM!!!" Piccolo still shouting with Goku just giving him and awkward laugh, "Well you see Im not to sure myself heheh. I guess he has his fathers fighting spirit!" Goku said proud of his son. "THIS IS MADNESS" Piccolo still going crazy over the current situation causing all the other Z-Fighters to sweat drop. Kakarot giggles knowing that this Piccolo was seriously out of character.

"The green man seems to be jealous of us Gohan" Kakarot jokes with his brother causing Gohan to giggle at Piccolo as well. Bulma found this extremely cute and couldn't help but just squeeze both of their squishy cheeks. Krillin and Roshi didn't have no words for the current strength of this child but it was a relief to know such a strong presence would be here to defend earth as well. "So..you guys wanna set up a picnic, I can call yamcha over?" Krillin suggested wanting to enlighten the mood. Everyone agreed that today was indeed a good day to hang out and have a friend/family reunion.

(Meanwhile far away)

"WHAT THE HELL? IS FRIEZA HIMSELF ON THIS PLANET!?!" A certain long spiky haired saiyan would yelled as his scouter exploded after someones power level was deemed immeasurable. "Thats the besides the point...whoever that is I best not offend them (Oh lord I've read too much wuxia). Just focus on the goal...Kakarot you idiot" He said flying towards Kakarot power level but little did he know that God-Like threat whom he didnt want to offend would be his own nephew.


'Hmm...sorry Goku you'll have to take one for the team...again. I awfully see this as a great opportunity to manipulate my own emotions and possibly achieve at SSJ at the age of 4. If this doesnt work...Raditz head will be our next Christmas Ornament heh heh heh' Kakarot thought to himself. He would take his short off and hop into the ocean under the act of swimming although he was waiting for the arrival of Raditz. On the other hand as Raditz approached the Z-Fighters he could not feel the presence of Kakarot as it was nullified by the water that he currently swam under. Suddenly behind the Z-Fighters they heard, "KAKAROT! You foolish bastard!" they heard yell a mysterious man who had the same wagging tail as Goku did in the past and his two sons. Goku although not knowing that was his saiyan name took offense to this as this stranger was badmouthing his son.

"Hey!" goku shouted out angrily. The Z-Fighters also became defensive and prepared to fight. At the same time Yamcha was just now arriving and saw what looked like his friends going up against another enemy. Krillin didnt specifically tell Yamcha why to come but now he assumed that it was a call for backup and berated himself for not showing up sooner. But actually this was perfect, he could use this chance to sneak attack the mad villain and have one up on him. Without second thought Yamcha rushed at Raditz from behind him but Raditz glanced back and backhanded slapped him to the ground instantly killing him. "NOOO" Goku yelled in a angrily menacing voice, his KI surged and power level raised to 600. He immediately went to fight Raditz and Krillin followed behind him but he was stopped by Piccolo who also tried to stop Goku but didnt have the strength to do so. "Dont Krillin...His power surpasses all of us combined"

"So it seems instead of destroying this world my pitiful little brother wanted to ally with the insects when we could be GODS" Raditz said not backing down from the Challenge and channeling energy into his fist. He would catch Goku's fist and punch him in the chest. Bulma in shock immediately covered Gohans eyed as she saw the inevitable happening and looked around for Kakarot but was no where to be found. She assumed the child was scared and ran into the house so she and Gohan did the same.

That punch caused Goku to lose breath in his chest and fell to his knees in front of his older brother. "Idiot brother, once I kill you I'll destroy your friends and the rest of your pathetic planet" Raditz said preparing to give Goku his final moments. "GOKUUUU" all the Z-Fighters yelled but before they could even move an aura so powerful screamed that it shook the whole world.

"DADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD" Kakarot shouted as he came out the ocean. Tears were flowing from his eyes and rose from the sea. This scream paralyzed Raditz as the sky darkened and thunder struck the sky. The anger in his eyes were audible and it was as if on instinct Kakarot had to. It was a MUST. A strong urge that he couldn't control and it was as if he could feel his fathers moment and burst into a rage. His body moved and thought on his own in that moment, "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH MY FATHER...YOU WILL DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" He shouted even louder yelling into the sky as he looked up and shouted. The whole world turned dark and the world was plunged into a complete power outage. A powerful aura surrounded the entire area around Kakarot (Much like when broly first went SSJ)

At this point Raditz had already had a stroke and died as the powerful words from Kakarot caused his heart to clench. Everyone watched as Kakarot ascended into the sky with a dominating yellow aura and spiky upwards hair engulfing him. The world was still dark and everyone looked into Kakarot's eyes in fear, amazement and worship as they saw this godly four year take over the skies.

Mans killed Raditz before he even finished the transformartion. I thought I would kill off Goku for plot but nahhh I had a better Idea. A sons instinct to protect their father, anyways SSJ4 at 7?

[ Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! ]

MigatteNoGokucreators' thoughts